However, Lam Fung is a miracle in itself.

  No matter what happened to him, Wang Po would not think there was any problem.

  My master is so powerful.

  "Today, the six paths are finally reunited again."

  The eyes of the Taoist Lord of Hell are hot.

  Although the six paths are connected with the same Qi, the broken bones are connected with the tendons.

  But separated for thousands of years, there will inevitably be gaps between them after all.

  It's just that on weekdays, it doesn't show up.

  "It's done!"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and the sun gods of the five masters of the Tao of Heaven and Humanity, the Tao of Animals, the Tao of Humanity, the Tao of Asura, and the Tao of Hungry Ghost, who were shrouded in miserable green ghosts, were revealed again.


  In the dark, five powerful and powerful forces came from the sky and submerged into Lin Feng's body.

  But after enslaving the five Taoist masters, the source feedback came back.


  The five Taoist masters have not weakened, but because of being refined by the ghost shepherding technique, their strength has increased slightly.

  It's just that in the future, they will no longer have physical bodies, and it will be difficult for them to recover from injuries.

  But as long as Lin Feng is willing to help them, it is much easier than recovering by himself.

  The evil lotus in Lin Feng's body turned, and these sources were refined, precipitated, and turned into future resources.

  The origin of the six immortals made him feel that his accumulation had reached a critical point.

  reached a bottleneck.

  If this bottleneck is crossed, then he will ascend to the sky in one step, from human to immortal.

  If he can't get over it, his cultivation base will stay where he is, and it will be difficult to advance.

  "Renxian... I'm still young, don't worry!"

  Lin Feng remained calm and looked at the five people in front of him.




  The faces of the five were full of respect, but they already knew their fate.

  With the slave imprints condensed in their bodies, their thinking was changed, and from then on, they were only loyal to Lin Feng.

  "In the future, the six paths will be unified, and I will be the master of the six paths. Do you have any objections?"

  With the addition of five immortals, Lin Feng felt a sense of pride in his heart.

  There are one flying yaksha, three half-step flying yaksha, and five immortals.

  In this yang world, if you don't walk sideways, you will be sorry for yourself.

  "I'm waiting to meet the Heavenly Emperor!"

  The six Taoist masters all threw themselves on their knees and kowtowed to Lin Feng.

  In an instant, Lin Feng only felt that there was endless cause and effect.

  The Six Paths of the Demon Gate have great cause and effect.

  Lin Feng accepted them as the new Lord of the Six Paths, and naturally took over the cause and effect together.

  This caught Lin Feng by surprise.

  I thought it was cheap.

  No, this is a hot potato.

  This made his face a little ugly: "Heavenly Emperor? What do you mean?"

  The title of Heavenly Emperor is too heavy, and Lin Feng has self-knowledge, knowing that he can't resist such a title now.

  "Our founder of the Six Paths is said to be an arbitrary emperor of the ages."

  "The ancestors once had ancestral teachings left behind. Whoever can unify the six paths and become the new master of the six paths will be the new emperor of heaven."

  The face of the hell Taoist master was full of fanaticism.

  Heavenly Emperor, Heaven and Earth Supreme.

  If Lin Feng can carry the title of Heavenly Emperor.

  Those six paths will definitely rise again.

  "Six Paths... Domineering for eternity... Who is the ancestor of the Six Paths of the Demon Sect, right?"

  In Lin Feng's eyes, a flash of strange color flashed, but he thought of the barren emperor who was so decisive for eternity.

  Among the exercises that the Huangtian Emperor is good at, there is not one, which is called the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

  "Master, this is our Six Paths' respective exercises!"

  The six Taoist masters each respectfully handed over a jade slip.

  In the jade slips, there are the magic arts of each of the six Taoist schools.begging.

Chapter 456

  "Ding! It is detected that the host is learning the evil art of Heaven and Humanity, and Heaven and Humanity will automatically reach full level!"

  "Ding! It is detected that the host is learning evil arts and humanism, and humanism is automatically full!"

  "Ding! It is detected that the host is learning the evil art of the animal, and the animal is automatically full!"

  "Ding! It is detected that the host is learning the evil art of Asura, and the Asura is automatically full!"

  "Ding! It is detected that the host is learning the evil art of hell, and the hell is automatically full!"

  "Ding! It is detected that the host is learning the evil power of Hungry Ghost Dao, and the Hungry Ghost Dao will automatically reach full level!"

  The system's voice resounded in his mind after a long absence.

  "These six real skills are also defined as evil methods by the system. Sure enough, it is not unreasonable that the six realms are called the six realms of magic."

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and the breath that was hidden in the deepest part of his body, belonging to the Great Celestial Master, naturally radiated out.

  "Heaven and Humanity!"

  In Lin Feng's body, Evil Lotus hid in the deepest part of his body.

  There is an air of celestial beings on his body.

  A hazy passage was revealed behind him.

  That passage leads to an unknown and mysterious place.

  The six Taoists are well versed in this way, and they can see at a glance that this is Lin Feng's cultivation of the Tao of Heaven and Humanity. He entered the room and opened one of the mysterious reincarnation channels, the channel of the Tao of Heaven and Humanity.


  The breath belonging to "heaven and man" came to the world and blessed Lin Feng.

  At this moment, he is the spokesperson of Heaven and Human Dao, in charge of the authority of Heaven and Human Dao, and can send people to reincarnation in Heaven and Human Dao.

  "Within a few breaths, the master has cultivated the Tao of Heaven and Humanity to the legendary state of supremacy!"

  The body of the Taoist master trembled, with sadness and excitement in his eyes...

  Many expressions are difficult to express.

  Shocked anyway.

  The blessing of Heaven and Humanity is an achievement that can only be achieved when Heaven and Humanity has cultivated to a state of Consummation.

  Throughout the ages, apart from the legendary "Emperor of Heaven", no one has ever been able to cultivate him to this level.

  And now, Lin Feng has achieved such an achievement.

  Moreover, it was achieved in just a few breaths.

  Moreover, the young man in front of him was only in his twenties.

  This makes the Lord of Heaven, Human, and Taoism feel that he has lived on a dog for all his age.

  "The master's talent is immemorial, no wonder he was able to become a great master at a young age."

  "Don't dare to say anything else, the master's talent in heaven and humanity is absolutely unparalleled!"

  "Just the way of heaven and humanity? As far as I know, it has only been two years since the master practiced."


  The other five Dao Masters whispered to each other, and their eyes were full of shock and fanaticism, but compared with the state of doubt of life of the Taoist Master, it was much worse.

  But immediately, they, like Heavenly Humans and Taoists, began to doubt life.

  There are so many skills that don't overwhelm him, and Lin Feng is loading the other five exercises on his body.

  "With the full level of Heaven and Humanity, you can take over the authority of Heaven and Humanity, and send your soul to reincarnation in Heaven and Humanity.

  Doesn't that mean that if the other five realms are at full level, they can also send their souls to the other five realms for reincarnation.

  The full level of the six realms also means that I have meddled in the authority of the six realms of reincarnation. "

  On Lin Feng's face, there was no wave in the ancient well, and the breaths of human, animal, asura, hell, and hungry ghosts appeared on his body one by one.

  Behind him, one passage after another emerged.


  "Beast way!"

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