The fire of corpse refining penetrated into their bodies.

  The slave mark slowly condenses.

  San Zong's gaze towards Lin Feng began to change, becoming more respectful.

  The fire of corpse refining, when condensing slave marks, also purifies their bodies.

  Among the three zombie bodies, some were not noticed by them.

  Or maybe they noticed the dark wounds and stubborn ailments that they could not solve, but at this moment, they were wiped out by the fire of corpse refining.




  In San Zong's body, the locked aura inevitably leaked out a little.

  The black-robed old man moved in his heart, but he noticed that the momentum of these three ancestors was a little stronger than before.

  Although these promises are not many, they are already a big breakthrough for the three who have not been able to increase their strength (Zhao Dezhao) for nearly a thousand years.

  "Lin Feng's corpse refining technique has reached such a pinnacle. Talents and talents have emerged from generation to generation, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years. A brand new era is about to come."

  The black-robed old man couldn't help sighing.

  The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach.

  He felt that he was the front wave.

  Although not dead on the beach, but almost.

  "I, I can't even hold a little momentum of the king... If I don't become a king, I will end up as an ant, and let go of the position of the head. For me, maybe, it is really an opportunity..."

  Yi Kailin's feet trembled, and he quickly hid behind the black-robed old man.

  His eyes were dim at first, and then suddenly burst into lightness.

  But he still has a brave heart.

  At this moment, in the dark, three forces came out of the sky and submerged into Lin Feng's body.

  The origin of the feedback from the three peak zombie kings has arrived! .

Chapter 429


  Lin Feng's body trembled slightly, and the momentum that belonged to the Celestial Master was withdrawn as soon as it was released.

  But the evil lotus in the body turned lightly, and in an instant, the swarming source has been refined.

  The origin of the feedback from the servants of the three peak zombie kings made his cultivation slightly more refined.

  It is comparable to the ten days of penance on weekdays.

  This Lin Feng shook his head secretly: "Humans are not as good as ghosts, there is no way to compare this yang world with the yin world.

  After all, ghosts in the underworld are everywhere.

  Among the various levels, there are countless strong ones.

  When I arrived in the underworld, it was like a mouse falling into a rice jar.

  Uh, it seems a little wrong to complain about yourself like this..."

  As soon as his mind moved, Lin Feng suppressed all the complicated thoughts in his mind.

  "Just now, that's because of his cultivation and diligence. Sure enough, people are more mad than others. This also shows that Lin Feng's potential is not exhausted. His cultivation is still in a period of rapid growth..."

  The black-robed old man's heart moved, and he became more and more afraid of Lin Feng's potential.

  Potential, basically, is predetermined.

  The so-called genius is that the potential is greater than that of ordinary people.

  Once you start cultivating and your potential is stimulated, you will be able to make rapid progress at a speed several times, or even dozens of times, faster than ordinary people.

  Until the potential is exhausted, the progress of his practice will slowly slow down.

  Most geniuses, with the potential in their bodies, can also allow them to reach the realm of mages and grand mages.

  The Earth Masters and Celestial Masters in the back need to slowly boil.

  Moreover, it may not be able to survive.

  However, some evildoers simply cannot be handled with common sense.

  For example, Lin Feng.

  Directly in one go, rushed to the Celestial Master.

  And it seems that the Celestial Master is not the end.

  Such amazing potential has been hard to find in books throughout the ages.

  At this moment, the black-robed old man somewhat understood why Lin Feng was in such a hurry. He had just arrived at the corpse sect, and he had to set a deadline of three months.

  He is putting pressure on himself.

  Use external pressure to unleash your potential.

  He firmly believes that the release of his potential will allow his cultivation to progress rapidly.

  Think about it, when he was still a geographer, he could escape under the hands of the Great Heavenly Master.

  If you wait for him to use the resources in the door to cultivate into a great heavenly master, then it is not impossible to compete with people and immortals, right?

  After all, the black-robed old man knew that Lin Feng had already understood his own way.

  "He is far away from the Great Celestial Master, and the only difference is his cultivation."

  "And as long as there is potential, there are massive resources, and at the same time, you clearly understand your own way, and it seems that it is not a big problem if you want to cultivate into the Dao Great Celestial Master in a short period of time."

  "Of course, it's only a monster like him who dares to play like this."

  "If you don't have enough potential, if you dare to play so much, you will kill yourself sooner or later."

  "It's just, it's a pity that this treasure that has been collected for thousands of years, I'm afraid there won't be much left."

  "However, as long as something big can be accomplished, what is a mere treasure?"

  The black-robed old man's complexion was fluctuating, and he was old and mature, but he pushed Lin Feng's plan out of the way.

  "He seems to be getting stronger again." Yi Kailin was silent, but in his heart, he was turning the river upside down.

  "I originally thought that after letting go of the position of headmaster, I concentrated on my hard work, and even if I couldn't catch up with him, maybe I could still see his back and wouldn't be thrown away by him too much."

  "Now it seems that I think too much."

  "Although I was a child, I was regarded as a genius by the people around me. I became a master at the age of [-], a great master at the age of [-], and became an earth master when I was less than [-] years old."

  "However, after I became a mage, my potential was exhausted, and I could continue to advance bravely in the future, relying on the accumulation of the resources of the master."

  "That's why, when I'm in the realm of geotechnical masters, I feel like I can't move a single step..."

  Yi Kailin only felt that the sky was gray.

  But immediately, he adjusted his mentality: "Forget it, people are more mad than people, why do I have to compare with him as a monster?"

  "With the support of the resources in the door, as long as I ignore the chores and focus on the Tao, I still have great hope in the future and become a Celestial Master."

  "Heavenly Master, is already standing at the top of the Yang World."

  "Wait, after the resources of this room are squandered by the "Immortal Ascension Formation", how much is left?"

  In an instant, Yi Kailin closed himself again.

  "Cultivation is as simple as eating and drinking. The fourth brother really didn't lie to us. This Lin Feng is the son of destiny, and his future is boundless."

  "One person gets the Tao, and the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky. If we follow him, we can also get the benefits of the sky and touch the realm that was impossible to touch before."

  The three zombie kings were ecstatic.

  They have just gotten in touch, and they have received huge benefits.

  The strength is slightly improved.

  After that, with the growth of Lin Feng's strength, the benefits will only increase.

  The realm of Flying Yaksha, which seemed out of reach in the past, does not seem to be that difficult now.

  "Okay, now I'm going outside and looking for the location of the formation. You guys can go too busy. The opening ceremony in three months will not allow any mistakes."

  Lin Feng did not expect that, for himself, other people would think so much about ordinary things.

  With a big wave of his hand, he sat up and shook his hand at the shopkeeper.

  He will not accept the chores of the corpse sect.

  What he has to do is to seize the time and improve his strength.

  "it is good!"

  The black-robed old man nodded with a wry smile.

  In the past, he had something to do and ordered his subordinates to do it.

  But he didn't expect that there would be a day when he was ordered.

  This evoked a memory that had been sealed in his heart for nearly a hundred years.

  At that time, he was not yet a Celestial Master, not a supreme elder in the sect.

  The elders in the door also like to arrange for him to do things when they have something to do.

  Because he is reliable and reassuring.

  "Master, the elders of the sect, can you see your spirit in the sky? We chase the corpse sect, this time, it will really rise again."

  "By the way, there is one more thing. I have a group of men who are rushing here. I guess they will be there tomorrow. When that time comes, you should pay attention, but don't flood the Dragon King Temple, and you don't know your family anymore. "

  Lin Feng suddenly thought of the zombie army.

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