"Just because you want to beat me, wishful thinking!"

  After saying that, Lin Feng drew out his long sword, reciting the Xiahou swordsmanship in his heart, and a dim light lingered around the blade.


  As the long sword cut through the air, Nie Xiaoqian felt a sense of oppression.

  This sense of oppression was unprecedented, and it was the first time he felt scared since he met so many people.

  Before Lin Feng could make a move, Nie Xiaoqian waved her sleeves, covered her figure with a white cloth, and ran into the woods in a blink of an eye.

  Lin Feng followed closely behind, chasing in the woods one after another.

  When I came to a corner, I suddenly heard footsteps in front of me, very hurried; but there should be a person behind the sound.

  When I fixed my eyes, it was Yan Chixia!

  It seems that he also noticed the movement on Lanruo Temple's side.

  Nie Xiaoqian was shocked, and there was a chasing army behind and a tiger in front, and suddenly fell into a dilemma.

  At this moment, Lin Feng caught up, grabbed Nie Xiaoqian's body, and dragged him into the bushes.

  Nie Xiaoqian thought that Lin Feng was going to plot against her, but just as he was about to struggle, his mouth was covered.

  "Don't be noisy, if you don't want to be found by Yan Chixia, just be quiet!"

  Nie Xiaoqian didn't expect that Lin Feng would actually help her avoid Yan Chixia's pursuit, but for now it's better to keep quiet.

  The two slowly moved their bodies back, slowly dodging Yan Chixia's sight, and watching him go away, Lin Feng stood up again.

  Nie Xiaoqian was a little dazed, she thought Lin Feng was here to catch her, but he helped her.

  "Why are you helping me avoid that stinky Taoist priest?"

  "Because I want you to come and find your grandma."

  "What do you want to do?"

  Nie Xiaoqian suddenly became alert.

  Grandma Huai Shu is the monster who has been controlling her all the time, and her strength is very powerful, but anyone who disobeys her grandma will all die miserably.

  "Of course it's to seek revenge from him. Did you forget that you seduced me before and caused me to be drained of my blood by her!"

  Lin Feng held Nie Xiaoqian's face in the appearance of a general Xiahou. The latter took a closer look and found out that it was the same person from before.

  At first, the two met in a normal state, but now they have become skinny, and it is indeed difficult to find out that they are the same person if you don't pay attention.

  Nie Xiaoqian was taken aback, she quickly stepped back, and said, "Aren't you already dead? Why..."

  "The one who can kill me has not yet been born. I am looking for you to take revenge. I know that you received a threat from Grandma Hua Shu, so I don't blame you, but you must take me to find her!"

  It was the first time that Nie Xiaoqian saw someone who was able to survive after being sucked by her grandmother.

  Back then, she had seen her grandmother suck out Xiahou Jiang's essence and blood with her own eyes, but she didn't expect him to survive.

  If she can really help, perhaps Xiahou will be the one to ask her grandma to control!

  "If you can really help me ask my grandma's control, the little girl will repay her husband with a promise!"

  Nie Xiaoqian knelt down on one knee without any reason, and lowered her head.

  It can be seen that she also wants to get out of her grandma's control as soon as possible.

  Lin Feng knew that Nie Xiaoqian's heart was not bad, just because her grandmother asked her to do these cruel things.

  There are many ghosts with her who help her grandma, but some of them are willing to do this kind of thing in the first place.

  This is the difference between Nie Xiaoqian and other ghosts.

  "Then don't talk nonsense, come to me and find Grandma Hua Shu!"

  Lin Feng didn't want to waste time, and after doing so, he would be able to hold a beautiful woman back, so why not do it?

  "I can't see my grandma casually, but if I have a chance tomorrow night, my other sisters will come with me."

  "Then tomorrow night, I'll come to you, near the Huxin Pavilion before."

  Nie Xiaoqian nodded, and Lin Feng also returned to the Huxin Pavilion.

  Looking at Ning Caichen who was still in a coma, in order to prevent him from having a major accident tomorrow, Lin Feng could only send him back to the nearest village overnight.

  the next day.

  As night fell, the entire area where Lan Ruo Temple was located became gloomy, making people afraid to approach.

  Lin Feng came to the nearby Huxin Pavilion yesterday and met Nie Xiaoqian in a house by the lake.

  "You are finally here. If you are late, I'm afraid you will collide with grandma and the others."

  "It doesn't matter if you bump into it, she will be killed anyway."

  "There are other sisters by her side, and you alone are not their opponents."

  It could be felt that Nie Xiaoqian was concerned about Lin Feng.

  Although it is not directly expressed, it can still be judged through words, eyes and expressions.




  There was a knock on the door, Lin Feng and Nie Xiaoqian looked at each other, and the former quickly hid.

  Opening the door, Ning Caichen suddenly appeared in front of Nie Xiaoqian!

  "How did you find it?"

  "I saw there was light here, so I looked for it."

  The moment Ning Caichen saw Nie Xiaoqian, his whole person was smiling.

  "What are you doing here?" Nie Xiaoqian asked.

  "I'm leaving tomorrow, so I came to find you today and want to see you again."

  "Leave tomorrow?"

  Ning Caichen nodded: "But I will find a way to come and see you in the future."


  Just as the two were talking, both Nie Xiaoqian and Lin Feng felt someone approaching outside the house.

  In desperation, Lin Feng could only appear in front of Ning Caichen.

  Although it was said that the exercises before crossing over could not be used, some martial arts methods are still fresh in my memory, and things like acupuncture will not be forgotten.

  After making Ning Caichen unable to move and unable to speak, Lin Feng continued to say to him, "I will tap your acupuncture point so that you can breathe while sleeping, don't be nervous, if you reveal the stuffing later, you will die. It's gone!"

  Ning Caichen could only blink his eyes.

  Lin Feng and Nie Xiaoqian put him in the bathtub and covered the top of his head with water.

  Only in this way can the popularity of Ning Caichen be drowned out and not be discovered by Grandma Hua Shu and her subordinates.

  Lin Feng's popularity can be covered up by Xiahou's mummification.

  After hiding Ning Caichen, he hid behind the screen in the corner of the house.

  The door was quietly opened, and three women appeared in front of him.

  "Sister Xiaoqian..."

  The woman in the lead shouted, and the three walked into the house together.

  Ning Caichen could see what was happening outside from the water, and Lin Feng could also observe through the blind spot.

  "I'll go out after I've done my makeup, and I'll tell her from my grandma's side."

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  On the other side, Nie Xiaoqian pretended that nothing happened, and took care of her own makeup.

  At this moment, a gust of overcast wind blew through and blew the door open, approaching Nie Xiaoqian.


  In the blink of an eye, the yin wind disappeared in an instant, turned into the grandmother of the locust tree, and slapped Nie Xiaoqian directly in the face.

  The latter was knocked to the ground by a powerful force and rolled several times in succession.

  Before Nie Xiaoqian could react, Grandma Huai Shu grabbed Nie Xiaoqian's hair and looked at her viciously: "How dare you hide other men from me!"

  "I didn't!" Nie Xiaoqian quickly denied it.

  "You still want to deny it, I've already found the evidence, you can see for yourself!" As she said that, grandma let go and threw Xiaoqian to the ground.

  As grandma finished speaking, Xiao Qing, who was beside her, smiled coldly and threw a piece of white cloth on the ground.

  This white cloth was a corner of Nie Xiaoqian's clothes last night.

  It should have been deliberately ripped off and given to him when he seduced Ning Caichen, so that now he has caught Ning Caichen's popularity and was discovered by his grandmother.

  And my grandmother didn't see Ning Caichen in person. After one night, she decided that Nie Xiaoqian was a Tibetan.

  Nie Xiaoqian did not expect that it was just a piece of white cloth, and it was actually discovered.

  "You dare to oppose me, do you have itchy skin and want to be beaten!"

  The grandmother of the locust tree took out a cane weave and shouted loudly, "I will teach you a good lesson!"

  "Have you forgotten the pain you suffered before?"

  "If you dare to disobey my orders, I will destroy your ashes!"

  While beating Nie Xiaoqian, my grandmother also made verbal threats.

  She used this method to force the ghosts under her hands to do things for her.

  This method is extremely vicious.

  If Nie Xiaoqian's ashes are really destroyed, then she will never be reincarnated, and she will never be born again!

  Nie Xiaoqian could only admit all this silently, just as her grandma said, she didn't dare to resist at all.

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