Suddenly a few crows flew out from the villa, but luckily they flew away quickly.


  When everyone entered the villa, they began to investigate.

  But just now I came to the main hall, but suddenly I saw eight coffins placed here.

  Through the moonlight, the scene looked really chilling on the back.

  Maybe it was because of the previous encounter, so Ning Caichen became very nervous, so he quickly said to the eight coffins: "Please rest assured, we will not disturb you. Just stay overnight and leave tomorrow morning. !"

  But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of a door opening from behind.

  Turning his head, a dark shadow appeared in front of everyone.

  And he stretched out his hand and walked directly over here.

  Ning Caichen was startled, and quickly hid behind Xiahou Jiang.

  "You guys, actually took my horse away! Think I can't catch up with you, right? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be going around underground. Fortunately, I caught up with you, otherwise I would be too sorry to be caught. I chased the gophers and earthworms on the ground."

  A closer look shows that this is clearly a person, but there is a sword behind his back, so the figure looks a bit strange.

  After confirming that it was a human being, Ning Caichen was not so afraid.

  It's just that the face of the person who came in is a little ugly, and it really makes people mistaken for a ghost.

  Nie Xiaoqian asked, "This son, why is your face so ugly?"

  "If you've been underground for so long like me, your face won't look so good!"

  From what the other party said, Lin Feng could tell that the other party should be using the escape technique.begging.

Chapter 471

  Ning Caichen became the target of the attack again.

  It can only be said that he is really unlucky, but he has no power to restrain the chicken.

  Fortunately, there was Nie Xiaoqian, and when Ning Caichen was in danger, he rushed to rescue him.

  Nie Xiaoqian and the rushing enemy were entangled with each other, and Ning Caichen quickly found a place to hide.

  The other party wore a white ghost mask, which looked particularly scary in this quiet night.

  "I'd like to see who is doing the trick!"

  After shouting, Nie Xiaoqian immediately took off the other party's mask.

  The next second, a young woman appeared in front of him.

  At the same time, on Lin Feng and Zhiqiu Yiye's side, they successfully cast spells to immobilize all the unidentified people around them, unable to move.

  Xiaoqian faced the two women and captured them.

  "Say, who are you? Why are you pretending to be a ghost in the villa?"

  Lin Feng called everyone together and questioned them face to face.

  At this moment, Ning Caichen also came out of the hiding place, but the contents of the bag accidentally fell out.

  It's a strange looking brand.

  The woman controlled by Nie Xiaoqian was very close to the sign. After seeing the sign, she picked it up and checked it.

  "Are you Mr. Zhuge Wolong?"

  The woman came to Ning Caichen with a sign.

  This brand was brought out by Zhuge Wolong, who was still in prison.

  Ning Caichen just wanted to explain, but was stopped by Lin Feng.

  "Yes, he is Zhuge Wolong. Who are you? If you don't reveal your identities, no one wants to leave here today."

  After saying that, Lin Feng pulled Ning Caichen over at once, pretending to be protecting him.

  The two women hurried forward, bowed with both hands, and said, "I don't know if it's Senior Zhuge, the junior is rude!"

  Looking at this appearance, this group of people is probably related to Zhuge Wolong.

  "After we are Zhongliang, we are going to Fu Qingfeng. This is my sister Fu Yuechi."

  "Since you are said to be Zhongliang, why are you pretending to be a ghost here?" Lin Feng asked.

  "What do you all know, my father is the former governor Fu Tianqiu, but he was framed by a traitor and is being sent to the capital. We originally wanted to stop cars on the road to save people, not pretending to be a ghost."

  After hearing what the other party said, Lin Feng and Zhiqiu Yiye understood, and they quickly released all the people who had been locked up just now.

  But since these people still have important things to deal with, Lin Feng also decided not to hide it from everyone.

  "He is not actually Zhuge Wolong. The real Zhuge Wolong is still in prison and has not come out."

  "Yes, my name is Ning Caichen, not the person you are looking for." Ning Caichen also quickly revealed his identity, and he didn't want to be misunderstood by everyone.

  It's just that they didn't want to fight, and these people didn't believe it at all.

  Fu Qingfeng even said: "We know that senior has a last resort to hide his identity. Please rest assured, senior, we will not talk nonsense."

  Ning Caichen expressed helplessness, no matter what he said, he didn't believe him.

  In the end, he could only look at Lin Feng and Nie Xiaoqian, only the two of them could help Ning Caichen prove his identity.

  Lin Feng also hurriedly said: "He is really not Zhuge Wolong. The reason why I said that just now is that I just want to tell your truth."

  "Please rest assured, senior. From now on, everyone knows that Ning Caichen is the name of Mr. Zhuge, and we will call senior by this name in the future."

  "We all swear together that if anyone leaks this secret, no one will die!"

  After Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi finished talking, the rest of them all swore together.

  Even Zhiqiu Yiye sighed beside him: "I didn't expect that Zhuge Wolong would actually ride my horse, this is really my great honor!"

  It seems that this time it is really unclear.

  Ning Caichen was a little anxious, and quickly asked Lin Feng: "Xiahou Daxia, what should I do?"

  Nie Xiaoqian was also a little worried: "Will it be bad if you keep being misunderstood by them?"

  "It can only be like this now. Anyway, they won't believe what we say."

  Lin Feng was also a little helpless, but in the current situation, perhaps this is the best way.

  Everyone returned to Zhengqi Villa.

  The candle was lit in the center, and Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi rushed to Ning Caichen's side.

  "Senior, about my father's affairs, I also ask my senior to help me."

  "Ah, but I don't know what to do."

  Ning Caichen was a little flustered and looked at Lin Feng again...

  Recalling the timeline, Lin Feng said to Ning Caichen, "The poem you wrote at Lanruo Temple before!"


  Ning Caichen took out everything in his backpack and found the poem.

  Fu Qingfeng took a look, but did not understand what it meant.

  Fu Yuechi, who was on the side, recorded the poem and hurriedly studied and discussed it with his brothers.

  The others didn't react, but Zhiqiu Yiye figured it out.

  "I see. Does it mean that there is a Shili Pavilion nearby, where will their father be escorted?"

  In fact, the meaning of Ning Caichen's poem had nothing to do with this at all, but before he could speak, news came from the guard in front.

  "There is new news, Master Fu will pass through Shiliting tonight!"

  When Fu Qingfeng heard it, he exclaimed, "Senior is really clever!"

  With the latest news, Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi saluted, and they took the people under them to Shiliting to save people.

  Seeing the people leaving, Ning Caichen was quite shocked, and quickly asked Lin Feng: "Xiahou Daxia, how did you know that in Shili Pavilion, you can still have a connection with my poems?"

  "You don't need to know about it, anyway, they've been sent away, so it's finally quiet now."

  Even Zhiqiu Yiye went out with those people just now, saying that he wanted to send them off.

  In the originally popular villa, Lin Feng, Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen were all left at once.

  I can finally sleep peacefully.

  But not long after lying down, he heard Zhiqiu Yiye's cry.

  "No, there really are ghosts here!"

  The next second, Zhiqiu Yiye rushed into the villa with a corpse in his arms.

  Everyone stepped forward to take a look, and Ning Caichen couldn't help but say, "Why did this person die so miserably?"

  After Zhiqiu Yiye put down the corpse, he began to smell the surrounding smell with his nose, and said, "This time the smell is very strong, it seems that he is a difficult guy."

  At the same time, Lin Feng also felt that the surrounding evil spirits suddenly increased a lot.

  Looks like I met a big guy this time!

  "Let's get out of here quickly, or it will be miserable to find out!"

  Ning Caichen wanted to leave here, but was stopped by Zhiqiu Yiye. .

Chapter 472

  "It's too late to run now, we must have been discovered, no matter where we run, it's useless."

  Zhiqiu Yiye told Ning Caichen the bad news, causing the latter to be terrified.

  "I'll teach you a body-setting spell, it should be fine."

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