The one on his back is wearing a light body charm, but he is not light.

  Along the way, although he has the help of the divine talisman, he is also exhausted.

  After all, the Divine Rune Talisman only made him go faster, but it didn't make him infinitely powerful.

  "Continue to carry it."

  Lin Jiu glared at Qiusheng.

  He really didn't want to leave the body behind.

...... 0

  I am afraid that something will happen to the corpse and cause trouble.

  "Little Master Uncle..."

  Qiu Sheng didn't dare to resist, so he could only cast his eyes on Lin Feng for help.

  "I'll control him."

  Lin Feng waved his hand, and a black light penetrated into the dead body.

  The corpse froze immediately, slipped off Qiu Sheng's back, stood up straight, and stretched his arms.

  But in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng had already made it into a walking corpse.


  "I'm exhausted."

  Qiusheng breathed a sigh of relief and ran to the archway at the entrance of the village.

  No, there is water flowing.

  It was the people of Huangjia Village who led the water from the well to every household in the village through bamboo.

  Qiusheng tasted this water a few days ago, and it was very sweet.

  Now I take another sip, and it's still sweet.

  "I'll take a bite too."

  Wencai was also very thirsty.

  He stepped forward and took two gulps.begging.

Chapter 356


  Lin Feng had already discovered the abnormality of the spring water, but Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were moving too fast, and they had already started before he could say hello.

  "You two guys, dare to drink water anywhere!"

  Immediately, he reprimanded with a straight face.

  Now, he, Shi Jian, and Lin Jiu are here.

  No matter how these two living treasures die, they will never die.

  But in the future, if these two guys act alone, they will be so reckless.

  The ghost knew where they were going to die.

  "What's the matter, little uncle?

  The mountain spring here is delicious. "

  Qiusheng was puzzled.

  Shi Jian and Lin Jiu also looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

  But he didn't notice anything unusual in the water.

  "Look at this water with your eyes."

  Lin Feng shook his head.

  He is the pinnacle of sorcery.

  He is very sensitive to all the dark side auras such as ghosts and resentment.

  Therefore, all the sneaky people in this place cannot escape their eyes.




  All four were lucky.

  Lightning flashed in Shi Jian's eyes.

  In Lin Jiu's eyes, a light flashed.

  In an instant, I saw the resentment that was entangled in the water.

  Qiusheng and Wencai took out the leaves soaked in cow tears from their arms and scratched them in front of their eyes.

  Immediately, I saw black shadows in the water.


  The two suddenly panicked.

  He put his hand in his mouth, wanting to take out the water he drank.

  Unfortunately, that's so easy.

  "Two incompetent guys!"

  Lin Jiu cursed inwardly, but there was no expression on his face. He stepped out and waved the two of them to fly, and then the strong mana slammed into the stomachs of the two.



  Two water swords spewed out of their mouths.



  The two fell to the ground with their butts to the ground, embarrassed.

  "It's too late, the resentment in the water has melted into their bodies, and they have already been recruited.

  However, they are all practitioners in the end, with mana to protect their bodies, and the ghosts want to harm them, but it is not as easy as harming ordinary people. "

  Shi Jian shook his head.

  The ghost hides its resentment in the water.

  Even he could not find it in the first time.

  No wonder these two boys got caught.

  "It's okay, let's go take a look first. With us here, no matter how fierce the ghost is, it can't make a big wave."

  Lin Feng waved his hand and walked into the village first.

  Resentment is hidden in the water.

  From the water, he faintly saw a blue figure with disheveled hair.

  Combined with the name of this village - Huangjia Village.

  Lin Feng had a vague guess about the haunting ghost.

  However, it was only after he was caught that he knew whether it was the great terror.

  "Well, you two boys, you should be careful when you are alone in the future. Don't drink the water outside, especially in a place where you know there are weird things, and you might overturn the boat in the gutter."

  Shi Jian nodded and taught a lesson.

  Although he did not like Lin Jiu.

  But there is no prejudice against Qiusheng and Wencai.

  The special is for the literary talents, and the more I look at it, the more I am happy.  …

  This kid, although he looks old, is not very old, only in his twenties.

  Twenty sorcerers.

  In the future, the Archmage is hopeful.

  When it grows up, it will be the backbone of the three veins.

  Now, the three veins are weak, but they need this kind of fresh blood the most.


  After Lin Jiu taught him a lesson, Qiu Shengwen dared to talk back.

  But when Shi Jian preached, these two guys could only keep their heads down, and they didn't dare to put a fart.

  A group of people walked in.

  The sun, at this moment, completely fell into the west side of the mountain.

  The demon cloud rolled over the Huangjia Village, and the entire village was completely plunged into darkness.

  However, this basically had no effect on the geologists like Lin Feng, Shi Jian, and Lin Jiu.

  It is also Qiusheng Wencai, whose vision is slightly blocked.

  But they were all used to working at night, so it didn't affect their actions.


  The cold mountain wind blows.

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