In order to make Ning Caichen quiet, Zhiqiu Yiye quickly bit his finger and drew a blood-stained amulet on Ning Caichen's palm.

  "How is this used?"

  Even with this spell, Ning Caichen still didn't know what to do.

  Zhiqiu Yiye explained: "When you see the dirty thing, just say yes to it directly."

  "Oh, I see, isn't that so!"

  While speaking, Ning Caichen wanted to give it a try, but unexpectedly, he accidentally aimed at Zhiqiu Yiye with the palm of his hand, and directly pinned him down!

  Lin Feng didn't have time to say this at this time, because Nie Xiaoqian had already noticed that behind the crowd, a dark shadow slowly floated down, and a huge evil ghost appeared in front of everyone.

  "You take Zhiqiu Yiye away first, find a way to release the curse, leave it to me here!"

  Nie Xiaoqian responded, and quickly and Ning Caichen left here with Zhiqiu Yiye, who was withstood.

 24 The evil spirit was stopped by Lin Feng, he drew out his long sword and looked directly at the evil spirit.

  What Lin Feng didn't expect was that this evil ghost was more difficult to deal with than he imagined.The sword just went down, but he was not able to kill the opponent directly.

  From this point of view, this evil ghost is at least a geographer-level existence.

  Fortunately, everyone else has already evacuated, and Lin Feng can play without restriction.

  With a single sword, Lin Feng gave up this attack method, turned around and flashed, and came directly to the top of the evil ghost's head.

  Aiming at the opponent's Tianling Gai, he slammed the palm down, but successfully made the opponent's figure stupefied.

  This evil ghost is extremely powerful, and its body is huge, half a body taller than a normal human being.And the skin is extremely hard, and there is no way to break it with ordinary attacks.

  And after the few fights just now, Lin Fengqi discovered that any attack such as sorcery will be partially transformed into the power of evil spirits.

  As a result, Lin Feng wants to use his own strength to defeat him, although it does not mean that he cannot, but it will become more difficult.

  I didn't expect this evil ghost to be so difficult to deal with. If Zhiqiu Yiye was not resisted, then with his spells, he should be able to subdue the evil ghost.

  It's just that after so long, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian still haven't found a way to lift the immobilization spell.

  From this point of view, it would be a bit difficult to use the Xiahou swordsmanship to kill this evil ghost without contacting the body-fixing spell.

  While fighting against the evil spirits, Lin Feng knew that Qiu Yiye was using the immobilization spell before recalling.

  Suddenly something sounded, and he immediately stepped back and found where Nie Xiaoqian and others were.

  "I remembered, you can first point to the word with your finger, and then point to Zhiqiu Yiye!"

  Being reminded like this, Ning Caichen suddenly realized, and immediately did as Lin Feng said.

  Sure enough, after Ning Caichen pointed at Zhiqiu Yiye, the immobilization spell on the latter's body immediately touched.

  As a result, Zhiqiu Yiye came over immediately and used the same immobilization spell directly on the evil spirit.

  After the demon was immobilized, he lost his fighting power in an instant.

  Knowing that Qiu Yiye kept using spells to hold back the evil spirits, Lin Feng took advantage of this time to quickly strengthen the power of Xiahou Sword.


  This time, he successfully slashed the evil spirit.

  Moreover, the evil ghost was cut in half and divided into two!

  I originally thought that this would completely eliminate the evil spirit, but I didn't expect that even if it was cut in half, the upper and lower body of the evil spirit could still act alone.

  Seeing that the upper and lower body of the evil spirit wanted to leave, Lin Feng hurriedly stabbed it with a sword and successfully killed the upper body of the evil spirit.

  As for the lower body, Zhiqiu Yiye reacted and took out a yellow talisman and threw it.


  The moment Huang Fu touched, the lower body of the evil spirit was directly blown up.

  The evil spirits were eliminated, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  The crowd reunited.

  "It was really dangerous just now. If it weren't for Xiahou, we would all be finished!" Ning Caichen couldn't help but sigh.

  It can be seen that Qiu Yiye is very angry.

  "You are too embarrassed to say, if you didn't stop me just now, how could there be so many things!"

  "I just wanted to try it just now, but I didn't expect you to be locked down by mistake."

  Seeing that Ning Caichen was indeed unintentional, Zhiqiu Yiye would not pursue further investigations.

  Fortunately, there were no casualties, and everything was fine.

  "Emperor, the sky is getting brighter."

  Nie Xiaoqian reminded everyone that the sun was about to come out.

  Unexpectedly, after doing such a toss, the whole night has passed.

  The sun was about to come out, and Lin Feng quickly asked Nie Xiaoqian to hide under the umbrella.

  At this moment, a protest sound came from Zhiqiu Yiye's stomach.

  After all the tossing last night, I was already hungry.

  "Since it's all done, let's hurry up and eat something, we can't do anything when we're hungry."

  The group of three decided to leave here first and go to the nearest village to have something to eat.

  After almost an hour's journey, I finally found a nearby village. It seems that this Zhengqi Villa is really remote.

  "Boss, come to a bowl of noodles alone!"

  Zhiqiu Yiye shouted at the owner of the wheat noodles stall on the roadside, and then the three of them sat down around the table.

  A few minutes later, the hot noodles came up, and this time it was sure to be normal noodles.

  "I don't know what happened to Fu Qingfeng and the others. They should have successfully rescued their father last night." Ning Caichen suddenly remembered what happened before.

  "It's not very clear. Although there is news that it will pass through Shili Pavilion, but there will be any accidents, then maybe."

  Lin Feng's words made Ning Caichen a little nervous.

  "Then do we want to go take a look later? What's more, it's a deserted country ridge. It's not good if something happens."

  "You can't protect yourself, but you're too embarrassed to worry about others."

  After being told by Lin Feng, Ning Caichen lowered his head and hurriedly ate the noodles.

  On the other hand, Zhiqiu Yiye nodded and said, "I think we can go and have a look. After all, this is not a trivial matter. And since Mr. Zhuge has begun to worry, it proves that there may be a problem!"

  Until now, Zhiqiu Yiye still believed that Ning Caichen was Zhuge Wolong.

  Zhiqiu Yiye is also a man of justice, so he will naturally be more concerned about the Fu family being harmed by a traitor. .

Chapter 473

  Seeing that Lin Feng was not very willing to follow him to Shili Pavilion, Ning Caichen lobbied more.

  "Xiahou Daxia, you are a righteous person. When you encounter such a thing, you will definitely not sit idly by, right? Otherwise, you would not have rescued me from prison before!"

  "I think so too. You have protected Mr. Zhuge so many times before. After meeting Zhongliang this time, you will never stand by."

  Before Lin Feng could speak, he was overwhelmed by the language attacks of Ning Caichen and Zhiqiu Yiye.

  Whenever Lin Feng wanted to speak, he was interrupted by these two people, and he had no chance to speak.

  Moreover, Ning Caichen and Zhiqiu Yiye kept staring at Lin Feng, which made people feel strange.

  But at this moment, a group of people suddenly came from the village entrance.

  All of these people are dressed in strange clothes and walk here in an orderly manner. They look like they are dressed in Buddhism, but they are a little different from traditional Buddhism, and they look weird.

  Regardless, Lin Feng still felt a trace of evil spirit among this group of people.

  It's just that this evil spirit is very weak, or the other party is hiding it well. If you don't feel it carefully, even Lin Feng may not be able to feel it.

  Zhiqiu Yiye looked at this group of people and didn't feel anything wrong.

  His nose can directly smell evil things, but if he finds something, he will never ignore it; looking at it, it should be that he has not noticed the strangeness of this group of people.

  "What are these people doing?" Ning Caichen asked.

  "I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be a problem."

  After speaking, Zhiqiu Yiye continued to eat noodles.

  I just didn't expect that not long after I finished speaking, I saw a few people accidentally bumped into these Buddhist people.

  They just touched it lightly, but they seemed to have received a strong impact from some external force, and they were directly bounced off and fell into the water.

  This scene finally caught the attention of Zhiqiu Yiye.

  "Let's go to Shiliting and see it later~々!"

  Lin Feng suddenly said such a sentence, which surprised Zhiqiu Yiye and Ning Caichen.

  No matter why, as long as you can agree to it.

  After eating and drinking, the three set off for Shiliting together.

  But before that, Ning Caichen still needs to clean up.

  Having been imprisoned for so long before, not only did his body stink, but his beard also grew a lot.

  Simply by the river, he shaved his beard using local materials.

  After some inquiries, it took less than two hours to arrive near Shiliting.

  But before reaching the destination, he suddenly heard the sound of hooves coming from the direction of Shili Pavilion.

  After taking a closer look, it was actually Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi!

  "Wait a minute, stop now!"

  Ning Caichen shouted a few times, but the other party was too anxious, and the sound of horses' hooves was so loud that he didn't hear anyone calling them, and left immediately.

  "Is their business done? Why are you in such a hurry?" Zhiqiu Yiye asked.

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