Everyone found a hidden place to hide.

  After a while, a man with several large knives appeared in the villa.

  As soon as the other party came in, he saw the trapped evil ghost.

  "Hmph, I thought that wearing a broken mask is just pretending to be a ghost. It's almost like scaring a three-year-old child!" After that, the man picked up the big knife and charged directly at the evil ghost.


  The broadsword looked directly at the devil's head, and a pair of green liquids emerged from the devil's head.

  Fu Qingfeng said to everyone at this time: "Take advantage of this time, hurry up and go to my father!"

  The others responded and all followed along to save people.

  Lin Feng and Zhiqiu Yiye stayed in the villa, wanting to see how the man dealt with evil spirits.

  I saw the man insert the large swords behind the back into the body of the evil spirit one after another, leaving only the two carrying swords.

  But it is precisely because of this that the net that trapped the evil spirit happened to be torn open, and the evil spirit chased the man to the villa.

  To say that this man's martial arts is really good, in terms of pure skill, he is also a geographer. It is estimated that it is similar to Zhiqiu Yiye, but unfortunately he does not know magic.

  While the man was being pursued, he turned against an army, cut off the hands of the evil spirit, and then chopped off the evil spirit's head.

  But he didn't expect that the evil ghost's body suddenly stretched out six claws and grabbed the man directly. The two leaned against the tree, and one of them attacked.

  Fortunately, the man reacted fast enough, and he stabbed the hand directly on the tree with his backhand.

  As for the other hand, it flew into the crowd of both sides who were fighting, and began to kill humans.

  On the other side, Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi were about to bring their father down, but they found the head of the evil spirit flying over!

  Fu Qingfeng didn't want his father to have an accident, so he took the initiative to dedicate himself to stop the evil spirits.

  Before waiting for the evil spirit head to come over, Lin Feng appeared between the two. .

Chapter 475

  Lin Feng helped Fu Qingfeng to block the evil spirit's head, and shouted to her, "Save your father first."

  Fu Qingfeng nodded, and hurriedly rescued the person with his sister Fu Yuechi.

  Originally, I wanted to use the evil ghost to deal with the enemy, but the situation has become more complicated, and I have to take action.

  The head of the evil spirit is dealt with by Lin Feng, and the body of the rest of the evil spirits is Zhiqiu Yiye.

  The two of them showed their magic, and they have seen the various limbs of the evil ghost be killed.

  At the same time, the man trapped by the evil spirit was finally rescued, but he was caught by the sword in the next second.

  It's just that when Lin Feng killed the evil ghost's head, the evil ghost's brain erupted and directly stained Lin Feng's face, with a green appearance and a stench, which was disgusting.

  When Fu Qingfeng and Nie Xiaoqian saw this, they quickly handed over their silk scarves and asked Lin Feng to wipe them clean.

  "Eunuch, are you alright?"

  "Master Xiahou~, are you alright!"

  The two asked in unison.

  Lin Feng shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it's just that the smell is a bit unpleasant. I'll wash it later - just do it."

  Under the leadership of Fu Yuechi, Fu Tianqiu also came to Lin Feng's side.

  Under the introduction of Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi, Lin Feng and others got to know Fu Tianqiu, and Zuo Qianhu who escorted him back to the capital, but at this time he was already tied up by Wuhuada.

  After this night of fighting, the evil spirits were finally completely killed.

  Moreover, in order to prevent the evil spirits from using the ability to regenerate, Lin Feng and Zhiqiu Yiye also specially collected all the evil spirits' stumps and destroyed them together after confirming that they were correct.

  In this way, no matter how strong the evil spirit is, it is impossible to resurrect again.

  It's just that there is still the biggest trouble now, that is, Zuoqianhu's people are still in ambush around the villa, and they have not been caught before.

  Zuoqianhu has a large number of soldiers and horses, and the ones who came up before were only some pathfinders.

  Fortunately, Zuo Qianhu has been tied up, and for the time being, those people under his command can be kept still.



  Suddenly, two people in the crowd screamed.

  Looking over, I found out that they had been poisoned by corpses!

  It should be when the evil ghost's head exploded just now, and the evil ghost's brain accidentally touched their face when it erupted, so they were poisoned.

  Seeing such a situation, Nie Xiaoqian hurriedly asked Lin Feng, "Eunuch, they were poisoned by corpse poison, will you be alright?"

  "My constitution is different from theirs. I am naturally immune to all magic and magic, so it is nothing to me, but for them, it is really deadly. If they are not treated as soon as possible, they will become evil. Ghosts are woe to the world!"

  "Then kill them quickly!"

  When Zhiqiu Yiye was about to start, he was stopped by Fu Yuechi.

  "No, they are all innocent, there must be a way to save them. Right?"

  Finally, when questioning, Fu Yuechi looked at Ning Caichen, who was thought to be Zhuge Wolong.

  Ning Caichen didn't know what to do at once, how could he solve such a ghost thing.

  At this time, the spies in front reported that Zuoqianhu's people were ready to attack the villa.

  On the one hand, the corpse poison has not yet found a solution, and on the other hand, the enemy is besieging. Under such circumstances, everyone immediately fell into a predicament.

  Fu Tianqiu frowned. He was a loyal man, and he really didn't want to see more people die.

  "Don't let innocent people lose, it's not worth it. The emperor doesn't know the sufferings of the world, and there are too many traitors and villains around him; Lord Qianhu, you can take my head back to Shangren, I hope to touch him and wake him up. emperor!"

  "No! Dad, if you die, everyone will be headless, so use my head!"

  "No, use mine!"

  Both Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi wanted to share the burden for their father.

  Regardless, even the people under them decided to replace them with their own heads.

  "What's the use of talking so much, it can't solve the current crisis. Keep your head on yourself, maybe it will be useful in the future!"

  "Why do you want to issue orders, Mr. Zhuge hasn't spoken yet."

  Fu Tianqiu glared at Lin Feng. This was his Fu family's business. Even if Lin Feng had rescued them before, it would not be his turn to talk about this kind of thing.

  Ning Caichen was a little embarrassed.

  In order to control the situation and prevent the situation from getting worse, Lin Feng can only say to everyone: "Actually, I am Zhuge Wolong, and Ning Caichen is just my book boy!"

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "Yes, in fact, he is Mr. Zhuge. The reason why I lied to everyone before is because Mr. Zhuge has a special status, so I will be his substitute. But when things develop to Mr., I can't hide it."

  Ning Caichen was quite clever, and after hearing Lin Feng's words, he hurriedly agreed.

  Now everyone finally understood why Ning Caichen kept saying that he was not Zhuge Wolong before, so it wasn't a lie.

  Now that the truth is revealed, no matter what Lin Feng says, the Fu family will definitely not refute it.

  "Since that's the case, then ask Mr. Zhuge to give some pointers, what should we do next?"

  "You said that there are so many villains around the emperor, so what's the use of using your own heads to express your feelings? It's not that they will be used by villains! So don't die, and leave the green hills so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. "


  "Our top priority right now is to unravel the corpse poison first!"

  Hearing this, Fu Yuechi asked, "Then Mr. Zhuge doesn't know how to contact corpse poison?"

  "Bring the two people who were poisoned first and lay them flat on the ground! The corpse poison is useless to me, I will suck out all the corpse poison from their bodies later, but that's not enough, someone needs to give it to them. Spread the yang energy!"

  Zhiqiu Yiye understood what Lin Feng meant, and responded confidently: "I know, leave the next thing to me!"

  Now that he has said that, Lin Feng still believes in Zhiqiu Yiye's strength.

  Standing in the middle of the poisoned, Lin Feng opened his hands and touched their chests.

  Immediately afterwards, a wave of evil energy emanated from the palm of the hand, surrounding the body of the poisoned person.

  Through the evil energy, all the corpse poison on their bodies was absorbed.

  Afterwards, Zhiqiu Yiye brought two men over and asked them to exhale mouth to mouth with the poisoned person, passing the yang energy to them.

  After about half an hour, the two poisoners finally saw improvement.

  "That's great, as expected of Mr. Zhuge, he has always been so resourceful!"

  "Thank you Mr. Zhuge for saving them!"

  When everyone saw that the poisoned person was getting better, they immediately got down on one knee to express their gratitude.

  "It doesn't take many days, please get up quickly, don't forget that we are still the enemy, and the enemy outside the villa has not left." Qi.

Chapter 476

  "The two people who just passed on the yang qi still need to rest. The others go to see if there is any movement outside."

  After Lin Feng finished speaking, two or three people left.

  Just in case, for fear that there are some unclean things in the villa, Zhiqiu Yiye and Nie Xiaoqian decided to take a look around the villa.

  As for the others, right here in the front hall.

  Some take care of the wounded, and some prepare to get food and drink.

  After a short rest, Zhiqiu Yiye and Nie Xiaoqian came back.

  The two of them didn't find anything wrong, and Zhiqiu Yiye didn't smell any weird smell.

  At this moment, the spies sent out earlier came to report that there was a ritual outside and a lot of people were going to the villa soon.

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