Therefore, those old elders who were hiding in various places rushed over when they received news.

  The position of the head of the head, the position is high and the weight, naturally everyone wants to sit.

  Each of these elders has coveted this position for a long time.

  I thought that if this head retire, they still have a chance.

  I don't want to, but the elder Taishang found a head from the outside and came back.

  Even if Lin Feng is famous.

  Although Nimbus is famous, because of Maoshan's hype, looking at the world, it is also a big devil.

  But these old elders of the corpse sect do not recognize these.

  Seeing is believing, hearing is false, and sent a lot of people to chase the corpse, but they just waited for Lin Feng to come to the door, so that he could give him a slap in the face.

  In the secret room, the black-robed old man and Zhou Yu, the current head of the Zombie Sect, sat opposite each other.

  "Can you blame your teacher~々?"

  The black-robed old man stared at Yi Kailin.

  This kid is his disciple.

  At the same time, he is also the master of Liu Yongchuan who died in the hands of Lin Feng.

  At the same time, he is also the head of the contemporary corpse sect.

  A pinnacle geographer.

  If it is said that this corpse sect has the deepest resentment towards Lin Feng, it must be this Yi Kailin.

  After all, kill his true disciple, and then take his head.

  This is completely life and death.

  "Yongchuan died at the hands of Lin Feng, because of his own lack of strength, no one can blame him."

  "The head of the corpse sect has a high position, but he has a lot of chores. If he delays his practice, if there is no one in the sect who is qualified to take over, I would have wanted to leave."

  "So, the disciple does not complain."

  Yi Kailin looked calm.

  However, the complex color in his eyes could not escape the eyes of the black-robed old man.

  After all, that Liu Yongchuan was his disciple.

  "Kai Lin, this person is alive, many times, he has to think about the overall situation, that Lin Feng, in his twenties, is already a Celestial Master.

  His future is limitless.

  This is our chance to chase the corpse.

  Hand over the corpse sect to him, and we will have the possibility to return to the peak.

  This is the hope of more than ten generations of our corpse sect.

  Just, wronged you. "

  The black-robed old man sighed.

  Even in ancient books, there are very few astonishing talents like Lin Feng.

  There is only such a person, who dares to take the world's big and bad, and dare to be the enemy of the whole world.

  Moreover, there are also capitals that are enemies of the whole world.

  If the corpse sect does not catch it.

  Then you can't start.

  It is destined to be a ground mouse only in the ground.

  Not on the table.

  "On my side, Master, don't worry, but those old elders, I'm afraid they won't let it go."

  Yi Kailin said in a deep voice.

  When he learned from the black-robed old man that Lin Feng was already a Celestial Master, the resentment in his heart had already been buried deep in his heart.

  The family knows their own affairs.

  He, also known as the black-robed old man, has the appearance of a Celestial Master.

  However, it is one thing to have the appearance of a Celestial Master, and it is another thing to be able to cultivate into a Celestial Master.

  He is now at the pinnacle of Geomaster.

  It is possible to step into the realm of the Celestial Master at any time.

  At the same time, it is also possible that you will never be able to take that step for a lifetime.

  And even if he took that step, Lin Feng didn't know how far he had gone.

  Therefore, in this life, revenge is impossible.

  As long as that Lin Feng can lead the corpse sect back to its peak.

  That Yongchuan can be regarded as a decent death, and made a great contribution to the corpse sect.

  "¨~ Just by them?"

  The black-robed old man sneered: "Even if you can hold them down, then Lin Feng is no problem."

  "I heard that there are several mountain guards who were invited out by them."

  "Are you still not reconciled? The mountain guardian gods should have protected the ancestral land, but their (Zhao De's) veins took advantage of the turmoil a thousand years ago and took them as their own.

  This time, it's time to take back the mountain guards. "

  A look of anger flashed across the face of the black-robed old man.

  He was chasing the corpse faction, and in general affairs, he really kept his word.

  However, changing the head is indeed a major event related to the fate of the sect.

  He is not good at being arbitrary.

  Everything has to follow the rules.

  Otherwise, people will be scattered, and the team will not be easy to lead.

  However, he believed that the so-called test was not worth mentioning to Lin Feng at all.

  At this moment, Gannan was cold.

  March is almost here.

  Lin Feng is also preparing to embark on a journey. .

Chapter 419


  In the yard, Lin Feng was drinking porridge.

  Porridge is the simplest white porridge.

  On the table, there was a plate of the most common pickled cabbage, but Lin Feng ate it with relish.

  Because whether it is porridge or this pickled cabbage, they are all made by Yue Qiluo.

  Vegetarian spoon, no matter how ordinary the taste is, to Lin Feng, it is delicious.

  Not to mention, this taste is really good, very similar to the forest style.

  Yue Qiluo sat beside him, quietly watching Lin Feng eat the kimchi and white porridge cleanly.

  "Would you like another bowl?"

  Seeing that Lin Feng had drained the white porridge in the bowl, Yue Qiluo said softly.

  She looks like a little daughter-in-law.

  Yue Qiluo in this state can only be seen on Yue Qiluo when Lin Feng is there.

  "No, I've already eaten up!"

  Lin Feng waved his hand.

  Early in the morning, he had already drank three bowls.

  "Let's go then."

  Yue Qiluo nodded and started chasing people.

  Originally, Lin Feng said yesterday that he was leaving.

  However, when she was about to leave, seeing that she was not looking well, she stayed for another day.

  Today, no matter what, it's time to go.

  Otherwise, it will be a mistake.

  "Okay, when I deal with this matter, you don't have to stay here in the future. When the time comes, wait for me to take you around on this planet, and travel around the whole world."

  Lin Feng said with a smile.

  During this time, the land under his feet is, in fact, a ball.

  This ball is still round and told to Yue Qiluo.

  In this era, although the saying that the earth is round has long been spread.

  However, that is all spread among foreigners and Chinese, and among some foreign scholars.

  Many ordinary people, especially cultivators like Yue Qiluo, still believe that the place where the sky is round and the land under their feet is the center of the world.

  After Yue Qiluo heard it, she was naturally shocked.

  "Okay, I'll wait."

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