This also has its own part of the credit.

  In the future, in the history books, I will also make a note of myself.

  "It just depends on the three of you, whether there is any good luck!"

  The old zombie stood beside Lin Feng, with a faint blood light surging in his eyes, and saw directly through the furnace.

  I saw the three dead bodies in the furnace, wrapped by the fire.

  He has a friendship with these three stiffs, but not deep.

  However, in the end is the same out of the corpse sect.

  There is incense.

  He didn't even think about being stationed in the corpse hunter forever.

  Naturally, I hope these three guys can grow up.

  In the future, even if he follows in Lin Feng's footsteps and leaves this world, there will be someone guarding the corpse sect, so that he will not repeat the same mistakes, and the Zhulou will collapse again.

  Time passed slowly.

  With Feitian Yasha in charge, those old corpse hunters on the periphery no longer intercept those demons and ghosts who want to come in to watch the fun.

  Therefore, there are constantly monsters and monsters coming.

  They are not weak.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to enter here.

  At the same time, monks from the human race arrived from afar.

  There are more and more creatures around, but no one is making trouble.

  Everyone's eyes are on the three melting pots floating in the air.

  The moon sets and the sun rises.

  In the east, a fish maw white appeared.

  The night is about to pass.


  Lin Feng, who had his eyes tightly closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

  click -

  Cracks climbed on one of the three furnaces.

  The crack extended at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The other two furnaces seemed to feel it, and at this moment, they climbed up the crack.

  "It's coming out!"

  "Flying Yaksha is not so cheap, these three zombie kings, it is impossible to take that step so easily!"


  In a few hours, both Jingran and Li Qilong had calmed down.

  However, the two were still heartbroken.

  After all, the three zombie kings are already invincible existences under the immortals.

  If this goes a step further, even if Feitian Yaksha is not reached, it is definitely under the immortals, and even the most powerful ones.

  In this world, the number of human beings and immortals is fully calculated, and it is definitely not more than the three-handed technique.

  If this corpse sect, it will occupy four places.

  What about other sects?




  Almost at the same time, three furnaces exploded.

  The figures of the three zombie kings were revealed.



  "hold head high--"

  The three kings roared, and then took a sharp breath.

  The shattered furnace fragments were rolled up and dissipated into rich vitality, which was swallowed by the three kings.

  Stronger than the Zombie King, yet weaker than Feitian Yaksha's aura, it radiated from San Zong's body, threatening the Quartet.

  In the dark, three rich sources came out of nowhere and submerged into Lin Feng's body.


  Lin Feng's eyes lit up, the evil lotus in his body turned, and the qi that belonged to the Celestial Master overflowed from his body.

  But it is the source of the feedback from the old zombie just now.

  The energy in the body has accumulated too much and can no longer be suppressed. .

Chapter 445

  "my power!"

  "This is the half-step that is like a moat!"

  "Half-step Feitian Yaksha, I can't imagine that I can have today!"

  "Half a step has been taken, and half a step is left. In the future, it may not be without a chance!"


  Feeling the surging power within the body, the three guardian mountain gods did not burst into tears, but their bodies were trembling and excited.

  Zombie King and Flying Yaksha are two completely different realms.

  Don't look at them, they only took a half step, and they didn't fully enter the realm of flying Yaksha.

  But their strength, compared to before, has already turned upside down.

  To put it simply, the current one, one of them, beat the two just now, no-problem.

  The combat power has not doubled, but it has increased by at least [-]%.

  In a few hours, his combat power increased by [-]%.

  This was something they could never imagine before.

  After all, their combat power has been stagnant for thousands of years at this level.

  "Sect Master, he is the master of ZTE of my corpse sect."

  "Following behind the head, our future will definitely not stop here!"


  The three guardian mountain gods were surging with blood, staring at Lin Feng with hot eyes.

  The breath that belonged to the half-step flying Yaksha made the surrounding air cold and terrifying.

  "Three half-step flying Yaksha, not bad!"

  The little cat nodded slightly.

  I was relieved in my heart.

  With the body of a Celestial Master, it is possible to create a flying Yaksha, which must have an element of luck.

  Refining a half-step flying Yaksha at will, can only explain Lin Feng's evil spirit.

  If it can really create a flying Yaksha at will, it is simply unreasonable.

  Because immortals are different.

  The Zombie King, although immortal, belongs to the mortal.

  And the flying Yaksha belongs to the immortal.

  The difference is immeasurable.

  "It's such a powerful breath. It's almost beyond the realm of the zombie king, but it hasn't reached the height of the ancestor."

  "But even so, I'm afraid it's not worse than the entire zombie army!"

  The eyes of the old zombie king of the royal family were full of fanaticism.

  To form a legion with zombies and take the way of gathering people, after all, their own strength is not enough.

  Otherwise, wouldn't it be fragrant to suppress a strong enemy with one's own power?

  "The same powerful breath!"

  Xuankui's face was expressionless, but he was holding the Taoist "Breaking Army" tightly in his hand.

  Holding a Taoist weapon, his strength has skyrocketed, but it has only reached the level of the late zombie king.

  It is still far from the level of half-step Flying Yaksha.

  However, he was not depressed.

  Because, judging from the age of the zombie king, he is still very young.

  And the breath that came out of the three.

  It may have lived for thousands of years.

  Hundreds and thousands of years.

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