She was the only one among the crowd who knew what Lin Feng was going to do.

  Like Dong Xiaoyu, Nintendo and the others, although they knew that Lin Feng was going to do something big.

  That big event is related to the corpse sect.

  But they were born at a very young age, and they didn't understand the general trend of the world at all.

  I don't know what special significance the corpse sect has to the world.

  But Yue Qiluo is different.

  She was taught by Qingyunmen.

  Don't look at the fact that Qingyunmen is now in decline.

  But once, it was brilliant.

  In the era when Yue Qiluo was still studying art at Qingyunmen, Qingyunmen was no weaker than Maoshan now.

  Therefore, Yue Qiluo is very clear about the many lucky secrets between heaven and earth.  …

  The corpse sect was a super sect that once almost ruled the world.

  Lin Feng is now entangled with the corpse sect.

  Whether friend or foe.

  That will stand on the opposite side of many people.

  This is undoubtedly walking a tightrope on a cliff. If you are not careful, you may fall off the cliff and shatter your bones.

  However, she knew that Lin Feng was very personable.

  Since he dared to do it.

  It must be dependable.

  "Retire if you succeed? Is it difficult, if you don't succeed, you can't come back?"

  at this time.

  Outside the hospital, a familiar voice sounded.

  Yue Qiluo and Dong Xiaoyu were shocked.

  Mu Ran turned his head and looked over.

  Chu Chu also turned around and looked over.

  In her body, she also has the slave mark bestowed by Lin Feng.

  At this moment, I also noticed the restlessness of the imprint in my body.

  On the stage, the weasel who was talking vigorously was stunned.

  Suddenly stopped.

  Looking towards the courtyard gate.

  In an instant, the entire yard seemed to be frozen and turned into a static painting.

  Needle drop is audible.


  A gray shadow rushed in from outside the courtyard.

  It suddenly fell on Yue Qiluo's shoulder.

  "Mother, master, master is back, is he surprised or surprised?"

  Ah Li was dancing with excitement, chatting and talking non-stop.

  At this time, Lin Feng's figure appeared outside the courtyard gate.

  At the same time, the figures of Yue Qiluo and Dong Xiaoyu did not enter his eyes either. .

Chapter 402

  They are all very human, and time is not as profound for them as ordinary people.

  In addition, it only takes two or three months, even for ordinary people, two months, basically there will not be much change.

  Therefore, the two girls still have nothing at all.

  Still as beautiful as ever.

  At this moment, seeing Lin Feng suddenly, joy rose from the bottom of my heart, and even more smiles like flowers.

  Even Lao Yue, who has always been proud, had two more tears on his face in surprise.

  That is joy.

  Weeping with joy.

  Tears could not stop falling.

  At this time, she really realized how important the man in front of her was to her.

  His joys, sorrows and sorrows were all pinned on him.

  This feeling 24, never had.

  It makes Yue Qiluo feel happy.

  Souls are trembling.


  "Qiluo, I'm back."

  Lin Feng strode forward and poured Yue Qiluo into his arms.

  Clinging to that petite body, Lin Feng felt so at ease and at ease.

  It is said that the peace of mind is home.

  But the heart will not be stable everywhere.

  It also needs to be in a specific place to be quiet and no longer restless.

  And now, the only place that can make Lin Feng's heart calm down is next to Yue Qiluo.

  Because in Yue Qiluo's body, there is a continuation of his body and blood.

  That is the meaning of human existence, the mission.

  Even if it is a fairy or a demon.

  The mission that is deeply embedded in the bones will not disappear or be forgotten.

  "Are you still going?"

  Yue Qiluo buried her head in Lin Feng's chest, her voice choked.

  But it was completely unexpected that Lin Feng would suddenly come back.

  After all, there is not a little bit of wind outside, and the big thing he will do has not yet been done.

  It stands to reason that it is impossible for him to come back recently.

  She is a smart woman.

  Didn't ask the man why.

  She doesn't care about any bullshit.

  All she cares about is whether the man can stay by his side.

  "I can stay here for more than two months."

  Embracing Lao Yue, placing his forehead on his head and gently rubbing it, Lin Feng said softly.

  "it is good."

  Lao Yue nodded slightly.

  two months.Not too short.

  Ah Li had already jumped off Lao Yue's body when Yue Qiluo plunged into Lin Feng's arms and landed on Dong Xiaoyu's shoulder.

  Seeing Dong Xiaoyu staring at Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo, Ali leaned into Dong Xiaoyu's ear and said softly, "Are you envious, are you jealous?"

  "What do you know, a little fox with an immature mind?"

  Dong Xiaoyu casually pulled Ali into her arms and ravaged her hard.

  Dare to make fun of her.

  Really bold.

  In her heart, she was somewhat sad.

  Obviously it is himself, first follow the master.

  As soon as this thought appeared in my mind, it was instantly extinguished.

  Everything about her belongs to the master.

  Even if the master prefers the mistress more, she has no complaints.

  As long as the master has a little bit of a place in his heart, that's fine.

  "Dong Xiaoyu, you devil, let go quickly, my skin is about to be peeled off by you."

  Ali bared his teeth and grinned, shouting in Dong Xiaoyu's arms.

  She is a little monster.

  In the hands of Dong Xiaoyu, who is a ghost general, there is no way to fight back.

  Only then did Yue Qiluo react.

  There are people beside.

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