There is a tenfold difference among them.

  So, he is in no hurry.

  "Success! God pity me to drive the corpse sect and give us such a head."

  The black-robed old man felt numb.

  He once thought that when he invited Lin Feng back, he was giving Lin Feng a chance as well.

  Now it seems that I want to go wrong.

  For Lin Feng, the position of the head of the corpse sect was not an opportunity.

  And Lin Feng, for the corpse sect, is the real opportunity.

  "Haha, I chased the corpse faction, and added three invincible kings!"

  "There is one flying yaksha, and three half-step flying yakshas sit in town. I will chase the corpse sect and make it the number one holy place in the world."

  "Elder Taishang knows people with discernment..."


  All the old people of the corpse sect were so excited.

  If not all of them have cultivation bases.

  And the cultivation base is not weak.

  Maybe it's really exciting to faint a few.

  "It's three half-step flying yakshas again, brother capture dragon, how could you be willing to drive such a monster out of Maoshan?"

  The monk Jingran looked strange.

  At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although the half-step Flying Yaksha is powerful, it is not a real Flying Yaksha after all.

  Although the corpse sect is more powerful, it is not strong enough to dominate the world.

  Unless, the three half-step flying yakshas really took the last half-step.


  Li Qilong had an urge to vomit blood.

  He knew that the matter had come to this point, and Lin Feng would definitely not be able to turn back.

  And yourself, did you do it wrong?

  I also think for Maoshan.

  Thinking of the inside and the outside, never having troubles in the future.

  Who would have thought that, by mistake, the corpse sect would be cheaper.

  "Monk, let's think about how to keep the territory of our three major factions in western Hunan. The corpse sect is now where the mountain gate is, but it is in our western Hunan."

  "Thousands of years ago, the corpse sect's territory was already divided up by the major holy places."

  "Now, it's almost impossible to get them to spit it out."

  "And our three major factions in western Hunan are now the closest to the corpse-hunting faction."

  "In front of the corpse sect, we are soft persimmons!"

  Li Qilong's face was solemn.

  The corpse-hunting faction appeared in western Hunan and had the deepest influence on the three major factions in western Hunan all day long.

  Because their basic plate is here.

  And the corpse sect, to open the mountain gate, must also need a site.

  If his mountain gate, if it stays in Xiangxi.

  How should Maoshan, Tianjing Temple and Laoshan, the three major sects in western Hunan, deal with themselves?


  Monk Jingran's expression changed slightly.

  Now, they seem, indeed, to think about it.


  At this moment, Lin Feng's body, the monstrous evil power rushed out of the body like a billowing wolf smoke.

  Cover the sky.

  At this moment, in the east, under the distant mountain peak, a big sun leaped out.

  The rising sun is rising!

  Just like the current Lin Feng!

  The evil lotus in the body is turning frantically, desperately refining the source power of suppression in the body.

  Lin Feng felt that his cultivation was soaring at an incredible speed.

  Late Master of Heaven!

  Celestial Master is consummated!

  The billowing evil spirit rolled in the sky, blocking the sunlight.

  Lin Feng is like a demon coming out of hell, overlooking all living beings!

  "Later Tianshi! He...he is only in his twenties!"

  The monk Jingran couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

  What kind of cultivation did you have when you were in your twenties?

  Still a mage!

  Rao is so, has been called the genius of the sky by the elders of the division.

  Because of the Buddhist practice, which focuses on a steady fight, it is becoming more and more popular.

  In the back, I followed one by one, until I was eighty-three years old, when I was wise and mastered, and I became a master!

  It is the same realm as the Heavenly Master in Taoism.

  Then, it took another fifty years to cultivate to the realm of the late master.

  There is still a long way to go before the Great Master.

  And now, a young man in his twenties has reached the level of the Great Perfection of a Celestial Master.

  The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves!

  For the first time in his life, he had the feeling that he was getting old.


  Can't keep up with the times!

  The future is destined to be the era of young people!

  "The Great Perfection of the Celestial Master has also been achieved. Is it possible that he is the holy reincarnation of the fairy world?"

  "It's ridiculous, the genius guarding this, but I let him go undercover!"

  "The ancestor is on top, I am ashamed of the teacher!"

  Li Qilong's face was full of bitterness.

  He knew he was wrong.

  He is obsessed with hatred.

  Maoshan and the Zombie Sect really have an unresolved hatred?

  In the battle a thousand years ago, the corpse sect vanished into smoke, and it was completely silent.

  The great hatred should go with the breeze!

  But the people of Maoshan have always been obsessed with it.

  This, obviously, has gone to an extreme.

  If not for that so-called hatred.

  Maoshan just needs to wait!

  Wait for Lin Feng to become an immortal!

  Just wait, when Lin Feng is invincible in the world, then Maoshan will naturally step into the holy land.

  And where do you need to step on someone else's corpse.

  Unfortunately, God-given opportunity, Mao Shan did not seize it.

  "That's right, Sanmai!"

  "Lin Feng may not have too many feelings for Mao Shan, but he definitely has feelings for Sanmai."

  "Decades ago, Sanmai paid too much for Maoshan."

  "Master, it's time to make up for the mountains!"

  "When I go back this time, I will recruit Shijian back to the mountain gate and let him take charge of Maoshan."

  Li Qilong's mind changed sharply, and he soon found a way to break the game.

  "Heavenly Master is consummated, I will drive the Corpse Sect, and soon, another immortal will be born!"

  The black-robed old man danced with excitement.

  All the changes in the corpse sect were brought about by Lin Feng.

  The honor and disgrace of the corpse sect will also be tied to Lin Feng in the future.

  He naturally hoped that Lin Feng could be as strong as possible.

  "A great celestial master who is in his twenties, do you still need to live?"

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