On the tumbling ghost energy, a miserable green ghost fire burned.

  But it was Lin Feng, and Duo Chu Renmei used his ghost shepherding technique.

  The fire of shepherds has transformed Chu Renmei, making the resentment in her body even more pure.

  "It's a mere ghost, it's unbearable to use, simply, I will fulfill you today!"

  Feeling the change in Chu Renmei's body, Lin Feng's mind moved, and on his right hand, from the swirling ghost ball, black qi was drawn out and submerged into Chu Renmei's body.

  "Little Martial Uncle, is this going to create another ghost and god?"

  "Oh, people are not as good as ghosts!"

  Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other with envy.

  However, she knew that Chu Renmei must have benefited greatly.

  This can be seen from the increasingly cold air around.


  Shi Jian's eyes widened, watching all this.

  From the words of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, he got important information.

  That is, Lin Feng can create ghosts and gods.

  Such a means is amazing, and he also longs to have it.

  Even if it was a sorcery, he wouldn't care.

  Three veins, it is too weak.

  He is afraid, afraid that he will follow the steps step by step, and he will not see the rise of the three meridians in his lifetime.

  Therefore, it is not impossible for the sword to go sideways in extraordinary times.

  "What is this kid doing?"

  Lin Jiu's face was not very good-looking.

  After all, he is an honest man in the right way.

  The worst thing to see is these wicked things.

  Gradually, on Lin Feng's right hand, the ghost ball that was spinning slowly faded from black to almost transparent.

  Indistinctly visible, countless figures floating and sinking.

  And the ghost energy on his left hand became more and more vigorous.


  Just when the black energy on his right hand was about to be exhausted.

  The black energy in the left hand suddenly burst.

  A coercion belonging to a ghost general emanated from it.

  Lin Feng casually tossed it.

  The black air fell to the ground and turned into a blue-clothed woman.

  Her hair was disheveled, her head bowed, and her face was indistinct.

  "Thank you, master!"

  Chu Renmei stood in front of Lin Feng and said respectfully. .

Chapter 360

  "It's so simple from a ghost to a ghost general!"

  Shi Jian was directly stunned.

  Ghosts have changed from serious ghosts to ghost generals, and I think of cultivators from archmage to earth master.

  Because of their unique nature, the stronger the resentment, the stronger the strength of the ghost, so it is easier for the ghost to go from the ghost to the ghost than the cultivator.

  However, the early stage is easy, and the later stage is naturally - difficult.

  It stands to reason that the difficulty of ordinary ghosts from ghosts to ghosts is definitely two or three times higher than the difficulty of ordinary cultivators from archmage to earth master.

  However, think about how much effort it took to get from the archmage to the earth master.

  Looking at the beauty of Chu people in front of him, it was easy to go from a ghost to a ghost general, and Shi Jian couldn't help but think that a human was inferior to a ghost.

  "Wait, Specter, you can kill a village in broad daylight.

  This Chu Renmei is not an ordinary ghost.

  Moreover, he has Lin Feng, who is proficient in ghost arts, to help extract the resentment of hundreds of other ghosts.

  It seems not incomprehensible to accumulate the resentment of hundreds of ghosts and push a Specter who is already resentful to the level of a ghost general. "

  His face changed.

  Shi Jian had to accept the reality.

  That is, my little junior brother is really too enchanting.

  In particular, his accomplishments in ghost realms can be described as unfathomable.

  "Ferocious souls make ghosts, ghosts make ghost generals..."

  Although Lin Jiu had already guessed what Lin Feng wanted to do.

  Also know that it will definitely succeed.

  But when he succeeded, his heart still couldn't help shaking.

  Such a method is too heaven-defying. If it hadn't been for the right time, place, and people, Lin Feng would have created a large group of ghost generals, and he would not have ruled the world.

  "It will be true, I really want to be a ghost under my uncle."

  Qiu Sheng's eyes were full of envy.

  Ghost general.

  That is the existence of the same level as the geographer.

  Geomaster, he has never even dared to think about it in his life.

  "You have no grievances, little uncle doesn't look down on you."

  Wen Cai said sadly, "I don't have any resentment either, and my little uncle doesn't look down on me either."

  "Well, I don't want to know about your past, just cut it off when you enter my door."

  Lin Feng nodded.

  Vengeance has been avenged.

  This Chu Renmei is still resentful.

  This proves that it is indeed a good seedling of ghosts and gods.

  However, it is impossible for her to continue the unprovoked killing.


  Chu Renmei nodded.

  Being refined by ghost herdsmanship, Lin Feng's words, to him, are imperial edicts.

  Lin Feng waved his hand, put it in his sleeve, and then looked at Lin Jiu: "Senior brother, these soul grievances are gone, I really have to trouble you to send them reincarnated."

  The grievances of the ghosts in his hands were extracted, leaving only the purest soul, which was useless to Lin Feng.

  However, this was indeed a great gift for Lin Jiu.

  Because to save them, there is Yin virtue.

  Usually, this pure soul will be taken away by the ferryman just after leaving the body.

  Only those who are resentful and turn into ghosts need to be saved.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  And overcoming ghosts is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there is no such thing as the ease of overcoming souls directly.

  And the reason why Lin Feng looked at Lin Jiu and didn't consult Shi Jian was because Shi Jian had already said, let Shi Jian handle the matter here.

  "Hundreds of souls need to be transcended at one time, but I am not able to do it alone. I have to ask the senior brother to help me."

  Lin Jiu never thought about eating alone.

  Hundreds of souls and massive amounts of yin virtues are naturally part of those who see it.

...... 0

  Lin Feng practiced sorcery, so naturally he couldn't use it.

  But here Shi Jian, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are all useful.

  As for Chu Renmei, who had just killed the Quartet.

  Lin Jiu was very sensible and didn't mention it.

  But he knew that since he was under Lin Feng's command, it would not be his turn to eliminate the devil and guard the road.

  "it is good!"

  Shi Jian nodded.

  The practice of Mao Shanshu requires Yin virtue.

  He will not think that he is too wicked all day long.

  "You two boys, don't go to prepare things, set up an array to save the dead..."

  Lin Jiu looked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who were on the side, and began to give instructions.

  To save hundreds of dead souls at one time, you need to open the gate of hell.

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