At this moment, it is no longer able to maintain the shape of the reincarnation.

  Can only return to the Yang World.


  In front of Xiao Tubao, Lin Feng opened his eyes.

  "I don't know the years in the mountains, this stop, two months have passed!"

  "I will grow up as soon as possible to help you!"

  Whispering to the little dumpling, Lin Feng waved his hand, put away the ghosts guarding him, and disappeared in place.

  And at the moment Lin Feng took that step and cultivated into an immortal, all the creatures who had a cause and effect with Lin Feng were aware of it.

  Everyone couldn't help but look in the direction of Lin Feng.

  In a trance, everyone saw a big sun rising slowly.

  The day is full of darkness.

  Where the black light shrouded, the world was pitch black.


  Jiujianxian is drinking.

  Suddenly the wine gourd in his hand fell to the ground.

  Fortunately, this wine gourd was practiced by him day and night, and it has already been turned into a magic weapon.

  In this way, the gourd is not broken, and the wine is not spilled.

  "what happened?"

  The old master frowned.

  As an immortal, being calm is a basic exercise.

  What is my friend doing?

  Could it be that something big happened in Shushan?

  You must know that under the Shu Mountain, there is both a blood demon and a magic well.

  If something really happened, the entire Yang World would be robbed.

  "Lin Feng, you have become an immortal!"

  Jiujianxian's face was full of bitterness.

  A fairy in her twenties.

  Would you believe it if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes?

  "Human Immortal!"

  "That kid, could it be the reincarnation of that great master?"

  Lao Tianshi shook his hand and pulled out one of his beards, grinning in pain.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?


  Jiujianxian nodded.

  In history, the existence of such a fast cultivation speed was finally exposed, and it was the reincarnation of the great power.

  Like Lu Dongbin, the sword fairy of pure Yang!

  There are legends that he is the reincarnation of Emperor Donghua.

  There are also legends that he is the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu.


  "What is he like as a person?"

  The old Tianshi frowned slightly.

  Lin Feng became a fairy.

...... 0

  The rise of the corpse sect is truly impeccable and unstoppable.

  Then, the sects in the world have to consider how to get along with the corpse sect in the future.

  "I don't know, according to the collected information, it's neither positive nor evil, I just do things as I want..."

  "If that's the case, you can get in touch with him. If he is really a reincarnation of a great power and awakens the memory of his past life, then you may ask him to take action on the hidden dangers in your Shushan and my Dragon Tiger Mountain, and see if you can find a way to solve it. …”

  When it comes to the hidden dangers in the door, the old Tianshi has a bitter look on his face.

  At the same time, the moment he learned that Lin Feng had turned into a fairy, he had completely placed Lin Feng on an equal position with himself.

  PS: No eunuch, sort out the plot!In addition, I feel that the book has collapsed, what do you think?

  There will be a chapter today, try to ensure an update of 4000 words a day.begging.

Chapter 461

  "Master, breakthrough!"

  The old man in black robe trembled.

  His eyes were full of shock and wonder.

  Then all the colors turned into ecstasy.

  When he was just a geographer, Lin Feng was able to be tough with the Tianshi.

  Now that Lin Feng has become an immortal, wouldn't he want to push Yang Shi's invincible hand?

  "God bless me to chase the corpse!"

  The old man in black robe was so excited that his face was flushed, and he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.


  "The sect master has become an immortal!"

  Yi Kailin and a group of corpse exorcists were also thoughtful, and this terrifying thought came up in their minds.

  This thought caused them to be in ecstasy both physically and mentally.

  Sensitive people, there are tears in my eyes at this moment!





  The three guardian mountain gods couldn't help roaring up to the sky, their tyrannical aura rushed out of the body, and condensed into a magic cloud in the sky, congratulating Lin Feng.

  As Lin Feng's servant, one person gains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven!

  They naturally sensed the changes that occurred in Lin Feng at the first time.

  At the same time, they felt that their bottleneck was loosening.

  Without thinking about it, I knew that this change was brought about by Lin Feng.

  When one person gains the Dao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven!

  This kind of good thing is not a joke.

  But it actually exists.

  "Master, you have become an immortal!"

  Xuan Kui's face was also full of excitement.

  His choice was right!

  Lin Feng is indeed the son of destiny!

  Leading the entire royal family into Lin Feng's command was the most correct decision he had ever made in his life.

  "The master will definitely be able to dominate the world. At that time, my royal family will be able to follow the master to reign over this land again."

  A bit of blood appeared on Cixi's pale face with excitement.

  Reproducing the glory of the royal family is the biggest obsession in her heart!

  Before, she had no hope at all.

  Now, before you know it, it is about to come true.

  This made her a little suspicious, was she dreaming?




  The zombie army is rampant collectively, and the corpse is soaring!

  The entire corpse sect was shrouded in corpse aura and turned into ghosts!

  "These boys are too impatient!"

  In the darkness, the figure of the old zombie appeared.

  He was unperturbed.

  However, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

  "Unconsciously, Lin Feng has already caught up with me!"

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