These are all vicious and vicious ghosts who cannot enter reincarnation.

  Not qualified to enter the city under the rule of the underworld and the blessed land of the major factions.

  Of course, there are many who do not want to go.

  After all, if you accept the blessing of others, you must be governed by them.

  So, they wandered in the wilderness.


  And now, smelling the breath of yang, they all flocked here.

  The yang energy that can be seen everywhere in the yang world is very rare and valuable in the yin world.

  They come here to take a breath of yang energy, which is definitely equivalent to several hours of penance on weekdays.

  If there is a chance, rush into the Yang World and take a few mouthfuls of blood.

  Tsk tsk, that cultivation base is absolutely skyrocketing.

  However, ordinary ghosts don't want these 24 good things at all.

  The big hole that exudes this yang energy not only exudes endless yang energy, but also exudes this endless coercion.

  Ordinary ghosts can't get close at all.

  Even Li Gui really dared to rush up, fearing that he would have been incinerated by the scorching sun before he was rushed to the hole.

  Only ghosts and gods at the level of ghost generals have the ability to rush over, break through the shackles, and see the sun again.

  However, the scorching sun will also greatly reduce their strength.

  This is also the reason why in the world of Yang, many great masters dare to open the Yin-Yang Road as long as they have a backer behind them.

  Of course, the Yin-Yang Road they opened could not be comparable to the Yin-Yang Road that Lin Jiu and the others were currently driving.

  After all, Lin Jiu and the others are going to send hundreds of souls into the underworld at one time.

  "The smell of yang is so good!"

  A dark shadow came from the sky.

  This is a vicious bird.

  Body length of more than [-] meters.

  Spread your wings, cover the sky.

  As soon as it appeared, it was a bird alone, bearing the yang qi that poured down like a stream of water.

  Below, all the ghosts and monsters sensed the terrifying aura above, and they were all silent and did not dare to make a noise.

  This ominous bird is the overlord within a hundred miles.


  "No, that swallowing devil arrived earlier than us."

  In the distance, the yin soldiers who came over looked at the ominous bird that was blocking the yin and yang passage.

  That ominous bird is the overlord of this area, the existence of the peak of the demon general.

  If you let it break into the Yang World.

  Trouble yin and yang.

  These patrollers are to blame.

  "I smell it, the breath of flesh and blood."

  Soon, the ominous bird was no longer satisfied with the baptism of pure yang energy, and suddenly waved its wings and drilled out of the hole.


  Lin Feng moved in his heart.

  But it was noticed that a fierce aura came from the hole of the two worlds.

  This breath has almost reached the level of a Celestial Master.

  Even if it's close, it's not far off.

  "Go back to me!"

  It was at this point that the time came.

  On his body, the electric light surged, and the lightning rushed to the thunder fist.

  A bolt of lightning struck.

  The ominous bird, under great pressure, stuck its head out of the hole.

  Before he could take a breath of the purest Yang Qi, thunder and lightning landed on his head.

  Lightning Lightning Fist is the most restraint of these evil monsters.


  Demon blood splattered.

  The head of the ominous bird directly exploded a small hole.

  The ominous bird's body is paralyzed.

  He also lost control of his body at this moment.

  Fall from the air.

  Bright rays of light once again spilled into the underworld from that hole.

  Accompanying it, there is the out-of-control body of the ominous bird.


  The ferocious bird slammed to the ground.

  This time, I don't know how many ghosts and monsters that were too late to avoid were crushed to death.


  The fierce bird struggled to get up, his eyes were full of ferocity.

  But he didn't dare to go up.

  The lightning strike just now made it seriously injured.

  If there are more than a few times.

  It can't stand it either.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  In the distance, Yin soldiers are roaring.

  A stern look flashed in the fierce bird's eyes.


  He opened his mouth suddenly.

  Below, hundreds of ghosts and monsters were swallowed by them.

  Then, he turned his body and flew into the distance.

  Although these Yin soldiers are not strong enough, the special killing power stick made by the underworld is the most restraint of ghosts and monsters.

  Although it dominates one side, it does not dare to provoke it.

  The ghosts and monsters below are less than half.

  The others didn't dare to stay, and fled in all directions screaming strangely.

  "Those who are good at driving the Yin-Yang Road have some strength to be able to repel this Heaven-devouring Demon Sparrow."

  Seeing the ghosts and monsters disperse, the haze on the faces of the shadow soldiers was slightly reduced.

  Then one by one, they rushed to the big hole that exuded endless light and heat. .

Chapter 363

  "Elder Brother's Lightning Lightning Fist, in terms of attacking ability, it is indeed invincible at the same level!"

  Lin Jiu's eyes shrank when he saw Shi Jian blow a fierce bird at the peak of the demon general with one punch.

  Although this ominous bird came from the yin world, it was suppressed by the rules of the yang world, and its strength was greatly reduced.

  Lin Jiu admitted that he could block it, but it was impossible to achieve Shi Jian's ease and ease.

  "Lightning is indeed the most powerful attacking force.

  It's a pity that I, a practitioner of sorcery, cannot master such masculine power. "

  Lin Feng was on the side, and his eyes were shining.

  Lightning's powerful attack made him jealous.

  Although Shi Jian's cultivation base is only in the early stage of Geomaster, his attack power is stronger than that of ordinary Geomaster's peak and attack power.

  Lightning Strikes Thunder Fist, it's not bad for Maoshan's first-class tactics.

  "Wait, Lightning Strikes Thunder Fist, Thunder is a masculine thunder, justice is not right, I would rather bend than bend, I can't control it.

  However, everything has yin and yang sides. In this world, there are not only masculine thunders, but also yin and evil thunders.

  Yang Lei, I can't control it.

  What about the thunderbolt? "

  A flash of light flashed across Lin Feng's mind.

  Lin Feng closed his eyes.

  In my mind, countless sparks of thinking collided and deduced.

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