The radiant Wang Po walked out of it, prepared the food and wine from Miao Village and brought it back.

  Under the sun, good wine and beautiful woman, life is proud, nothing more than this!

  Under Pingshan Mountain in the distance, in the palace, the Taoist Master of the Six Paths of Demon Gate is also drinking heavily.

  The Taoist Master of Hell knows that there is a problem with wine, but, as the host, he has to drink it.

  After a sip of Drunken Immortal, he couldn't help but light up. There was an aura in the wine, which made him feel refreshed, and couldn't help but have the urge to have another drink.

  "You hell still have such a fine wine!"

  "Prepare me some of this wine, and I'll take it with me!"


  The other five people hid the taste and couldn't help but want to continue drinking.

  This is right in the arms of the Lord of Hell.

  After drinking a cup of drunken immortal brew, the six of them are all strong human immortals, and they can't help but feel dizzy.

  In the end, before the serious business was said, the six of them fell drunk in the hall.

  A drunken fairy is no different from an ordinary person.

  "Human immortals can get drunk, this drunk immortal brew is not worth the name of the drunk immortal!"

  The figure of the old zombie appeared in the hall, looking at the drunk, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

  With a wave of his hand, the mountain-guarding formation was activated, and the five people except the Taoist Lord of Hell were trapped by the power of the formation.

  Being trapped by the old zombie means, even if they wake up now, it will be of no use.

  What's more, they are so drunk now that it is impossible to wake up in a short time.


  The old zombie blew out a breath of corpse and landed on the hell master who was still lying on the ground.

  The Taoist Lord of Hell was agitated and slowly opened his eyes.

  The mana in the body was running, dispelling the alcohol, and the master of hell stood up and respectfully said to the old zombie: "Senior."

  On the road of cultivation, the master is respected, the old zombie is much stronger than him, and this senior is naturally worthy.

  "I'm responsible for watching them stop running. Now, they can't run!"

  The old zombie nodded, and his figure slowly disappeared.

  As a zombie, although his intelligence is undoubtedly similar to that of ordinary people, he is not used to dealing with people.

  Ordinary strangers, he is too lazy to deal with them.

  If it weren't for the fact that this hell Taoist master was his own person, and he was still a human being, he would not have taken care of him at all.

  "This, of course, can't run!"

  The Taoist Lord of Hell looked at the five large nets woven with the earth energy of dragon veins above the hall.

  Dragon veins are the best at suppressing.

  The five people are trapped like this, and it is impossible to get out of the trap without the help of outsiders.

  "I'm also doing it for the good of our Six Paths."

  "The scattered six paths should have another master."

  A complex color flashed on the face of the hell Taoist master.

  As a human immortal, although he is controlled by Lin Feng and is absolutely loyal to Lin Feng, he is still independent in terms of consciousness.

  have their own consciousness, ideas.

  He waved his hand, and a paper crane appeared in his hand.

  On the paper crane, flames rose, and the paper crane turned into ashes.

  In the mountain next door, Lin Feng's heart moved, he calmly drank the wine that Wang Po offered him, got up and embraced the slender waist: "Go, I'll take you to see our palace."

  Pingshan Palace, as Lin Feng's other courtyard.

  Wang Po, as Lin Feng's maid, naturally also has a place.

  However, Lin Feng did not speak. Although Pingshan was not far away, Wang Po had never set foot there once.

  Now that Lin Feng took the initiative to take her there, she was naturally overjoyed, but her face remained calm, hugging Lin Feng's body tightly.

  A black light shot up from the ancestral temple and rushed towards Pingshan.

  Lin Feng deliberately exerted all his strength, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

  The Archmage can't control the sky yet.

  Wang Po was terrified and hugged Lin Feng even tighter.


  "what is that?"

  "What is that black light?"


  In the ancestral temple, many people caught a glimpse of the black light.

  But the black light flashed away.

  Those who saw it only said that their eyes were dazzled.

  But he never thought that the high priest of the clan had already followed his master.

  The black light fell, revealing two young figures in front of the hell Taoist master.

  "Master, they are already drunk."

  The Taoist Lord of Hell bowed and said respectfully.

  He lowered his head, not even looking up at Lin Feng.

  Because Lin Feng has Wang Po by his side.

  Judging from the close relationship between the two, the Dao Master of Hell can be sure that this young Archmage is Lin Feng's woman.

  As a subordinate, he naturally wouldn't look around.

  "Good job."

  Lin Feng nodded and looked up at the five people hanging in the air.

  All five were sleeping soundly.

  And drunk ordinary people no doubt.





  Lin Feng waved his hand, and five iron chains appeared out of thin air, beating the five people.

  The iron chain is completely composed of the power of the soul, and it is designed to fight the sun god.




  One by one, figures were drawn out of the flesh.

  That is the sun god of these five immortals.

  Drunk Immortal Brew is not only aimed at the flesh, but also at the Yang God.

  After being hit so hard, they still didn't wake up right away, they were still stupefied.


  Lin Feng's heart moved, prompting the full-level ghost shepherding technique.


  The bodies of the five people froze suddenly.

  He was imprisoned in place by an invisible force.

  At the same time, the invisible force invaded their bodies in an instant.

  Miserable green ghost fires emerged from their bodies, shrouding their bodies.

  At the same time, it also operates in their bodies, condensing the slave imprint.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "Do not……"

  "What the hell?"


  Everyone was angry, struggling, and completely sobered up.

  Unfortunately, it's too late.

  The power of Ghost Shepherd is too strong, and they cannot break free at all.

  "These people are all geographers. Now the master can directly shoot out the yin god of geographers, and then enslave it."

  Grandma Wang was stunned.

  As the first old man to follow Lin Feng, she naturally recognized Lin Feng's ghost shepherding technique.

  But ghost shepherding, isn't it specialized in shepherding ghosts?

  How can even the Yin God be enslaved?

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