Yue Qiluo nodded.

  On the face, with yearning.

  Being able to walk through thousands of mountains and rivers together with Lin Feng.

  This temptation is even greater than letting her give up her physical body and go down to the underworld to cultivate.

  After all, she was an immortal existence.

  Life is endless.

  Cultivation can be practiced at any time.

  And Yue Qiluo didn't know how many chances to stay with Lin Feng.

  Because of Lin Feng, he really grew up too fast.

  It seems that I can't keep up with his rhythm.

  "Okay, let's go."

  Lin Feng nodded, turned and left.

  But I was afraid of walking slowly, and I didn't want to go.

  Don't dare to look back.

  Afraid to see Yue Qiluo, that face full of nostalgia.

  This time, he went to the Zombie Party, and he brought old zombies and Nintendo with him.

  Taking away Nintendo will not weaken the guards around Yue Qiluo.

   Because Lin Feng had already let the royal zombies lead a zombie king from the previous royal family to come here to replace them.

  As for the zombie army, Lin Feng also let them prepare, ready to go out at any time.

  Let the world see that his name as the devil of Lin Feng is not a vain name.

  One person and two people walked stiffly in the mountains and forests, each step a few feet, but they were not in a hurry.

  Because Lin Feng discovered that a few days ago, the location of the ancestral land of the corpse-hunting sect given by the black-robed old man was not very far from Wenxian.

  It's just, in the deep mountains, inaccessible and isolated from the world.

  In their line, the strength of the old zombie is the strongest.

  The pinnacle of the zombie king.

  Half-step flying Yaksha.

  The strength is comparable to Earth Immortal.

  At the same time, it is also respected in the corpse sect.

  Even at the peak of the corpse sect, he was one of the most powerful mountain guardian generals of the corpse sect.

  Lin Feng prepared, after going to the corpse sect, he used the corpse sect's background and used his full-level corpse refining technique to baptize the old zombies.

  Help him take that last half step.

  Enter the realm of Flying Yaksha.

  At that time, the combat power of the old zombie will surely soar to the limit that this world can accommodate.

  The corpse sect's comeback will be no obstacle.

  As for Lin Feng, during this time, although he has gained a lot in the underworld.

  However, those accumulations are all in the underworld, on top of that incarnation.

  Can't bring it back at all.

  Therefore, his cultivation base is still in the early days of Tianshi.

  However, it is not the early days of entering the Celestial Master.

  But the realm is already stable.

  When he was at the Earth Master level, his combat power was comparable to that of a Heavenly Master who entered the Dao.

  Now that he has become a Celestial Master, and then holds a Taoist weapon to "break the army", even if he can't reach the level of human beings and immortals.

  That is also invincible under the immortals.

  Coupled with the magical power of invincibility.

  Even if he is a human being, if he dares to underestimate him, he may capsize in the gutter. .

Chapter 420

  As for the weakest Nintendo.

  Although he only has the late Fei Zong cultivation base.

  However, as a silver-armored corpse, he is invulnerable to all methods, and he is not afraid of the heavenly master at all.

  Moreover, at present, his spiritual intelligence is not worse than that of a human being at all.

  At the same time, there is not much desire for blood-sucking.

  Self-control is enough.

  Therefore, Lin Feng is going to train him.

  Grow it into a zombie king and then - reuse it.

  Of course, the reason why he valued him so much, and his willingness, was that his body also had the miraculousness of a vampire.

  As the head of the three families of zombies, vampires and mummies, he is regarded by Lin Feng as the future king of vampires and mummies.

  But it is one of the magic weapons of Lin Feng's strategy of foreign forces.

  "Going again!"

  Seeing Lin Feng's figure disappearing far away, Yue Qiluo felt an inexplicable feeling, and her heart was empty.

  It seems that something is missing.

  Originally, she was almost used to being here, without Lin Feng's life.

  But in the past three months, she got used to living with Lin Feng.

  This day is too comfortable and happy.

  Make her want this all the time.

  However, she also knew that this was impossible.

  Good boys are everywhere.

  Lin Feng had a lot of things on his back.

  Children love long, can have, but can not indulge.

  Fortunately, she is not an ordinary woman.

  Although in love.

  But it is also much more open than ordinary women.

  "I have to practice hard, otherwise, how can I catch up with him in the future."

  "Before, my soul and my body were at odds, and I was never able to step into the ranks of Earth Masters."

  "Now, after the last baptism of the power of the dragon veins, my body and soul are already incomparably matched."

  "Brother Feng also said that after the baptism of the power of dragon veins, my fleshly body has great potential now."

  "Plus my soul that never dies."

  "If I practice hard, I might not be able to catch up with Brother Feng."

  "Even if you can't catch up, it's better to be able to watch his back from a distance than to be completely left behind."

  Yue Qiluo clenched her fists tightly, her face full of fighting spirit.

  She is inherently competitive.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to betray Qingyunguan and come out to study sorcery.

  Now, I have found a goal for myself, and the old Yue Yue is back.


  In the vast mountains.

  The ancestral land of the corpse sect, although hidden in the dark.

  However, the periphery is not without disciples to guard.

  In a fixed position, there are corpse hunters stationed all year round.

  Monitor all around.

  Prevent outsiders from breaking in.

  Once there is any trouble, the news will be passed into the door.

  There are elders who are on duty at the gate, and they will deal with it as appropriate at the first time.


  The night is cold as water.

  Lin Feng and his party came to the top of the mountain opposite the mountain stream where the ancestral land of the corpse-hunting sect was located.

  "That's it, I smelled a few old guys in the air.

  Unexpectedly, thousands of years ago, I was not the only one who escaped the catastrophe. "

  The old zombie had a calm face, still the same zombie face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

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