After that, Lin Feng changed back to Xiahou Jian and prepared to attack.

  But at this moment, the old demon of Montenegro opened his hands and used the soul-sucking technique!

  A gust of gloomy wind blew, and all of them rushed towards the old demon of Montenegro, sucking everything around.

  Lin Feng originally ran in the direction of the old demon of Montenegro, and with this soul-sucking technique, the whole person was about to lose control.

  After seeing such a situation, Nie Xiaoqian hurriedly threw out her sleeves and quickly wrapped around Lin Feng.

  "Hurry up, the soul-sucking technique of the old demon of Montenegro will suck your soul~々!"

  With Nie Xiaoqian's help, Lin Feng quickly adjusted his posture, stabilized his center of gravity, and finally stood on the spot smoothly, without being attracted by the old black mountain demon's soul-sucking method.

  But the other party has never given up, and is still increasing his skills.

  All the many things on the scene were attracted, and Lin Feng saw the opportunity, holding a long sword in his hand, and facing the Montenegrin old demon head-on.

  With the help of the old black mountain demon's soul-sucking technique, he obtained a certain acceleration, and then rushed directly over.

  Heishan Lao Yao really did not expect that Lin Feng would take the initiative to run over, and his speed was so fast that he had no time to react, so he was directly stabbed by the long sword in Lin Feng's hand.

  Moreover, he was directly stabbed in the head, causing the old demon from Montenegro to scream.



  After the old demon of Montenegro finished shouting, he couldn't help but open the black robe that covered his body.

  But when he opened it, he saw that his body was composed of human heads one after another, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

  And because the head of the old black mountain was severely injured, the heads under his body also screamed one by one.

  After these heads reacted, they flew out directly, and all rushed in front of Lin Feng.

  It's just that these heads are not too aggressive, and their role is more to disrupt.

  They wanted to disturb Lin Feng and quickly pulled out their swords, so they directly attached to Lin Feng's body and bit Lin Feng's body directly.

  Whether it's the hands, the waist, or the feet, they all occupy the head of the Montenegrin old demon.

  These heads were biting wildly, and they didn't mean to stop at all.

  Lin Feng's clothes were torn a lot, and these people still didn't give up.

  But it is precisely because of this that the old demon of Montenegro also got a little respite.

  He pulled back the black robe covering his body again. This time, it was not a human head that appeared in front of him, but tentacles.

  These tentacles directly surrounded Lin Feng's body, successfully restraining his movements.

  "General Xiahou, I want you to die!"

  The old demon of Montenegro shouted angrily, wanting to use these tentacles to pierce Lin Feng's current body directly.

  It was just that he never imagined that the body he was using now belonged to General Xiahou, and General Xiahou had already died, and Lin Feng just borrowed his body to continue living.

  So even if this body is pierced, Lin Feng himself will not be affected too much, but he will only have a pair of mutilated limbs.

  So after the old demon of Montenegro pierced Xiahou Jiang's body, he thought he could win, but Lin Feng took advantage of the situation and let these tentacles pierce his body, and then appeared directly in front of the old demon of Heishan.

  The two faced each other, but the Montenegrin old demon showed a surprised expression.

  The corners of Lin Feng's mouth were slightly upturned, and he picked up the sword in his hand and directly killed the old black mountain demon!


  Hearing a loud bang, the body of the old black mountain demon was directly detonated and burst, and then turned into a puff of blue smoke, which dissipated in the city of death as the breeze blew past.

  Lin Feng was blown away by the aftermath of the explosion, but he still landed unharmed.

  Nie Xiaoqian hurried over to check the situation: "¨~Engong, are you all right?"

  "It doesn't matter, the old demon of Montenegro has been defeated by me, and no one will rob her in the future!"

  "The road that was blocked before has been opened, let's get out of here quickly!"

  The two smiled at each other and nodded to each other.

  Back on the same road, through the void that was torn apart just now, back to the world.

  At the same time, the incense I ordered earlier was almost finished, and looking outside, I could see the sun for the first time.

  But it is not yet (how is Zhao?) It is obvious that the first ray of sunshine in the morning has not yet come over.

  "It's almost dawn, you should hurry up and hide in the umbrella first, and I'll handle the rest."

  After Lin Feng finished speaking, Nie Xiaoqian nodded, shook her body, and entered the oil-paper umbrella.

  She quickly covered the oil-paper umbrella, then returned to the guest room, packed her things and prepared to leave the inn.

  It's just that before leaving, Lin Feng didn't forget to add a fire to this place!

  Seeing that the underworld inn was raging in flames, until it was completely burned out, leaving only a ruin, Lin Feng left with peace of mind.

  Although Nie Xiaoqian hid in the oil-paper umbrella, she was able to know very well what was happening outside.

  "Emperor, thank you for saving me!"

  "Since you said you wanted to follow me forever, then I naturally won't let the old monster of Montenegro take you away! You can follow me with peace of mind in the future, and I won't let you have an accident.".

Chapter 469

  Looking at Lin Feng, Nie Xiaoqian instantly felt very at ease.

  The man in front of him was the only one who made him feel this way for so long.

  After the battle last night, Lin Feng was not without any gains.

  The old demon of Montenegro had already used the soul-sucking technique before, so when he was beheaded, Lin Feng searched for him.

  A strange black bead was indeed found.

  This black bead felt very cold and round, and even revealed a hint of coldness.

  When he came back to his senses, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

  "Ding! Detected sorcery----soul-sucking Dafa!"

  "Soul-sucking Dafa, automatic full level!"

  At this moment, countless comprehensions about the soul-sucking method emerged in my mind.

  Lin Feng calmed down a little, and after a while, he realized the soul-sucking method.

  This time, the old demon of Montenegro can be said to be stealing chickens without losing money. Not only did he not snatch Nie Xiaoqian, but he also taught the enemy to learn his own soul-sucking technique.

  If he still exists in this world, I am afraid he will be pissed to death.

  But he never had that chance again.

  Now with this soul-sucking technique, Lin Feng is not afraid even if there is another Heavenly Master-level demon.

  Although Soul Absorbing Dafa and Xiahou Swordsmanship are both at full level, the upper limits of the two are quite different.

  After the Xiahou swordsmanship is full, the strongest is not at the level of the earth master, but the strongest soul-sucking technique can reach the level of the heavenly master, which is the gap between the two.

  I just didn't expect that this soul-sucking method was actually hidden in such a small black bead.

  But since the old demon of Montenegro has been eliminated, there is no need to stay here.

  After helping Xiahou Jiang take revenge, it's time to do his own thing.

  After leaving the inn in the underworld, Lin Feng continued on his way.

  a few days later.

  came to a village.

  Just before entering the village, I felt that something was wrong here.

  But because it was too late, there was no way to get to the next village before dark, so Lin Feng could only spend the night here.

  Going forward, after entering the village, you will find that it seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

  But I could still see that the windows of some rooms were open, and several heads emerged from inside, all pointing at Lin Feng, as if something extraordinary had happened.

  Walking a few steps forward, you can see a tea stall in front of you. There are several people sitting here, and there is food.

  Lin Feng, who had been rushing for a day, was hungry, so he simply stopped here for a while.

  "Boss, bring me a bowl of noodles!"

  "Okay, wait a minute objectively!"

  As soon as he sat down, several men around looked over and laughed maliciously.

  From this moment on, Lin Feng felt that something was wrong.

  However, it did not show it directly, but pretended to know nothing and continued to wait here.

  The purpose is to see what the people around them want to do.

  Looking at their fierce appearance, it is estimated that they are not good people.

  After a while, the boss brought a bowl of hot noodles.

  "Guest officer, what you want is ready."

  Put your face down, and the boss quickly leaves.

  The taste of this bowl of noodles is somewhat unique, especially the meat in it, which has a strange taste.

  Before Lin Feng could eat it, he already felt a special smell.

  Just then, a big yellow dog passed by with a piece of meat in his mouth.

  It's just that the problem lies in the piece of meat he is eating.

  This yellow dog is actually holding a human hand!

  Take a look at the nearby water bucket, the bones inside are a little bigger than usual, if you guessed correctly, it should be human bones!

  In this way, the meat in the bowl of noodles in front of me will have a strange taste, which can be explained.

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