"Okay!" Lin Feng nodded and looked at Tan Wan Wan: "Master Tan, look good, there are 10 heads in total. The original one is fierce, and it stands to reason that more money will be added. ."

  One hundred oceans, ten, that is a thousand oceans.

  Tan Wan Wan took a deep breath, feeling a little bit of a pain in the flesh.

  He knew that there were ghosts in his house, but he didn't expect that there would be so many.

  This made him feel somewhat remorseful. A thousand oceans were not a small number for him.

  It is equivalent to a month's profit of his business.

  "I've seen that kid before. It seems like he dragged me out of bed last time."

  "That fierce kick kicked me from the bed to the ground last time."


  When the family members saw these ghosts being escorted out, their legs trembled, but they were also excited.

  Hearing this, all the regrets in Tan Wanwan's heart disappeared.

  The mage in front of him can clean up this nest of ghosts. If he dares to regret not giving money, he can also clean up him.

  Gritting his teeth, he took out the banknotes from his arms, tremblingly counted ten pieces with a denomination of one hundred, and handed them over.

  "Master, this is a reward, please accept them."

  "It's easy to talk, you step back, my movement may be a little big!"

  Lin Feng stuffed the silver note into his pocket, made a seal with both hands, and began to perform ghost shepherding.

  "Forge the shape with fire, give it to me!"

  A trail of green ghosts appeared out of thin air, covering the ghosts that were just captured.

  In the green fire, those ghost soldiers have nothing to do, because they are trained by these ghost fires.

  And the ghosts in the house, one by one, got bad luck and began to scream. .

Chapter 5

  The ghost fire burned their skin and flesh, as if they still had a body.

  A trace of ghost fire drilled into their bodies, transforming their bodies, and at the same time condensing slave marks in their bodies.

  This slave mark is a mark that belongs to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng drives them with this mark.

  Tan Wanwan and others couldn't stand it any longer, and they escaped from the house one by one.

  After half a stick of incense, the transformation was completed, and Lin Feng had 10 more ghost soldiers.

  One of the evil spirits and nine evil spirits.

  Lin Feng had already prepared for the armor and Pu Dao, but once he was equipped, he was no different from other ghost soldiers.


  A group of ghost soldiers knelt down.


  Lin Feng waved his hand and put a group of ghost soldiers into the ghost bag at his waist.

  The ghost bag was bulging, and Lin Feng frowned: "It seems that we have to prepare a new container for collecting ghosts."

  Taking this matter to heart, he took a deep breath, and the momentum on his body became a little stronger, reaching the level of the middle stage of the mage.

  However, after subduing those 10 ghosts just now, his cultivation improved a bit.

  However, because of raising ghosts, his body was very yin and his face was pale, giving him a cold feeling.

  "If I look like this, if my brother sees me, I'm afraid I will be misunderstood by my brother."

  Lin Feng thought of Lin Jiu, Tanjia Town, which is right next to Renjia Town.

  And Renjia Town is Lin Jiu's guarding place, and Lin Jiu's dojo is right next to Renjia Town.

  Since he is here, he naturally wants to see it.

  At the same time, he also thought about the ghosts that Lin Jiu had suppressed by subduing demons and eliminating demons.

  There are also Dong Xiaoyu and Grandpa Ren from outside the town. If the plot of Mr. Zombie has not started, these are all things he can conspire.

  Especially the feng shui master who caused the old man to turn into a zombie, Lin Feng couldn't wait to meet for a while, because he should have corpse refining.

  That is different from Maoshan's corpse expulsion technique.Mao Shan's corpse removal technique was to temporarily refine the corpse into a walking corpse with mana, while the corpse refinement technique turned the corpse into a zombie directly.

  For the corpse refining technique, Lin Feng is very greedy, so, Ren Jiazhen, he must go and see.

  "Forget it, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, so what if I have practiced sorcery, I am also fighting demons everywhere, and I haven't messed up. Could he still eat me?"

  Suppressing the messy thoughts in his heart, Lin Feng turned around and left the Tan house.

  Tan Wanwan tried his best to keep him and wanted Lin Feng to stay in the Tan family town for a few days.

  Lin Feng knew what he was thinking, but he was afraid that the ghosts in the house had not been cleaned up.

  In this regard, Lin Feng can also understand, after all, people spend a thousand oceans.

  So, under the arrangement of Tan Wanwan, Lin Feng moved into Yihong Courtyard in Tanjia Town.

  Three days later, when night fell, Lin Feng left the Yihong Courtyard.

  "Brother Feng, come back next time!"

  "Brother Feng, stay one more night, it's free tonight."


  Amid the cheers of the poor people, Lin Feng was ready to travel all night.

  Wenrou Township is a hero's tomb, and if he stays any longer, he is afraid that his body will not be able to carry it.

  And the reason why he chooses to drive at night is because he wants to hit luck, what if he hits a ghost along the way?

  Now, although there are more than [-] ghost soldiers, he still feels that there are too few.

  Even if there are hundreds of ghosts together, he is embarrassed to call himself a ghost shepherd.

  However, perhaps the road from Tanjia Town to Renjia Town is very crowded on weekdays, but this road is quite clean.

  "Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid!"

  "Yin people go on the road, Yang people avoid!"


  As he was walking, Lin Feng suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from afar.

  "It's Senior Brother Four Eyes!"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up.Although he hadn't seen Simu for almost six years, he still heard it all at once.

  Immediately, he quickened his pace, and soon saw the group of people jumping in front of him.

  At the very front was a thin figure wearing apricot robes.


  Lin Feng quickly stepped forward.

  "Hey, boy wind, why did you come here?"

  Simu wiped the eyes on the bridge of his nose, his face full of surprises.

  "Didn't we pool the money for you to buy the landowner? Could it be that the big brother drove you down the mountain without giving you the money?"

  "Haha, how can the local owner be happy to walk around the rivers and lakes."

  Lin Feng scratched his head in embarrassment.

  It's not that he doesn't understand the kindness of the brothers.

  However, just five hundred oceans, enough to buy several acres of land?

  And, he's not here.

  "You kid, you still want to come out and go to the arena after you don't understand shit. Now the world is so chaotic... Oh, wait, your kid has cultivated mana?".

Chapter 6

  "Hey, yes, I'm also a mage now."

  Lin Feng released his breath.

  The gloomy aura made the walking corpse beside him sway unsteadily.

  "Good boy!" Si Mu patted Lin Feng's shoulder, but his face changed in a blink of an eye: "No, the breath on your body... What kind of magic are you practicing?"

  "Witchcraft? No, I just raised some ghosts."

  Lin Feng smiled and said that in the eyes of most Maoshan disciples, non-orthodox magic is a sorcery.

  And the first rule of Maoshan Gate is that right and wrong are opposed to each other and fight for life, so it is not surprising that the four eyes have such a big reaction.

  "Raising ghosts...you...ah..."

  The complexion of the four eyes changed one after another.

  "What's wrong with raising a ghost? Did I harm anyone!"

  Lin Feng knew about Si Mu. Among the brothers, Si Mu had a weird temper, but he was not old-fashioned.

  Therefore, Lin Feng believes that he should be able to accept this reality soon.

  After all, he has already cultivated, and he has already cultivated into a mage. It is difficult, and the four eyes can still abolish him.

  "Then how did the ghost you raise come from?" Si Mu asked.

  "I caught it myself." Lin Xi spread his hands.

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