"Asura Road!"

  "Hell Road!"

  "Hungry Ghost Road!"

  The six Daoists were stunned.

  There are such gods in this world.

  Countless people spend their whole lives, and they are afraid that they will not be able to get started. On them, they learn it for a while.

  Learn it right away.

  This, but also people live.

  "The Emperor of Heaven is reincarnated!"

  "God wants to punish me in six ways!"

  The hearts of the six Taoists are full of joy.

  The six realms are declining day by day, day by day.

  Now, a master of ZTE is needed.

  There is no doubt that Lin Feng is the master of this ZTE......

  At a glance, they directly cultivated the six realms to the unfathomable level, and they delved into the realm that they had not touched for hundreds of years.

  If it was said that Lin Feng had nothing to do with the "Emperor of Heaven", they would not believe him if he was killed.

  "Who is stealing the authority of the Six Paths!"

  In the underworld, deep in the underworld, Ah Cha, who was dozing on the throne, frowned, and then opened his eyes.

  As the lord of the underworld and the king of the underworld, she cannot control the six realms, she can only escape the rules of the six realms of reincarnation and maintain the six realms.

  But now, someone is stealing the authority of the six reincarnations.

  "The road to heaven has been broken, which almighty is this, who is continuing the road ahead."

  Ah Cha frowned.

  The breath is unfamiliar.

  Although she has survived from ancient times to the present, and has dealt with all the great powers in the Three Realms, she still can't recognize who is the boss, who has such great courage and generosity.

  "Six independent reincarnations..."

  "It stands to reason that they should blend together, regardless of each other..."

  "I still lack a genius to control them..."

  The essence of Liu Dao's perceptions emerged one by one in Lin Feng's mind.

  Lin Feng keenly felt that he was still missing something.

  Otherwise, the six paths at the moment should be merged together and change with his mind.

  However, even if they haven't merged together for a while, these six evil arts are extremely terrifying.

  In the past, Lin Feng's other magic arts were at full level, and they would be absorbed by the evil lotus in the body and merged into the evil lotus.

  But the six evil arts can compete with the evil lotus in his body.


  In the dark, Lin Feng felt that his thoughts were extremely scattered, and through the guidance of Six Paths, he went deep into the void.

  He "saw" that, thousands of miles away, there was a small dirt bag.

  The small soil bag is full of weeds and looks inconspicuous.

  However, there is a causal entanglement in it.

  In the faint, Lin Feng seemed to hear a voice: "Come on, come quickly... I can't stand alone, I can't hold on anymore...".

Chapter 457

  "That place is related to the patriarch of Six Paths, the legendary "Emperor of Heaven"."

  Lin Feng moved in his heart.

  The cultivation technique to control the Six Paths has to fall on the "Emperor of Heaven".

  As for the clues about the "Heavenly Emperor", apart from the six evil arts, this is the only one he has known so far.

  "Domination for all eternity... A single tree can't support it..."

  The appearance of "Heavenly Emperor" and some fragmented words reminded Lin Feng instinctively of some bad things.

  The breath on his body subsided, and Lin Feng looked at the six Taoist masters in front of him: "Do you know where is the tomb of the Emperor of Heaven?"

  The humble earthbag made Lin Feng think of the grave.

  "According to the records of our Six Paths, there is blood in the heavens and the earth, and the Heavenly Emperor fought bloody borderlands and never returned. According to ancestral legends, Heavenly Emperors are still alive and guard the borderlands."

  "The Emperor of Heaven is still there, so naturally there will be no graves."

  The Lord of Hell opened his mouth and said.

  "It seems that the only way to find the cause and effect line is to escape!"

  Lin Feng frowned slightly and had an idea in his heart.

  "You protect the law for me, and I want to go out."

  After he finished speaking, he looked at Wang Po again: "You are here to protect the Dharma for me as well. If you are bored, just stroll around the palace."


  "it is good!"

  24 The six Taoists and the Queen Mother all nodded.

  For them, Lin Feng's words were the imperial edict.

  Naturally, do not dare to obey.

  It shouldn't take long for this to go, but in order to prevent accidents, Lin Feng recruited old zombies again.

  Let the old zombie go back to the Zombie Squad to sit first.


  In the depths of the underground palace, Lin Feng sat cross-legged, his air was calm, the evil lotus in his body turned, six evil arts were running, and six illusory passages lingered around his body, like six gushing craters.

  The six paths appeared, and in the dark, Lin Feng saw the unremarkable ancient tomb again, and heard the intermittent sound.

  "Cause and effect seems to be thousands of miles away, and it seems to be in an endless distance. There is danger in going here. However, my spirit is immortal and immortal, but I am not afraid..."

  Lin Feng was concerned, the spirit rushed out of the body, searched for the cause and effect line, rushed into the heaven and human realm, and disappeared directly.

  The six volcanic craters surrounding Lin Feng's body were extinguished.

  The breath on his body has also dropped to the lowest point.

  But at this moment, he fell into a state of suspended animation.


  Turn around!

  It's dark!

  I don't know how long it took, Lin Feng was squeezed out of the Heaven and Human Dao and landed in a wilderness.

  There is only one day in the sky!

  You can also sense that your body is thousands of miles away!

  Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

  Still in the sun.

  That's it.

  This is a wilderness.

  In the wilderness, small dirt bags overgrown with weeds can be seen everywhere.

  In front of him is one of the ordinary and unremarkable ones.

  However, the tenacious thread of cause and effect entangled, making this little dirt bag less common.

  "Could it be that the "Emperor of Heaven", who is highly respected by the Six Paths but unknown to outsiders, is buried in this inconspicuous solitary tomb."

  Lin Feng's heart moved, and the power of his soul radiated into the distance.

  It did not probe directly into the tomb, but extended to the distance and probed.

  The surroundings were deserted, and the power of the soul reached out for ten miles, and finally found a small mountain village.

  This is a hunter village on the back of the mountain.

  The people of the village live by hunting and collecting herbs in the mountains.

  The village was in a semi-closed state, so it was hardly affected by the troubled times.

  The people in the village live a peaceful and indifferent life.

  However, the wilderness is cruel. Since they want to live in the wilderness, they naturally have to endure the cruelty of the wilderness.

  At the head of the village, the Liu family has had a major event recently.

  A [-]-year-old young boy from the Liu family went out to the mountain with the village elders to go to the market a few days ago. When he returned to the mountain, he was in a hurry to urinate and was not careful, so he sprinkled it directly on the weeds by the roadside.

  It was only after he had finished that he discovered that there was a jar under the grass.

  This kind of jar is usually used to hold bones.

  Someone died in a foreign country, and no one at home would find someone to bring back the bones, so they were usually placed on the side of the road in jars like this.

  The Liu family boy was startled, but he didn't care too much.

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