After Lin Feng discovered these strange points, all the men who had just looked at him stood up, and all had weapons in their hands, and even the boss came over with a kitchen knife, looking like he was going to kill Lin Feng.

  Seeing that the moon had appeared in the sky, Lin Feng unhurriedly opened the oil-paper umbrella.


  A burst of blue smoke appeared, and Nie Xiaoqian appeared in front of the public.

  When all the men noticed the appearance of such a beautiful woman, not only did they not notice the strangeness, but they were even attracted by Nie Xiaoqian's beauty, and they all showed their satyr expressions.

  Nie Xiaoqian also smiled charmingly at these men, and when the other party entered her gentle village, she opened her arms and wrapped her sleeves around these men, strangling them one by one.

  But the shop owner remained.

  The boss at this moment reacted, but Lin Feng and this woman were not easy to mess with, so they wanted to run away.

  Just how could he escape?

  Being wrapped around Ye Xiaoqian's sleeve, she pulled her to Lin Feng abruptly.

  "Find me a place to live tonight."

  The boss hurry up and don't dare to neglect in the slightest.

  Nie Xiaoqian let it go, and soon after, the boss found a place to live in the village.

  After taking a look and expressing his satisfaction, Lin Feng said to Nie Xiaoqian, "This person is handed over to you, I'll go to rest first."


  After answering, Nie Xiaoqian killed the boss in a blink of an eye!

  At the very beginning, the other party had already had murderous intentions, so if he didn't kill the boss, he would only leave himself a disaster.

  After finishing the treatment, Nie Xiaoqian returned to the house.

  Spring night.


  the next day.

  There was a commotion in the village square.

  When I came here, I saw that the people from the yamen were preparing to behead a criminal named Zhou Abing.

  As soon as he heard the name, Lin Feng felt a little familiar.

  Could it be Ning Caichen?

  I stepped forward to watch, I didn't expect it was really him!

  It's just that after a few months of not seeing him, the current Ning Caichen no longer looked like a high-spirited scholar before, but instead turned into an uncle with a long beard.

  It seemed that in the past few months, Ning Caichen had not been doing very well.

  I just didn't expect him to be so unlucky. Some time ago, he was almost sucked by the grandmother of Huai Shu, and now he will be mistaken for a criminal and killed.

  Nie Xiaoqian also noticed Ning Caichen, so she prayed to Lin Feng: "Ben Gong, Ning Caichen is a good person, please save him."

  Since Nie Xiaoqian had already said so, Lin Feng naturally would not refuse.

  What's more, Ning Caichen himself was wronged. If he died for no reason, he might have a lot of resentment after his death, so he might become a ghost.

  This time, he is doing good deeds.

  But now it's not time to beheaded, it's just pulled out to show it to the public.

  Ning Caichen will be sent to prison later, and the official beheading will take place tomorrow.

  Just in time to take advantage of tonight's opportunity to save people.

  Night falls.

  After entering the middle of the night, Lin Feng and Nie Xiaoqian came to the yamen. .

Chapter 470

  "Amitabha, grievances are impermanent, don't blame us, we are just acting on orders."

  Not long after entering the yamen, I suddenly saw several people in the yard sharpening the large knives for beheading.

  The other party was still chattering, as if he had done something wrong.

  Listening to what the other party said, it seems that the beheading of Ning Caichen will not wait until tomorrow, tonight~ they will do it!

  Under normal circumstances, the beheading of criminals is at noon, so why would they start at midnight?

  At this point, I don't know which high-ranking official's son committed the crime, and he is going to find someone to replace him.

  Only in the middle of the night will no one be able to tell who is who.

  Recalling that when Ning Caichen was shown in the public before, Ning Caichen was full of beards and slovenly.

  In this way, all can be matched.

  After a few people in the yard finished sharpening their knives, they began to light incense and wax, and even sprinkled paper money.

  "Money leads the way, don't look for us if you have hatred, it has nothing to do with us!"

  One of the people who was throwing paper money was still talking.

  Lin Feng didn't care about these people, it's better not to startle the snake now, go save people first.

  Through the guard's line of sight, he came to the place where the prisoners were being held.

  There are still a few guards here, but for Lin Feng, it's just a matter of a sword.

  When I came to the dungeon, I finally found Ning Caichen in the many cells.

  At this time, he had already learned the news that he was going to be killed tonight, and he became very decadent.

  "Ning Caichen!"

  Nie Xiaoqian shouted, attracting the attention of the other party,

  Taking a closer look, Ning Caichen did not expect that Nie Xiaoqian and General Xiahou would actually appear in front of them, and they had already destroyed the door of the cell.

  "Xiaoqian! Hero Xiahou! Why are you here?"

  "We passed by here and found that you were wronged, so I begged the benefactor to come and save you."

  After Nie Xiaoqian explained it, Ning Caichen knew what had happened, and then decided to flee with Kazuya.

  After all, he wasn't a real criminal, just forcibly impersonated by someone else.

  No matter who they are, they don't want to die when they encounter such a thing, and they all have a strong desire to survive.

  Just before escaping, Ning Caichen didn't forget his cellmates in prison.

  "Mr. Zhuge, escape with us!"

  "No need, anyway, I'm going to wash up and I'm going to be caught, so I might as well write a book here quietly. It's not that you are young and have the opportunity to escape, so you should run away as soon as possible!"

  Hearing what the other party said, Ning Caichen no longer insisted.

  Just when he was about to leave, Lin Feng suddenly said to Zhuge Wolong: "Why don't we run out through your tunnel. I killed a lot of people when I came in before, I'm afraid they have already discovered them at this time."

  Zhuge Wolong expressed his shock: "How do you know that I have a tunnel to escape?"

  "Before the action, I had already understood the structure of the entire brain, so I knew there was a tunnel, but I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, it's here."

  Now that they have been discovered, Zhuge Wolong will no longer continue to hide.

  "If that's the case, then you should quickly escape from the tunnel, and the people from the yamen will come later."

  As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of footsteps from above, and it was accompanied by bursts of shouting.

  "Zhou Abing, ready to go!"

  After hearing the other party's shouting, Ning Caichen became very frightened and quickly fled from the tunnel.

  Going forward through the tunnel, everyone came to a wilderness.

  Looking around carefully, this is actually the back mountain of the yamen, and it is sparsely populated, so it is impossible for anyone to find it.

  But even so, it's better to get out of here as soon as possible.

  After walking forward two steps, I saw a horse that was tied up here.

  It seems that it should be the horse that Zhuge Wolong usually uses.

  No matter what book he writes, he will be caught, so it is better to write the book directly in prison. After writing it, he escapes in this way in the middle of the night, sells the book, and finally comes back.

  In this way, people in the yamen will not be discovered, and they can write books with peace of mind. This is a wonderful trick.

  "This is the horse used by Mr. Zhuge. Wouldn't it be bad for us to ride like this?"

  "Since he has agreed to use the tunnel to pass through, he must have thought of this, so don't worry."

  Lin Feng and Ning Caichen sat on the horse, Nie Xiaoqian could fly, and the three quickly fled from here.

  Hurrying on the road all night, I didn't expect that Tiangong was not beautiful, and it didn't take long for a light rain to fall.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  And the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it didn't take long for it to become a downpour.

  The road became muddy, horses stepped over it, and mud splashed.

  If it goes on like this, I am afraid that it will be impossible to travel overnight.

  "There is a house in front of us, we can spend the night here!"

  Not far ahead, I could vaguely see a house.

  After getting close, Ning Caichen hurriedly knocked on the door.

  "anyone there!"

  But he only knocked lightly twice, and the door panel fell directly. Not only that, but even the door number above it fell directly to the ground.

  There are four words written on the house number: Righteous Villa!

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