Growing up under Lin Jiu, Qiu Sheng's desire to survive is still very strong.

  Shi Jian turned around and looked at Lin Feng.

  He has not seen Lin Feng take action.

  However, he really wanted to know what means he, the famous little junior brother in the world, had.

  It is definitely impossible for this small ghost village to use its real skills.

  However, if you look at the leopard in the tube, you can see a little scrutiny.

  "Okay, finish things early, go to drink early~々."

  Lin Feng nodded, but he didn't see any big movements, just stretched out his hand, the black lotus in his eyes turned, and there was evil light spilling out of his eyes.


  Just listen to him drink lowly.

  Not much sound.

  But in the village, the ears of many ghosts with scattered intelligence are like thunder.

  Thunder exploded.

  Wake up all the ghosts from the hazy.

  At the same time, a force of arrest locked all the ghosts in the village and pulled them in the direction of Lin Feng.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  One after another black air came from all directions and fell into Lin Feng's hands.

  In Lin Feng's hands, it turned into a ghost ball that was spinning.

  Jie Jie Jie-


  I died terribly—






  The sound of ghost crying came from the ghost ball.

  Let Qiusheng and Wencai become horrified.

  "Follow the law, this kid, his attainments in the ghost way have reached such a terrifying level."

  Shi Jian's eyes widened.

  If he didn't know, the ghosts of this village would definitely have nothing to do with Lin Feng.

  He probably thought that these ghosts were actually stocked by Lin Feng.


  Lin Jiu was by the side, silent.

  Raising ghosts and refining zombies is this kid's forte.

  At this time, when all the ghosts came to court, he was not surprised.

  "So many ghosts."

  "These ghosts, don't look at the strength, but together, it is also very terrifying."

  Qiusheng and Wencai did not dare to stay by Lin Feng's side at this moment.

  The breath on Lin Feng's body was really weird.

  They even have an out-of-body idea that they want to throw into their hands.

  This is evil power, which invaded their thoughts.

  infected their consciousness.

  If Lin Feng targets them.

  Just this sentence can make them disappear from life and death and turn them into ghosts.

  "¨~ Sure enough, not in the village?"

  After a few breaths, no more black air came.

  However, it was a ghost in the village, and it had already disappeared into Lin Feng's hands, and there was nothing left.

  However, they are all ghosts and ominous souls, and the resentful master is not among them.

  It's not that Lin Feng's kung fu is not at home.

  It was the ghost that was not within the range of his summons.

  "(Wang Dehao) It should be in the pool behind the village."

  Lin Feng moved in his heart.

  Waving firmly.

  In front of him, the void oscillates, the waves rippling, and a water mirror emerges.

  A water pool appeared in the water mirror.

  As if to perceive that there seems to be some great terror about to come.

  In the pool, a blue figure emerged from the water.

  disheveled, where to turn.

  A faint, moving voice came out through the water mirror: "The husband is in the place of his heart, and the concubine is in a broken heart, and the grievance is full of grievances. It is not easy to meet and separate, and the abandoned woman regrets it late...".

Chapter 359

  The voice is gentle and fascinated.

  "Chu people are beautiful, everyone!"

  Qiusheng was shocked.

  Directly through the singing, I guessed the identity of the blue figure.

  But it was Lin Jiu, who seemed to be fine on weekdays and liked to hear it.

  In the past, Lin Jiu's favorite was Lan Guifang.

  Before Lan Guifang, in fact, Lin Jiu's favorite was Chu Renmei.

  However, a few years ago, Chu Renmei suddenly retired, which gave Lan Guifang a chance to rise to the top.

  Qiusheng used to follow Lin Jiu to listen to the play, so naturally he knew this voice very clearly.

  "Everyone Chu, how is that possible?"

  Wen Cai suddenly jumped up.

  He is also a fan of Chu Renmei.

  And he was no more fascinated than Lin Jiuqian.

  Listening to the voice at this moment, it is exactly the same as Chu Renmei's voice.

  However, he didn't dare to think about it.

  "It's really everyone Chu... ah..."

  Lin Jiu sighed.

  There was a little sadness on his face.

  But I didn't expect that goodbye to the beautiful woman is already a matter of human beings.

  "I didn't expect you to be old acquaintances."

  Lin Feng looked strange.

  This Chu Renmei is a famous Cantonese opera actress, he knows it.

  After all, the scalp-tingling singing voice is not at all level, so it cannot be sung.

  However, he did not expect that Chu Renmei used to be famous in this provincial capital.

  Even Lin Jiu was her fanboy.

  It's just that reputation doesn't matter.

  Now, she is a devil.

  The ferocious ghost who just killed hundreds of people in a village is full of resentment.

  Therefore, this does not prevent Lin Feng from catching ghosts.

  I saw him sticking out his free left hand and reaching into the water mirror.

  The water mirror shattered, Lin Feng's hand shrank back, and there was already a thick ghost in his hand.

  The ghost was rolling.

  Among them, there is a faint singing voice.

  Makes hair tingling.

  The ghosts of the Specter level were not challenging at all for Lin Feng.

  It can be said that it is no different from ants.


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