The evil lotus is pitch-black, as if carrying the most extreme evil in the world.

  Ordinary people are bound to sink just by seeing it.

  The Six Paths of Reincarnation are also running at the same time.

  A gray crater appeared above Lin Feng's head.

  Among them, there are gods roaring and ghosts howling, seducing the soul!

  "I'm the only one!"

  "Zhixie is my future!"

  "Then, the reincarnation of the six paths will also become the resources on my road to Xeon!"

  With a thought, the rotation of the evil lotus quickly accelerated at this moment.

  An invisible force of devouring acted on the crater above Lin Feng's head.

  The crater trembles, it is necessary to resist.


  Naturally reluctant to be someone else's resources.

  However, as the master, Lin Feng suppressed the riot in the crater as soon as his mind moved.

  A trace of dark aura was deprived from the crater and thrown into the evil lotus.

  The aura of the evil lotus also began to change.

  It's not true!

  Like a fantasy!

  As if it didn't exist in this world at all.

  After half an hour.

  The crater disappeared.

  All into the evil lotus.

  The evil lotus at the moment is ordinary, it is completely an ordinary black lotus.

  But if you look closely, you will find that in the black lotus, there is hidden the movement of heaven and earth, the destination of all things.

  Although not the most terrifying existence in the world.

  But it has begun to approach this direction.

  Like Lin Feng, the only thing missing is time.

  "Manpower will eventually run out, but the power of immortals is infinite!"

  Evil Lotus disappeared.

  Lin Feng became unremarkable.

  A dusty aura emanated from him.

  At first glance, he is simple and ordinary.

  Again, he is still simple and ordinary.

  However, the more you look, the less simple he becomes!


  Lin Feng only felt that the world was changing.

  In the past, the world that had been clearly displayed in front of him had once again unveiled the mysterious veil.

  In the body, a whole body of evil power was engulfed by the evil lotus at this moment.

  When it was spit out again, it was already a new black and evil power.

  Among them, with the most extreme evil in the world.

  A little contamination will sink!

  In Lin Feng's eyes, there are rules.

  He saw the world in front of him.

  See through the void.

  I saw the six rivers that traverse the heavens and the earth and are no longer everywhere.

  In the river, there are countless phantoms struggling and roaring, and then immediately engulfed by the surging waves.

  These six rivers are the "six paths".

  They propel all things in the world, and they continue to cycle through life.

  Keeping time running.

  All creatures in the world, even this world, cannot escape the scouring of the "six paths".

  But the stronger, the more resistant.

  In the "six paths", it is easier to stabilize the body shape.

  At the same time, Lin Feng also saw that among the "Six Paths", there were quite a few existences, and they remained motionless.

  The influence of "Six Paths" on them is minimal.

  Just like the stubborn rock standing in the river, although it will be washed away by the river, it will take thousands of years.

  Even, for thousands of years, they can only smooth their water chestnuts and make them more rounded.

  It is more suitable for "Six Paths".

  In this way, it is better able to resist the scouring of the "six paths".

  "These existences should be the great powers in the Three Realms!"

  "The only ones that are truly stable are nine!"

  "They should be the immortal golden immortals!"

  Lin Feng observed quietly.

  "Under the Golden Immortal, there are [-] Heavenly Immortals!"

  "Under the immortals, the true immortals, there are [-] statues!"

  "Under the true immortals, there are countless human immortals and ghost immortals!"

  Lin Feng stood at the source of Six Paths and was in charge of Six Paths.

  Even if it is because of his strength, he cannot use too much authority of the Six Paths.

  But at this moment, his eyes widened, and he learned a lot of the secrets of this world.

  Suddenly, he felt a familiar aura in those unmoving existences.

  He waved his hand, and in front of him, the fog dissipated, and a gluttonous phantom appeared.

  That phantom, standing in the six long rivers, does not know how many thousands of years.

  That section of the river, the rushing water, kept scouring the gluttonous phantom.

  On the gluttonous shadow, it is already riddled with holes, and it may collapse at any time and become history.

  The evil lotus in Lin Feng's eyes appeared.

  Through the phantom, I saw the little Ding cat in the Yang World.

  Tiny cat is drinking tea.

  The moment Lin Feng turned his gaze to her, she only felt the hairs all over her body explode.

  It was as if he was being stared at by some terrifying existence.

  The existence of terror?

  As a glutton.

  She is one of the most terrifying beings in this world.

  After the most powerful one in this world left the Three Realms, the people in this world who could do anything to her basically no longer existed.

  What kind of existence could make her feel terrified?

  Unless, this is the world.

  That's everywhere.

  But there is no trace of the river of reincarnation.

  The threat to life from the river of reincarnation has always existed.

  The stronger the existence, the more terrifying the river of reincarnation can be felt.

  The life and death of all things in the world are covered by it.

  Even the golden immortal known to be immortal will have to be polished off.

  Finally, eroded.

  Then decay.

  Finally, it collapsed.

  Immortality is only relative.

  Jinxian, only in this world, can be immortal.

  They are attached to this world.

  According to legend, even heaven and earth cannot escape reincarnation.

  Jin Xian naturally couldn't escape.

  When the little Dingmao is at its most powerful, it is Jinxian.

  And it is the kind of Xeon Jinxian.

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