"Yan Chixia, you lost!"

  The moment Lin Feng approached the opponent, he emptied all the weapons on Yan Chixia's body.

  Today's Yan Chixia has become bare-handed.

  Even if Lin Feng did not come through, the bare-handed Yan Chixia would not be Xiahou Jiang's opponent with a weapon in his hand.

  Both of them are in the realm of geographers, and Xiahou Jiang is not so vulnerable.

  The reason why he was killed by draining his blood before was entirely because of his carelessness, which was more seductive than Nie Xiaoqian's beauty.

  However, after thinking for a while, with Nie Xiaoqian's beauty and appearance, how many people can resist this temptation without knowing the premise?

  "I didn't expect Brother Xiahou to be more powerful than before after his death! Why didn't you kill me just now?"

  Yan Chixia was quite shocked. Seeing that Xiahou would no longer do anything, she took back her weapons scattered all over the place.

  Lin Feng snorted coldly: "I just want to get the title of the number one swordsman in the world, as long as I can defeat you, there is no need to kill you!"

  Yan Chixia belonged to the strongest category of geographers, not to mention that he acted chivalrously and did nothing to cross the line, so there was no need to kill him.

  "I really want to know, Brother Xiahou, why did you become the way you are now?"

  Yan Chixia was a little puzzled, even if General Xiahou was not his opponent, he would not be like this.

  If the monsters can do this, I am afraid it will bring disaster to the world.

  "I was attacked by surprise just now, but the sky didn't kill me, and it made me a blessing in disguise."

  After saying this coldly, Lin Feng sat with his legs crossed and began to slowly recuperate his current body.

  After all, it has become a mummified corpse, and I am afraid that I will be scared a lot if I go out to meet people like this.

  Still have to go back to the original.

  It's just that the blood and essence of the corpse have been drained, so it may not be so easy to restore it to its original state.

  It's just a little bit of recovery.

  If you want to recover completely, you must recapture the blood essence that belongs to this body.

  "Yan Chixia, I have already defeated you and became the number one swordsman in the world. I will definitely not continue to haunt you in the future. Do you still want to attack me if you stay here?"

  During the recovery process, Lin Feng's body will become very fragile.

  Yan Chixia hates demons and ghosts very much, and I am afraid she will do something to this body.

  It would be safer to just send him away.

  PS: My brain is in a mess, and the writing is completely broken. After the story is almost over, I am grateful for the company of [-] words for the past seven months!The two demons in the back are going to release themselves, everyone, let's go! .

Chapter 465

  "I just think there is something strange. We just fought a few hours ago. Brother Xiahou was killed in a blink of an eye, but the soul did not dissipate, and it continued to attach to the body."

  "I'm worried that I will become a mummified corpse and cause harm to the world. I can say it directly, but it doesn't have to be such a big circle."

  Lin Feng directly said what Yan Chixia was thinking.

  Yan Chixia did not continue to hide it.

  "That's right, Brother Xiahou, if you leave, it's better to go to the ground as soon as possible."

  "What if I don't? Could it be that Brother Yan still wants to be beaten by me like he did just now?"

  If he really wants to continue, Lin Feng will naturally not be afraid.

  Yan Chixia recalled the fight that happened just now, and was speechless for a while.

  Although I don't know why, but now Xiahou Jiang is more powerful than Yan~Chixia.

  If Xiahou hadn't stopped in time just now, I'm afraid Yan Chixia would have already been killed.

  The matter has come to this point, it is better to stop temporarily and see what Xiahou Jiang is going to do when he recovers.

  "Brother Xiahou is joking. Since there is nothing else, I will go back first."

  After speaking, Yan Chixia picked up the hilt and left here.

  After waiting for the other party to leave, Lin Feng began to slowly recover his blood essence.

  An hour later.

  Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes, let out a breath of turbid air, and then reflected his own picture from the water surface, looking much better than before.

  At least it's not that scary anymore, just looks scrawny and lacking in nutrients.

  Xiahou Jiang still has one obsession, that is to take revenge!

  He died so inexplicably before, and he was still tempted by beauty. After he reacted, he had already died. This kind of death is indeed unacceptable.

  Now that half of it has recovered, it's time to seek revenge on Grandma Huai Shu.

  When I came to Lanruo Temple, the wind was blowing, making my back feel cold.

  This place is too yin, not only the grandmother of the locust tree and Nie Xiaoqian, but also many lonely ghosts.

  It's just that the grandmother of the locust tree is usually too strong, and suppresses all these lonely ghosts, so that they don't dare to make trouble.

  Another part was used by the grandmother of the locust tree to seduce men specially for him.




  As soon as I came here, I heard a burst of singing from the backyard of the temple, accompanied by the sound of the guqin.

  Lin Feng stepped forward to check the situation and found a lake surrounded by surrounding mountains behind the temple.

  There is a lakeside pavilion in the lake, and river lanterns are scattered all over the water.

  On the only bridge leading to Huxin Pavilion, a scholar was walking towards Huxin Pavilion.

  That should be Ning Caichen!

  This guy is a silly and nerdy scholar. He didn't feel strange when he encountered this situation in the middle of the night, and even went forward to check it without any martial arts.

  Now that I have met Nie Xiaoqian, I can find Grandma Hua Shu through her.

  Lin Feng hurried forward and stopped Ning Caichen.

  "If you go any further, you will die!"

  Ning Caichen and Xiahou Jiang had met twice before, but when he saw that the other party suddenly became skinny, his appearance was rather scary.

  While staggering, he stumbled and fell into the water.

  Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, it seemed that his appearance was still quite scary.

  Quickly pull Ning Caichen back to the bridge.

  "How did you become like this? It's scary!"

  "Don't say so much, it's better for you to leave here quickly. There are too many unclean things in this temple. Be careful to die here."

  Lin Feng also kindly reminded him that he didn't want Ning Caichen to interfere with him.

  But at this moment, Nie Xiaoqian in the lake pavilion continued to make noises, and her singing voice increased several decibels.

  "There seems to be someone in front, and the voice should be a girl. This wilderness is really unsafe. Let's go over there and have a look."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Caichen rushed over to Huxin Pavilion.

  Lin Feng's persuasion was fruitless, so he could only follow the other party to Huxin Pavilion.

  Nie Xiaoqian was playing the guqin, and when she saw two people appear, she pretended to be scared.

  Ning Caichen noticed the knife in his hand, and quickly put it away and said, "I'm sorry, we just passed by here. If you're afraid, I'll just put it away."

  Lin Feng snorted coldly and pushed the knife out directly.


  I saw the knife cut through Nie Xiaoqian's body and settled directly on the wooden board behind her.

  At this time, Nie Xiaoqian also noticed that Lin Feng was not an ordinary person, so he aimed at Ning Caichen.

  "You just fell into the water, so it must be cold."

  While speaking, Nie Xiaoqian approached Ning Caichen and looked at him affectionately and silently.

  She grabbed Ning Caichen with her hand, and the eyes crossed between the two, less than a fist's distance apart.

  "Why is your hand colder than mine?" Ning Caichen noticed Nie Xiaoqian's body temperature.

  "Because you are warmer than me."

  Nie Xiaoqian has been trying to seduce Ning Caichen with her beauty.

  But Ning Caichen was indeed a little dumbfounded, both of them were so close together, and he was still asking, "You look so pale, are you ill? It's better to see a doctor!"

  "As long as you give me a little warmth."

  The words just came to this point, but Ning Caichen sneezed because of the long-winded, pushing Nie Xiaoqian away.

  "Ah, it hurts so much!"

  Nie Xiaoqian deliberately showed that she was injured and looked pitiful, ready to embrace Ning Caichen again.

  But at this moment, he was interrupted by Lin Feng.

  Not only that, Lin Feng also slapped Ning Caichen on the shoulder, causing him to fall unconscious to the ground.

  "Stop pretending, a scholar can't see that you are a ghost, but you can't hide it from me!"

  "You ruined my good deeds, but I can't spare you!"

  Nie Xiaoqian showed a fierce look, and rushed over with open arms.

  Lin Feng took Ning Caichen's body back several steps in a row, exited the lake pavilion, and also retreated to the lake.

  After putting Ning Caichen's body to hide, he continued to turn to face Nie Xiaoqian.

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