Just one step away, you will be able to become Da Luo.

  Jump out of the existence of this world.

  However, reincarnation is ruthless.

  As early as two thousand years ago, she felt that the end was coming.

  Reincarnation has left her indestructible divine body riddled with holes.

  "Could it be that there has been a change in reincarnation..."

  Thinking of this, the little Ding Mao couldn't help but change his face.

  Based on past experience, she felt that she would have no problem holding on for another three to five hundred years.

  But in the future, no one can tell.

  The long river of reincarnation is constantly changing.

  Once somewhere changed.

  The consequences are catastrophic.

  For example, a dyke burst somewhere upstream!

  Downstream, the river will naturally swell.

  The stubborn rocks that were originally in the river will suddenly be swept away by the skyrocketing river water.

  This is the trend.

  No one can stop it.

  Even a small cat can only passively accept it.

  In the face of "natural disasters", even when she was at her peak, she was as weak as an ant.

  Not to mention that she is old now.


  The deadline is approaching!

  "Unfortunately, I haven't waited for him to grow up..."

  In Xiao Ding Mao's mind, the figure of Lin Feng appeared.

  He has an infinite possible future.

  Ding Mao invested in him.

  I wanted to wait for him to grow up.

  When you can stand in the long river of reincarnation, you can stand in front of yourself.

  This way, you will be less stressed.

  It can be like a way to repair the divine body.

  And then linger on for tens of thousands of years.

  Even, if he is lucky, one day, Lin Feng will be able to become Da Luo and jump out of that long river.

  Has incense.

  Lin Feng was able to scoop himself up from the long river.

  From ancient times to the present, the little Dingmao has read countless people.

  In Lin Feng, she saw such potential.

  Unfortunately, reincarnation is ruthless, she can't wait for this day.

  "The reason why living beings die is because the figure in this river was rushed into the distance..."

  "Little Ding Mao used to be a Jinxian, so she can stay still in the river!"

  "However, after tens of thousands of years of scouring by the river, her figure has long since decayed!"

  "And what can I do now?"

  Lin Feng frowned, the evil lotus in his body turned.


  The surging long river of reincarnation, when it flowed through the section where the little Ding Mao figure stood, the originally turbulent river became much calmer.

  "This is Lin Feng's breath!"

  "Reincarnation has become much calmer!"

  "If reincarnation can continue like this, I can at least support it for another thousand years."

  Little Dingmao moved in his heart and felt the changes in the long river of reincarnation.

  "too tired!"

  "With my current mana, I can only maintain ten breaths at most!"

  Lin Feng staggered.

  Received magic.

  The river of reincarnation became turbulent again.


  The little Dingmao shook his body and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

  The face that was originally white became even paler.

  However, the speed of the reincarnation of the long river suddenly recovered, making her figure in it flicker, and she was out of touch and was almost washed down.

  "What the hell did this guy do?"

  Ding Mao stuck out his tongue and licked off the blood from the corner of his mouth, then turned and disappeared into the darkness.

  She was going to find Lin Feng and ask clearly.

  "Little Dingmao will be fine for the time being. What I need to do now is to make myself stronger..."

  Lin Feng turned his attention to another place in the long river of reincarnation.

  In the long river of reincarnation, there are constantly waves being stirred up.

  A wave is often a person's life.

  Suddenly, he saw that in the long river, there was a figure that seemed to be standing still, going upstream.

  That figure walked very slowly.

  However, it is really moving upstream.

  Instead of being like other beings, at most, they can only maintain their figure in the river, so that they do not go with the flow.

  "How powerful does it take to be able to go up against the long river of reincarnation?"

  The fog in front of Lin Feng's eyes was dispelled again.

  He saw, it was darkness.

  In the darkness, there is a beautiful woman.

  She is dressed in red.

  Face with a gold openwork mask.

  Like a clumsy fish swimming upstream.

  "Pluto, Ah Cha!"

  Lin Feng moved in his heart.

  He had long guessed that Ah Cha also existed in this world.

  However, his strength is too low to reach that level.

  After all, Pluto, no matter how you say it, is the most powerful person in the Three Realms.

  And he, although not small in the Yang World, can look at the Three Realms, but for the time being, it is nothing.

  But he didn't expect that the first time he saw Ah Cha would be in this long river of reincarnation. .

Chapter 460


  Ah Cha, who was struggling upstream, wanted to see what happened in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, noticed Lin Feng's gaze.

  She looked up and looked upstream.

  She saw a vague figure.

  The distance is too far, Rao is the King of Pluto, her strength is sky-high, and it's not real.

  I can only feel that in those eyes, it is clear, with a taste of scrutiny.

  "He's not the one!"

  "I've never seen him!"

  "He's young!"


  Several thoughts flashed in Ah Cha's mind.

  Upstream, the blurry figure slowly faded until it disappeared.

  The long river of reincarnation is too vague, even if Lin Fengxie has accomplished a lot, he can take charge of reincarnation.

  But his own strength, after all, is a flaw.

  Just giving the flow rate of a certain section of the river in the Bian River has already consumed most of his mana.

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