This kind of thing is very rare in this day and age.

  Adulterers and prostitutes don't deserve to die.

  However, this time, things are not so simple.

  Because, since Chu Renmei was beaten to death last night, strange things have happened in the village.

  The most obvious point is that the chickens, dogs and livestock in the village have not stopped for a few days, but they have become noisy again.

  Moreover, it was even more noisy than the last time.

  The prominent people in the village got together in the morning, and after the discussion, they panicked again.

  Could it be that the long-haired brow had not finished eliminating the demons last time, and the demon had come out to make trouble again.

  Immediately, they sent people to Renjia Town again, and asked a raised eyebrow to come and take a look.

  However, the person who went to invite people has not returned.

  In the village, something happened.

  And, no small thing.

  Rather, dead.

  First, it was the old man who died.

  The elderly are getting older and dying, which is logically and normal.

  However, there were only six elderly people in the village in their [-]s and [-]s, but in just one hour, they died one after another.

  There are two of them. On weekdays, their bodies are still very tough.

  This happened.

  The villagers suddenly panicked.

  In the village, it's so weird.

  The sun is shining brightly tomorrow, but the villagers can't feel the slightest warmth.

  One by one is too cold.

  Usually wearing a shirt is enough to keep out the cold.

  Today, all the people in the village are wearing winter clothes.

  Even so, the villagers still felt cold.

  The village chief suddenly panicked.

  It feels like calling everyone together, getting together, and going out of the village.

  Let's go find a long-haired man together.

  When Yimei Daochang was not there, they felt insecure.

  At this time, strange things happened again.

  The road out of the village is clearly ahead.

  But no matter how they go.

  But he never left the village.

  Some villagers were driven crazy.

  Yelling to go home.

  But he didn't want to, he slammed his head into the earth wall, his head blossomed and his brains splashed.

  A weak person strangled himself by the neck, and then strangled himself to death.

  Someone went home blankly, found a rope, hung it on the beam, and hanged himself alive.

  The rest, no matter how daring and fat, were terrified.

  Then, one by one, they died inexplicably.

  For a few hours, the originally lively Huangjia Village fell into silence.

  However, except for a child who had left alone last night, and the middle-aged man who went to Renjia Town to rescue soldiers, there was no other living person.

  Under the scorching sun.

  The middle-aged man who went to Renjia Town to rescue soldiers was taking Lin Jiu and his disciples to Huangjia Village.

  Lin Jiu was also very puzzled.

  It's only been a few days, what happened to Huangjiacun.

  What happened last time was clearly handled very cleanly.

  It's hard to believe that under the cleanup of him and Lin Feng, what else escaped the net.

  This kind of thing has an impact on his reputation.

  After all, he is within a radius of dozens of miles, but he relies on his face to eat.

  Therefore, when people from Huangjia Village found him, he immediately put down his work and rushed to Huangjia Village.

  However, since it was daytime, he was not too anxious.

  Because generally speaking, no matter it is a ghost or a zombie, it will fall asleep during the day and will not come out to harm people.

  Especially today the sun is very big.

  During the day, Huangjia Village was even more secure.

  There won't be any big problems.

  They hurried at the normal speed like this, and it happened to be late (Li Nuozhao).

  At that time, just look at this Huangjia Village, what is going on.

  There is no need to look for it, and the pestle has nothing to do.

  I don't want to, while walking, the middle-aged man from Huangjia Village who came to invite him suddenly shuddered and froze in place.


  "Do not--"

  There was a look of horror on the man's face.

  The eyes stared at the boss Yang.

  Then, the body stiffened and fell directly to the ground.

  "what happened?"

  Lin Jiu's expression changed slightly, he squatted down, and checked.

  His face changed suddenly.

  People are dead.

  was frightened to death. .

Chapter 354

  "What's going on here?"

  "It was fine just now, why all of a sudden, people are gone?"

  Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also squatted down, their faces full of doubts.

  This is so wicked.

  "There are traces of resentment, this matter has something to do with ghosts.

  In broad daylight, the sky is bright, and the sun shines brightly, all the ghosts can make trouble.

  No, that Huangjiacun is dangerous. "

  Lin Jiu checked it gradually, with a solemn expression on his face.

  "It can harm people in broad daylight, what kind of ghost is so powerful?"

  Wen Cai narrowed his eyes.

  In his impression, no matter how fierce the ghost, in the daytime, it can't make any big waves.

  "Master, you can't read it wrong."

  Qiu Sheng even directly doubted Lin Jiu's judgment.

  "I don't know either, regardless, Huangjiacun, it's dangerous.

  Qiusheng, you carry him on your back.

  We have to use some means to get to Huangjia Village early. "

  Lin Jiu didn't say much, and arranged directly.

  At the same time, in his hand, four divine runes appeared.

  Fu Guang fell, clinging to Qiu Sheng Wen Cai's thighs.

  At the same time, he was a light talisman, which he threw on the middle-aged man.

  But it is to three people and one corpse to travel together.

  But he was afraid of the power of the ghost.

  Don't dare to go alone first, let Qiusheng and Wencai stay with the corpse.

  I don't want to leave the corpse alone here, so that nothing happens.

  Unfortunately, that's all there is to it.

  Although a little slower.

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