But need to prepare a lot of things.

  Fortunately, these things should be able to be found in the village.

  Because last time, when he looked at Feng Shui in Huangjia Village, he had asked the villagers to prepare it.

  Last time, these things didn't work.

  But I didn't want to, in a few days, I really used it.begging.

Chapter 361

  Several people were busy for nearly an hour.

  On the open space in the middle of Huangjia Village, a large formation used to reverse yin and yang was laid out.

  In the great formation, the souls of hundreds of people from Huangjia Village were sent inside.

  They also know that this is the end of the matter, and reincarnation is their best way out.

  Otherwise, they can only be suppressed, and it is absolutely impossible for them to stay and wander in this Yang World.

  Furthermore, the grievances in their bodies were extracted, and even if Lin Jiu let them go, they would lose their spirits at dawn.

  "Master, let's get started!"

  Lin Jiu looked at Shi Jian.

  "it is good! "

  Shi Jian nodded.

  There was a slight blush on his face.

  Opening the gates of hell, and transcending hundreds of souls into the underworld at one time, he never dared to imagine such a big deal before.

  After all, such a thing is unavoidable!

  Moreover, the gate of hell is not so easy to open.

  It is a big sin to open the gate of hell without authorization!

  In the underworld, there are also many ghosts and gods wandering around.

  As soon as the gate of the ghosts is opened, those ghosts and gods will swarm over when they smell the breath of the Yang world.

  If you are not careful, let those ghosts and gods rush out, causing chaos in the world.

  The karma generated by the killing and evil will naturally be entangled in the originator.

  So basically, unless forced to, very few people will open the door to hell.

  And the reason why Lin Jiu dared to think so.

  But it was because he himself had a position in the Underworld.

  Plus, he is a geographer himself.

  Beside him, there is Shi Jian and Lin Feng.

  Behind Lin Feng, there is the unfathomable "four ancestors".

  With such strength, he is naturally not afraid of ghosts and gods breaking out.

  "Today there are Maoshan disciples Shi Jian and Lin Jiu..."

  The two looked at each other and began to cast spells.

  A streak of clear light rose from their bodies.

  Formation, at the same time, also rises clear light.

  "Open the gate of hell, and in the future, when we go out, we have something to brag about."

  Qiusheng and Wencai couldn't help at this moment, they could only watch silently.

  Their eyes were extremely hot.

  Such a big scene is not common.

  The yin and yang gossip rises from the formation and keeps spinning, just like yin and yang two fishes, constantly chasing, shrouding all the souls in it.

  Shi Jian has a positive eye, and Lin Jiu has a negative eye.

  "Ghost door, open!"

  Suddenly, Lin Jiu shouted loudly.

  with Shi Jian.

  A mana hit.

  into the void in mid-air.


  Muffled like thunder.

  Void tumbling.

  Then, there was a clicking sound.

  But the gap between yin and yang was broken.

  A hole connecting yin and yang is revealed.


  The gloomy wind whistled.

  From the yin world, it blew into the yang world.

  Accompanied by the gloomy wind, there is also a rolling mist.

  In the Huangjia Village, the fog rose, and in an instant, it turned into a ghost.


  in the underworld.

  A dark and desolate area.

  Suddenly, the sky really exploded.

  Somewhere in the dark sky, a dazzling light appeared.

  Light, extending along the cracks in the sky.

  Then, the sky couldn't hold it any longer, and a hole was directly cracked...  

  The hot breath and rays of light poured out from the hole, turned into a beam of light, fell on the ground, and penetrated the sky.

  It is clearly visible for dozens of miles around.

  "Yang Qi!"

  "I smell the sun!"

  "It smells of flesh and blood!"


  Within a few dozen miles, all the ghosts instantly turned their attention to this place.

  "Jie Jie Jie-"



  In an instant, all the ghosts within dozens of miles rioted.

  Desperately coming here from all directions.

  Among them, there are low-level ghosts, and there are powerful ghosts and gods comparable to earth masters.

  At the end of the darkness, there are underworld soldiers patrolling around.

  Suddenly, a team of patrolling Yin soldiers stopped and looked here.

  "I'm good at driving Yin-Yang Road, who is courting death?"

  The leading Yin soldier's eyes gleamed fiercely, and he brought his subordinates and came straight here.

  Huangjia Village.

  Lin Jiu and Shi Jian's eyes were full of solemnity, staring at the hole in the air.

  When they opened the gate of hell, they didn't directly send the soul in.

  In this case, it is not to save these souls, but to harm these souls.

  They opened the gates of hell to attract the attention of the underworld.

  Then, hand these souls into the hands of the emissary.

  However, many times, the ghosts and gods wandering in the wilderness of the underworld will arrive in advance before the emissary arrives.

  What they need to do is to block these ghosts and gods before the emissaries arrive.

  Otherwise, these ghosts and gods will break into the yang world and cause chaos between yin and yang. .

Chapter 362

  Yin world.

  Under the hole in the sky.

  Dense ghosts gathered.

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