According to the marching speed of the zombie army, at most tomorrow night, it should be able to arrive.

  He was not too worried about the safety of the zombie army.

  Two zombie kings, plus a zombie army composed of thousands of zombies, unless they are shot by human beings, they will not be able to win.

  And the immortals are hidden from the world, and even if they get the news, they can't stop them in time.

  "Okay, I will let the disciples outside pay more attention."

  The black-robed old man nodded, but he didn't take it to heart.

  After all, Lin Feng is also a Celestial Master, and he has a bit of his own team, which is normal.

  And the corpse sect was originally a sea of ​​all rivers, and it would not refuse anyone who came. .

Chapter 430

  "Densely packed zombies, like legions, are heading towards the west of Xiangxi. The number of zombies is at least a thousand..."

  The three major schools in western Hunan are Maoshan, Laoshan and Tianjing Temple.

  In Laoshan, there are also people doing the work of chasing corpses.

  However, most of the business in Xiangxi was taken over by Maoshan Taoist priests.

  As a last resort, Laoshan can only open up the market and develop towards other provinces.

  Once this policy is implemented, Laoshan's expansion will be unstoppable.

  The corpse removal business in the next province was basically preserved by them.

  Therefore, although the ancestral courtyard of Laoshan is in western Hunan, its foundation is in the next province.

  Yesterday, when the zombie army was dispatched, the Taoist priest who happened to bump into it was a Laoshan disciple.

  Zombies are chaotic, this is an attempt from time immemorial.

  Luckily escaped, the guy hurriedly passed the book and reported the news to it.

  "This guy has hysteria?"

  "If I really want to encounter a single zombie, with his mage's cultivation, he may be able to escape."

  "I met thousands of zombies, tsk tsk, this is the world's zombies, are they all gathered together?"

  The Archmage Yang Shengjie, who received the news, did not believe it at first.

  At this moment, the ground shook slightly.

  "Earth Dragon turned over?"

  Yang Shengjie was also a cautious person, and quickly ran out of the house.

  As soon as he came out, he saw the west, a cloud of demons, covering the stars and closing the moon, which floated towards him.

  The demonic energy is soaring to the sky, because there are great demons born, and it is the duty of my generation to cultivate and eliminate demons.

  Although Yang Shengjie was a little flustered, he did not turn around and leave.

  Because he felt that with his own strength, even a great demon such as the ghost general Feizong could not be dealt with.

  But soon, he regretted it.

  The shaking of the ground is getting bigger and bigger.

  The regiment that has been neat and tidy all the time, appeared in his sight.

  The uniform of the former military uniform, the action is not by walking, but by jumping.

  The corpse is soaring.

  Pure zombies.

  Densely packed.

  Looking around, the number is definitely over a thousand.

  Those zombies didn't look at him.

  However, just unconsciously, the iron-blooded murderous aura emanating from his body made his body's mana silent, and he couldn't lift the slightest bit of strength.

  "Those who are good at swimming are drowning. I have killed three zombies in my life. Today, I killed a zombie, which is considered a causal cycle, not retribution... Wait, how can I have the idea of ​​causality like a bald donkey..."

  Yang Shengjie's body froze where, motionless.

  But he didn't dare to move at all.

  Of course, that was also the handwriting of Feihe, who told him not to move around.

  Because it was said in the book that he just didn't move, pretending not to see anything, and that's how he escaped.

  Sure enough, all the zombies, as if they didn't see him, turned a blind eye to him and just left.

  "Military discipline is strict!"

  Looking at the departing back, the word popped up in Yang Shengjie's mind.

  "An army of zombies, where are they going?"

  "The zombies have become an army, and the world is going to change drastically."

  Yang Shengjie breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to go back to the house and use his magic weapon to pass the information back.

  But I didn't want to, at this time, there was a chill in the neck.

  He turned around and saw a pale face behind him.

  Cixi stared at the neck in front of her, and there was an idea in her mind, that is to bite down and taste the taste of hot blood.

  "There is another one, this breath, it is flying... flying stiff..."

  Yang Shengjie's body trembled.

  But he didn't expect that, after all, he would not be able to escape this disaster.

  He thought that with the magic weapon, even if he encountered Fei Zong, he would be able to deal with it.

  But now, facing Feizong, he realized that he thought too much.

  In the face of Fei Zong, he turned out to be like a little sheep encountering a hungry wolf, his legs and feet were weak, but he didn't even have the strength to resist.

  "Cixi, do you take the master's as a deaf ear?"

  Just when Yang Shengjie was desperate, a voice came from afar.


  Cixi's body trembled and roared, her face full of unwillingness, but she did not dare to disobey Lin Feng's order, her body soared, and she chased after the large army.

  Just because Lin Feng once had an order: "When the legion passes, don't commit any crimes in the autumn. Violators will be beheaded!"


  Yang Shengjie sat directly on the ground.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Cold sweat flowed.

  "Almost, just a little bit, I was reduced to a dead blood eater..."

  "This zombie army has a master on it..."

  "Being able to make a flying freeze so frightening, who is the "master"?"

  Yang Shengjie gasped heavily, until he felt a little bit of strength recovered, and then he rushed into the room, using his magic power, to communicate with the elders in the door.

  "Zombie Legion? Yang Shengjie, have you been practicing qigong crazy?"

  "Elder, I swear, I didn't lie, really, really a lot of zombies..."

  "If I lie, I'll hit five thunders and go to eighteen levels of hell after death..."


  Although Yang Shengjie swears and swears, the elders above still don't believe it, and after scolding him, they cut off the connection.

  Until that night, the four Great Masters stationed outside contacted the door and said that there was a zombie army passing through the border and went straight to Xiangxi. That elder, it was wrong.

  Follow the path of the zombie army for yourself and check it out.

  The demonic energy is soaring to the sky, like a ghost soldier crossing the border!

  After witnessing the true face of the zombie army, the Laoshan elder, who was almost scared to pee, hurried back to the mountain and reported to the head.

  Laoshan shook.

  There are a lot of zombies who come forward, and there are still many flying zombies. With the power of Laoshan alone, they can't handle it.

  Moreover, this is not a matter of the Laoshan family.

  That zombie army, the direction of travel, is Xiangxi.

  No, now, the zombie army has entered the territory of Xiangxi.

  Then this matter is the matter of the whole of Xiangxi.

  Laoshan feels like Maoshan and Tianjing Temple.

  It just so happened that Maoshan recently raised the banner to deal with the corpse sect, with great momentum and gathered a lot of people.

  Because there was no trace of the corpse-hunting faction, the people's hearts were unstable, and Li Zhanlong was suffering from a headache.

  As soon as he heard about the zombie army, Li Zhanlong suddenly came to his senses, and with the elite of Maoshan and the gathered righteous men, he left in the direction of the zombie army.

  At the same time, the high-level officials of Laoshan Mountain and Tianjing Temple also dispatched as many as possible to join Li Qilong.

  The three major factions in western Hunan have joined forces in a rare way to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and restore the world to a bright future.begging.

Chapter 431

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