But immediately, she shook her head: "No, it's impossible."

  "That guy was able to break through just now, that's because he is a half-step Yaksha himself."

  "It stands to reason that sooner or later, we will be able to take that crucial step."

  "Just because the source is damaged, where is this stuck!"

  "Lin Feng, he just used the power of the formation to help fuel the flames."

  "And these three guys didn't take that half step. They want to use this formation to help them take that step. This is not what Lin Feng can do now."

  It is an ancient existence that has lived for an unknown number of years.

  Although the little Ding cat is not very proficient in the battle method.

  I don't know much about zombies.

  But I also know that cultivation is difficult!

  Flying Yaksha is not so easy to succeed.

  Otherwise, throughout the ages, there would not be only a few Feitian Yakshas with names and surnames.

  However, just because Dingmao can see through, does not mean that others can see through.

  "Master, is this going to create three more flying Yakshas?"

  The eyes of the Zombie King of the royal family were even redder.

  Others can, why can't he?

  Now he can't wait to replace the three zombie kings.

  However, he is self-aware.

  Knowing that he was unable to do anything, it was impossible for Lin Feng to support him.

  Moreover, their own family knows their own affairs.

  He is now in the early stage of the zombie king.

  It is still [-] miles away from Flying Yaksha.

  But you can't be too ambitious!

  Immediately, he suppressed the eager thoughts in his heart: "The master has magical powers and can break the bottleneck between the zombie king and the flying Yaksha."

  "My top priority is to first cultivate to the peak of the zombie king."

  "Then make a contribution and ask the master to pull it out!"

  Lin Feng's actions were like drawing a big pie for him.

  Let his heart, which had been quiet, become active again, and he is eager to make achievements.

  Not for myself.

  but the master.

  For Lin Feng!

  "If the master uses magical powers again, what kind of powerhouse will this create?"

  Cixi felt her legs go weak, her long-lost eagerness rising in her heart.

  She is greedy for power.

  However, after turning into a zombie, he also knew that in the world of cultivation, the strong are respected.

  There is power to have power.

  Before, she was still able to control the royal family, for a while because she had the strength to fly.

  In addition, the ancestor of the zombie king, who has two masters, is willing to support her.

  However, Xuankui's strength deprived her of power.

  So there was always resentment in her heart.

  Even if she was controlled by Lin Feng's slave mark, her resentment still existed.

  It just doesn't show up on weekdays.

  Of course, this is also related to her special physique.

  After all, ordinary zombies, even if they were zombie kings, would be completely convinced by Lin Feng after being planted with a slave mark.

  Cixi always believed that Xuankui was wrong.

  The appearance of Lin Feng was not an opportunity for the rise of the royal family.

  Even though Lin Feng made the royal family's strength skyrocket, and the three zombie kings saw the way forward, Cixi was still stubborn.

  But now, when Lin Feng personally created a flying yaksha, and was about to bestow three zombie kings, Cixi woke up.

  "The master is indeed the master of the rejuvenation of the royal family."

  "The destiny is on him!"

  "The royal family's loyalty to him is loyalty to the destiny!"

  "I brought the royal family into the abyss with one hand, but I should also bring the royal family back to the peak again."

  In Cixi's eyes, a flame called wildness flickered, and in her body, the remaining dragon energy of the previous dynasty was about to move.

  Let her strength, unknowingly, improve rapidly.

  "What is he just doing? Looking for three more flying Yakshas?"

  In the distance, Monk Jingran's face was full of astonishment.

  A flying yaksha has been able to dominate the world, making the corpse sect stand without worry again.

  Four Flying Yakshas!

  In this world, who can stop it?

  I am afraid that the whole world will fall into the hands of the corpse sect.

  Even if it is a holy place, it can only seal the mountain to protect itself and avoid its edge.

  "Impossible, historically, the flying Yaksha has been rare in a thousand years. How could there be four of them all at once!"

  Li Qilong's face became more and more ugly.

  What does Lin Feng want to do?

  Could it be that he really mastered the means of creating Flying Yaksas in batches?

  how can that be?

  Flying Yaksha, that is the existence of the same level as human beings.

  Even more rare than human beings.

  How can mass production be possible?

  However, Lin Feng has never been an existence that can be judged by common sense.

  He is good at creating miracles.

  In less than two years, he became a Celestial Master and proved his evildoer.

  "In case, he really succeeded!"

  Li Qilong's eyes widened at the boss.

  But he didn't dare to think about it at all.

  "What is the big guy going to do?"

  "I really want to enter that furnace and be tempered by the boss!"


  Those hidden monsters in the mountains are full of envy in their eyes.

  In their hearts, that pale melting pot represents good fortune.

  "Master, is this trying to help those three?"

  "As long as I concentrate on doing things for the master, the master will not treat me badly!"

  In Xuan Kui's eyes, blood flashed.

  He also aspires to be stronger.

  However, he also knew that the road had to be taken step by step, and the meal had to be eaten one bite at a time.

  After only a few months in Lin Feng's hands, his strength has skyrocketed.

  In his eyes, there is a flame called ambition, and at the same time, there is reason!

  "I hope the Sect Master can succeed. In this case, the corpse sect will really be able to sit back and relax!"

  The eyes of the black-robed old man were full of anticipation.

  With Feitian Yasha in charge, the corpse sect can already say that he can sit back and relax.

  However, if the strength of the sect can be stronger, it is naturally the best.

  Although the Flying Yaksha is the Sea-Ding Shenzhen, the Flying Yaksha already has the ability to break the void, although it may be in pursuit of a higher realm, breaking the void and soaring during the day.

  The Half-Step Flying Yaksha is different.

  The strength of the half-step Feitian Yaksha is only comparable to the level of a human being and immortal.

  Such an existence is the pillar of the sect, and it can protect the sect forever.

  Of course, the premise is that the half-step Flying Yaksha no longer makes a breakthrough.

  "Add three more half-step flying yakshas, ​​and I will drive the corpse sect to become the No. [-] holy place in the world, and the glory of the past will be restored, just today."

  Yi Kailin's body trembled with excitement, and his eyes were red.

  Right now, he has not officially stepped down from the position of head.

  In other words, this was done when he was in power.

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