"Look at their direction, it's Righteousness Villa, let's go over and take a look!"

  Before the others could react, Ning Caichen rushed out.

  But since coming to Shiliting is to meet with Fu Qingfeng and others to ask about the situation, then let's go over there.

  Shiliting is a little far from Zhengqi Villa, just in the east and west directions.

  The three of them had no horses, so they could only speed up their pace. After a few hours, they finally felt the righteousness of the villa not long after it was getting dark.

  It's just that just after arriving at the entrance of Zhengqi Villa, two people suddenly appeared, the guards who stayed here.

  "Master Xiahou, Master Zhiqiu Yiye, who else is this?"

  The other party recognized Lin Feng and Zhiqiu Yiye, but Ning Caichen, who had just shaved, could not hold back.

  "I'm Ning Caichen. I saw you all coming back, so I came over to see what's going on. What about Miss Qingfeng?"

  "It turned out to be senior, I'm rude. Miss Qingfeng is inside."

  Back at Zhengqi Villa, but did not see Fu Qingfeng, everyone was a little puzzled, and decided to look for it in the limelight.

  Although this villa has been abandoned for a long time, it is very big after all, and it is not certain where Fu Qingfeng has gone.

  Lin Feng came to the place where he slept before, and when he heard the sound of water in the back room, he called out, "Miss Qingfeng, are you inside?"

  There was no response, but the sound of water was heard, and then it was quiet.

  It was estimated that someone was inside, so Lin Feng broke in directly.

  But I didn't see anything. When I was about to go upstairs to get rid of it, I heard Fu Yuechi's voice behind me.

  "Master Xiahou, have you found my sister?"

  In the blink of an eye, Fu Yuechi was standing at the door, but at this moment Fu Qingfeng appeared behind the door panel. He was not wearing any clothes and was directly covered with a piece of cloth.

  It seemed that it was a special situation before, and Lin Feng understood it all at once.

  "¨~I didn't see it, and I was looking for your sister. It's not here, let's go outside and see!"

  While talking, Lin Feng took Fu Yuechi out.

  Before leaving, he secretly threw the clothes that Nie Xiaoqian had worn in the bag and threw them on the ground without Fu Yuechi seeing them.

  Close the door and come to the main hall with Fu Yuechi.

  Others also gathered here, and no one saw Fu Qingfeng.

  Just when everyone was wondering, Fu Qingfeng appeared in front of everyone.

  "I was in the backyard just now, what are you looking for?"

  At this moment, Fu Qingfeng and Lin Feng looked at each other and nodded silently.

  Ning Caichen quickly stepped forward and asked, "Miss Qingfeng, we originally went to Shiliting to look for you, but we saw you came back. What happened last night? Has your father rescued you?"

  "No..." Fu Qingfeng shook his head, "We got news that the men who escorted my father temporarily changed direction and will pass by Zhengqi Villa tonight."

  (Is Zhao okay) "Then you tonight..."

  "We must wait here for my father tonight."

  Fu Qingfeng and others were determined to stay here.

  Zhiqiu Yiye smiled happily: "That's right, we'll stay here to help you, I like doing a good job of being a chivalrous person."

  In this way, Lin Feng did not want to participate in the affairs of the imperial court, so he would be involved.

  But if you think about it carefully, wasn't it also a matter of cooperating with the court to save Ning Caichen from prison?

  Thinking about it this way, I don't feel so uncomfortable.

  As time passed, night fell, and Nie Xiaoqian also came out of the umbrella.

  At this time, Fu Qingfeng and others found out that Nie Xiaoqian was a ghost.

  After some explanation, everyone was not afraid of Nie Xiaoqian.

  For them, as long as it was what Ning Caichen said, they would definitely believe it [-]%.

  After all, there is still a fake Zhuge Wolong identity. .

Chapter 474


  Everyone has already arranged the organs, everything is ready, and they only owe Dongfeng.

  Lin Feng and Nie Xiaoqian were about to walk outside the villa, but they saw Fu Qingfeng standing in front, looking at the moon, full of emotion.

  I didn't want to disturb the other party, but Fu Qingfeng still found the two of them.

  "It turned out to be Hero Xiahou and Miss Xiaoqian."

  "Sorry to interrupt, we just passed by unintentionally."

  When he saw Fu Qingfeng's face, Lin Feng realized that she was crying just now.

  "It's okay, it's just that the little girl doesn't live up to her expectations."

  "I don't know what bothers Miss Qingfeng, can you tell us something, maybe we can still help you." Nie Xiaoqian took the initiative to ask.

  It may be because, as a woman, she couldn't bear to see the other party cry.

  "The two of them don't know. I have been betrothed to Lord Ma's son. We are married, but I really don't like Master Ma, and I can't break the order, so I can't help crying."

  Hearing what happened to Fu Qingfeng, Nie Xiaoqian felt the same way.

  Although the things they have experienced are different, they both have times when they are not free, so they are quite emotional.

  In fact, if Lin Feng wanted to tell Fu Qingfeng directly, he could simply refuse and just ignore it.

  But he also knows that living in such an era, and also a woman, their ideas are different from their own, and many things can be rejected if they don't want to.

  Nie Xiaoqian may have thought of her original self, so she returned to Lin Feng and prayed.

  "Engong, can you help Miss Qingfeng?"

  "Actually, it's not that there is no way, but Miss Qingfeng must listen to me!"

  When Fu Qingfeng heard this, he instantly felt that he saw hope, and hurried forward and knelt down on one knee.

  "If Hero Xiahou can really help me, I'd like to follow him in the future. Hero Xiahou is upright and upright, and he often punishes evildoers. This is a righteous act. If he can follow you, it's a beautiful thing."

  Lin Feng was a little shocked, it seemed that the other party had misunderstood his meaning.

  "You misunderstood, I mean I can help you, but you have to do as I say."

  "You don't need to say more, Young Master Xiahou, the little girl has already decided that as long as Young Master is willing to help me, I will follow Young Master in the future."

  Fu Qingfeng made up his mind.

  In her opinion, Ma Gongzi and Lin Feng are really incomparable.

  And after getting along for the past few days, she found that Lin Feng is indeed a kind person, and he often helps others, isn't he a man of justice!

  "Young Master wants me to do whatever you want, even if you tell me."

  "Actually, it's not an important matter. You just need to decide that you don't want to follow Mr. Ma. If his people come over in the future, don't follow them. Everything is your own choice."

  "It's a little difficult, but I'm willing to try."

  As long as Fu Qingfeng follows his own wishes, then Master Ma will naturally not be a problem.


  Just as we were talking, there was a sudden cry from the villa, it was Fu Yuechi!

  After everything went back to the main hall, Fu Yuechi ran over from the side room.

  "There are monsters! It's huge!"

  Fu Yuechi said while running over.

  In a blink of an eye, everyone saw a huge figure appear in front of them.

  It's the devil who was killed before!

  "Isn't this evil ghost already killed? Why did it appear again?" Ning Caichen shouted, and then everyone reacted and hurried back.

  Both Zhiqiu Yiye and Lin Feng showed surprised expressions.

  The two of them can be quite sure that they did kill the evil ghost at that time, but why did it appear again?

  Lin Feng fixed his eyes and found the clue.

  It turns out that this evil ghost has the ability to regenerate!

  The lower body of the evil ghost was blown up before, but after the upper body was killed by Lin Feng, there were still mutilated limbs.

  Those stumps are enough to regenerate the evil spirits, and this is the situation.

  This can also explain why the evil ghost has seen the slash in the waist before, and the upper and lower parts of the body can still act independently.

  "This evil ghost is difficult to deal with, everyone go outside the villa first, don't stay here!"

  After Lin Feng finished speaking, he and Zhiqiu Yiye dealt with evil spirits together.

  This time, there is also the help of the previously arranged organs, one person controls the organ, and the other guides the evil ghost to the location of the organ.

  First, a few crossbow arrows were sent to the evil ghost, and they stabbed the evil ghost directly in the chest.

  Then he used the net to trap the evil spirit from above, successfully restraining its movement.

  Before Lin Feng and Zhiqiu Yiye could destroy the evil spirits, there was a sound of fighting outside.

  "What's going on outside?"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the person who had just left came back!

  "The man who escorted my father is here, and we want to use evil spirits against him!"

  When Lin Feng heard this, it was a good idea.

  Otherwise, it is not so easy to face two troubles at the same time.

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