Quickly break free from Lin Feng's arms.

  "It's been three months, how does your belly still look the same as before?"

  Lin Feng held Yue Qiluo by the hand, and his eyes fell on her flat stomach.

  With his keen sense of spirit, he was able to perceive that there was a life connected with his own bloodlines in it.

  The life, the vitality, is very strong.

  However, it is like a spark, and it is still very early to catch a prairie fire.

  "I don't know, but he swallows a lot of my mana every day."

  On Yue Qiluo's face, the brilliance of motherhood appeared.

  Make it look more charming.

  Like a blooming flower.

  It is the most beautiful time.

  "If it goes on like this, in ten months, he will definitely not grow up very much. You are not pregnant with Nezha, right?"

  Lin Feng widened his eyes and guessed.

  He and Yue Qiluo are very people.

  The more powerful the existence, the harder it is to give birth to offspring.

  However, once the bloodlines are combined, the children born will be extremely powerful.

  And the stronger the bloodline, the more time it takes to nurture and grow.

  The legendary Nezha is such an example.

  In the legend, Nezha was born magical.

  Lam Fung believed.

  Even if his own children can't compare to Nezha in the future, they will definitely be much stronger than ordinary people's children.

  After all, how can ordinary children absorb mana day and night.

  There is mana, let him absorb.

  Can't absorb it.

  Because a mortal body cannot store mana. .

Chapter 403

  "It's not better to be pregnant with a Nezha."

  Lao Yue pressed his stomach.

  Mothers, of course, want their children to be as good as possible.

  It is hard to hope that he is mediocre.

  "Looks like I have to work harder."

  Lin Feng talked.

  I feel the burden on my shoulders is much heavier.

  At the same time, the ambition in my heart was firmed again.

  He is not alone now.

  He has to earn money for himself, for his family, and for his family.


  Huang Pizi continued to tell stories on stage.

  Dong Xiaoyu served tea and water on the side.

  Lin Feng and Yue Qiluo were sitting on the reclining chairs, drinking tea, listening to storytelling, and talking about interesting things from the past.

  This picture is peaceful and quiet.

  Lin Feng's tense heart, at this moment, all relaxed.

  The speed of the body's transformation is a little faster.

  This can also be regarded as deliberately arranging flowers and not blooming, but inadvertently arranging willows and willows.

  Chu Chu, and Ah Li, went down and arranged things for the evening.

  Lin Feng's return was a big deal for his subordinates.

  In the evening, it is natural to call friends and celebrate.

  Chuchu went down and arranged for someone to prepare the food ingredients.

  Ah Li went out of Qingzhuxuan to inform all parties.



  The moon is as cool as water.

  All around, it was pitch black.

  Qingzhuxuan was brightly lit and very lively.

  Ali asked Gu Xuanwu to "please" all the famous chefs in Wenxian County to go up the mountain.

  Ten chefs, plus the helper, more than [-] people, have been busy in the kitchen.

  Finally, when it was dark, the banquet was arranged.

  Ren Weiyong, Nintendo, Wu Fei, and Dong Xiaoyu's ghost soldiers were all called back.

  Gu Xuanwu and Crescent Moon also came.

  Did not come.

  Because he can't come.

  has fallen into a deep sleep.

  The next time I wake up, I don't know when it will be.

  Crescent Moon has basically come out of this unintentional sleep.

  Able to chat and laugh with Lin Feng.

  In the courtyard, the cups are exchanged, and it is lively and lively.

  Lin Feng watched all this quietly.

  Before he knew it, he had already gathered so many people.

  The strongest among them is the old zombie.

  Half-step flying Yaksha.

  The combat power is comparable to that of a fairy.

  The combat power is stronger than him.

  This is his current trump card.


  Late flyaway.

  The combat power is comparable to that of the Zombie King.

  The cultivation base is still at the extreme of rapid advancement, and the potential is unlimited.

  Ren Weiyong.

  Early fly.

  The potential is not exhausted.

  However, it is far from comparable to Nintendo.

  But if Lin Feng is willing to invest in him.

  Within ten years, it would be no problem for him to become a zombie king.

  After all, Lin Feng is full of advanced corpse refining techniques.

  in this yang world.

  If he said that he was second in corpse refining, no one would dare to say that he was first.

  Wu Fei, six-winged flying centipede, in the early stage of the demon general, with dragon blood, has great potential.

  Laoyue, in the early stage of the Earth Master, the spirit is immortal, immortal, and the potential is also unlimited.

  Dong Xiaoyu, in the early days of the ghost general, there were many ghosts under his command.

  As long as you are willing to invest in them.

  They still (Wang Nuohao) still have a lot of room for growth.

  Ali did not mention it.

  Then there is the old lady of Xiongling and the others.

  In the tomb of Cixi, the lineage of the royal family headed by Xuankui.

  The blood family.

  Such strength, although not comparable to those holy places.

  However, it is already much stronger than the apparent strength of a top sect like Maoshan.

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