But with him in the lineup, there won't be any major problems.



  Lin Feng and Shi Jian, on the Coffin Mountain, turned around, and rejected the old Taoist priest's request to keep them together for dinner.

  "The rumors are unbelievable. If the guy didn't lie just now, this corpse sect is much cleaner than the average sect."

  After going down the mountain, Shi Jian couldn't help sighing.

  Through just a short contact, he found that the old Taoist was a good person. Except for the practice of corpse refining, which is not tolerated by the world, other aspects can be said to be very simple.

  "Senior brother, the corpse sect is not tolerated by the world, but by the world's major sects, you should be clear about this."

  Lin Feng said.

  The great factions in the world cannot represent the people of the world.

  "Haha, the corpse sect's actions in the past were indeed a bit overbearing, if you really take charge of the corpse sect in the future, you really have to learn a lesson.

  After all, no matter how strong a sect is, it is impossible to oppose the sects in the world. "

  Shi Jian laughed.

  The grievances of thousands of years ago, who is right and who is right, is clear.

  The fuse of the war may indeed be because the corpse-hunting faction is unscrupulous, stealing the corpses of the ancestors of other people's strong ancestors.

  However, the deeper reason, at the level of Shi Jian, can't be seen.

  Nothing more than profit.

  In this holy land, no matter whether it is good or evil, it will not allow a big force that is above them to exist.

  This is the root cause of the corpse-hunting faction's collapse overnight.

  The two talked as they walked, and soon, they were outside the Huangjia Village again.

  At this time, as the sun sets, Huangjia Village looks more evil than it did in the morning.


  The whole village was constantly filled with black grievances, rising from the village into the air, and in the air, it condensed into a black cloud, which directly blocked the sunlight and caused shadows to shroud the entire village.

  "No, this town, I'm afraid something has happened."

  In Shi Jian's eyes, there is lightning wandering.

  But in his heart, anger rose, and there was already killing intent.

  In the morning, but he said that ghosts will not appear during the day, it is appropriate to come back in the afternoon to deal with this matter.

  And now, the village is in trouble.

  And, depending on the situation, something must have happened.

  This is actually his dignified Dharma King Thunder and Lightning, who was slapped in the face by that unknown ghost.

  So frenzied, does this think that his Lightning Lightning Fist of Lightning Dharma King is not violent enough?

  "The black cloud covers the top, this is a great omen.

  Over there, the third senior brother seems to have also arrived.

  Let's go to the village together. "

  Lin Feng half-squinted his eyes, but he saw at a glance that on the road not far away, Lin Jiuzheng was rushing to the village with Qiusheng and Wencai.

  "This guy, why did he come?"

  Shi Jian followed the direction of Lin Feng's finger and found the trace of Lin Jiu.

  He didn't have a good relationship with Lin Jiu.

  Because of his temperament, he even disliked Lin Jiu.

  However, everyone is struggling to revitalize the three veins.

  So at least on the surface, their relationship is still passable.

  Moreover, now, Lin Feng is on the side.

  No matter what, you have to give face to this little apprentice, right?

  So, Shi Jian nodded: "Well, this place belongs to his garrison, let him take action to deal with this matter.".

Chapter 355

  "Three brothers."

  Lin Feng stepped forward and said hello.

  "Kid Feng... Big Brother..."

  Lin Jiu's body was shocked, but he didn't make it. Shi Jian and Lin Feng actually appeared here.

  "Master Uncle, Junior Uncle."

  "Master Uncle, Junior Uncle."

  Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai hurriedly saluted.

  However, he knew that Uncle Master was the most respectful.

  I'm rude in front of him, maybe he won't say anything.

  However, this loss is Master's face-.

  After returning, the master ordered to clean them up very ruthlessly.


  Shi Jian nodded and looked at Qiusheng's back.

  Without waiting for him to ask, Lin Feng had already said, "You kid, who did you carry?"

  "It's the villagers of this village who came to me for help, but they didn't want to be killed by ghosts in the middle of the road."

  Before Qiusheng could speak, Lin Jiu answered.

  "Murder from the air! Did you find anything unusual?"

  Shi Jian's face changed slightly.

  Lin Jiu's ability, he knew.

  In terms of fighting, my junior brother may not be as good as me.

  After all, his Lightning Lightning Fist is good at attacking.

  However, when it comes to catching ghosts and taking demons, he is one step behind him.

  "There was no sign at all, and by the time I discovered the anomaly, he was already dead.

  And I found the abnormality, that is, after his death, the soul is gone.

  Timing that ghost, with special magical powers, detained its soul. "

  Lin Jiu's face was very ugly.

  Killed in his face.

  That ghost, do you look down on his mother?

  "Let's go, go into the village and see, that ghost must be hiding in the village."

  Lin Feng said.

  He was very curious about this ghost.

  In broad daylight, taking people's lives from the air.

  Or, in front of a geographer who is good at catching ghosts, taking people's lives.

  Such a method, even a ghost king, may not be able to do it.

  And in his perception, the most vicious ghost in this village is obviously just a serious ghost.

  A savage ghost has such magical powers.

  This guy has unlimited potential.

  The corpse sect needs such talents.

  Lin Jiu didn't move, but looked at Shi Jian.

  No matter what, Shi Jian is a big brother.

  Before taking action, it is still necessary to seek his opinion.

  "This is your garrison, you can solve it yourself."

  Shi Jian said coldly.

  It's true, I don't want to get involved.

  Because, it is not necessary.

  With Lin Jiu there, he didn't need to take action at all.

  After all, Lin Jiu is also a geographer now.

  And in terms of catching ghosts, he is even better than him.

  "Well, then go in and have a look. I hope there are still people alive in the village."

  Seeing Shi Jian not intervening, Lin Jiu nodded.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "Then Master, the one on my back?"

  Qiu Sheng said with a bitter face.

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