The sun is shining brightly.

  The people urgently summoned by the three major factions in western Hunan gathered in Yandang Mountain.

  Judging from the route of the zombie army, this Yandang Mountain is their only way.

  From this Yandang Mountain, you can enter the uninhabited barren mountains between Xiangxi and Gannan.

  Although as long as these zombies don't make trouble in Xiangxi, they don't need to stop them.

  After all, along the way, zombies crossed the border, although it also caused a stir.

  However, the sensation is only the cultivation world in Xiangxi.

  Most of the routes that the zombie army traveled were uninhabited wilderness, so apart from a few unlucky ghosts, no other ordinary people found the whereabouts of the zombie army.

  Moreover, the army of the zombie army is strictly disciplined, and the ninth brother unfortunately ran into the unlucky ghost of the zombie army and was not hurt.

  When the zombie army passed, they thought it was just an illusion.

  However, even if the zombie army did not harm anyone, these people still came.

  After all, right and wrong cannot be separated. Since ancient times, zombies have always been evil.

  These "righteous people" will naturally not watch these evil things slip away.

  The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn back to the shore!

  Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot!

  They can transform and control these evil things.

  Let them do good.

  Zombies, although evil, are easy to control.

  Whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, there is a way to control zombies.

  Therefore, the three major factions in Western Hunan, as well as a group of righteous people, gathered here, and it was as simple as subduing demons and eliminating demons.

  Who would think that there are too many mountain guardians in their own family?

  Those righteous people also imagined that if they could conquer a zombie, their own strength could also be improved to a higher level.

  Therefore, the big guys are all enthusiastic.

  Waiting for the fat to be delivered to your door.

  As for the Zombie Army, there are Flying Stiffs.

  What are you afraid of?

  Here we have a Celestial Master.

  The three major sects all had Celestial Masters present.

  The three celestial masters, taking action together, can suppress even the zombie king.

  What's more, it's daytime and the sun is shining brightly.

  The zombie army didn't know what was going on, and they didn't rest during the day, rushing on their way under the sun.

  You know, zombies are the most afraid of the sun.

  Although, the soaring demonic energy blocked the sun, so that those zombies could not be affected by the sun.

  But this has an impact on their strength after all.

  Plus, here is Xiangxi, their home court.

  The time, the right place, the people and the people, they all occupied it.

  It is naturally fearless.

  "I suspect that this zombie army has something to do with the remnants of the corpse sect. Zombies are a rare and unusual species, and it is difficult to come out."

  "Ordinary white stiffs and black stiffs, if you have the will and are willing to pay the cost, you can even make them by a large number of people."

  "But jumping and flying, it's not that common."

  "As far as I know, in this world, only the corpse sect can gather so many zombies."

  "And according to the records in the ancient books, the Zombie Sect had a plan to form a zombie army in the past."

  "However, before the plan was implemented, it was attacked by a group, and it was wiped out."

  Li Qilong looked at the demon cloud that was rapidly approaching in the distance and analyzed it.

  He put the hope of Maoshan's promotion to the Holy Land on Lin Feng and the corpse sect.

  However, half a year has passed, but there has been no news from Lin Feng's side.

  And although he used all the power he could use to search for it, he couldn't find any clues about the corpse sect.

  This made him very irritable.

  At the same time, in the dark, he also had a hunch.

  The old plan did not seem to be very reliable.

  When making plans, he thought he knew Lin Feng.

  I know that he has deep feelings for Maoshan.

  However, is Lin Feng really that simple?

  Can you really do your best for the future of Maoshan?

  You know, the corpse sect is a recognized melting pot.

  He is open to all rivers, and he is not taboo on the origins of his disciples.

  Once, the world's largest sect, the sect that never sent disciples to go undercover to chase corpses.

  But what happened in the end?

  Anyway, in the battle a thousand years ago, none of the disciples of the Zombie Sect defected.

  Therefore, all the disciples did their best to drive away the corpse sect, and then they died.

  "Impossible, the formation of a zombie army was at the peak of the corpse sect. What they failed to do is that now the remnants of the corpse sect are hiding in Tibet like ground mice. How could they have accumulated such a solid family background."

  Laoshan Tianshi directly shook his head in denial.

  It's not that he looks down on the remnants of the corpse sect.

  A dead skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

  No one knows how much strength the corpse-hunting faction hides in the dark...

  However, even the corpse sect, refining corpses, is not so easy.

  Not to mention jumping and flying.

  If you want to unknowingly create so many zombies, even the Holy Land cannot do it.

  "If these zombies are really related to the corpse-hunting faction, then the corpse-chasing faction must have made a big move recently, otherwise, they would not be so blatant."

  The holy monk of Tianjing Temple spoke up.

  "I have a hunch. Today, we're afraid we're going to run for nothing. This zombie army, who dares to be so bold, must have something to rely on."

  "Monk Jingran, don't grow other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige, our three major factions join forces, even if it is a holy land, we can fight..."

  Laoshan Tianshi retorted.

  The three of them chatted, but they never thought of taking the initiative to attack.

  But the location of this place is just in the place where the dragon raises the head and reaches the sun.

  Here, they can exert ten percent of their strength.

  And zombies here, can play [-]%, it is not bad.

  If one trades off and the other grows, there will be mishaps, and there will be more chances of winning.

  "Dong dong dong dong..."

  The earth shook, the heavens and the earth were silent, and the demon cloud in the distance was getting closer and closer.

  Everyone stopped talking and bragging, and looked nervously into the distance.


  "The queue is neat, it really looks like a legion!"

  "This queue, this military discipline, and the general army really can't do this much."


  Among the righteous, someone's legs were trembling.

  However, with the approach of the zombie army, the bloody murderous aura shrouded.

  Those who are not strong-willed will inevitably panic and panic in front of this breath.

  And most of these righteous people are loose cultivators, or disciples of small sects.

  "Forget it, the sky is falling, and there are tall people on the back, and it's not the turn of a nameless person like me."

  There was an old warlock who couldn't take it anymore, so he didn't even want to face, he turned around and left.

  But it was his family who knew about his family affairs. Just now, he was trying to fish in troubled waters, trying to get some benefits and try to hit the mage realm.

  Now, seeing the zombie army, his heart began to drum.

  Subduing demons and exorcising demons?

  That's under the premise of saving lives.

  This is the case now.

  Sorry for disturbing you! .

Chapter 432

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