Although he can prevent himself from being affected by Suomin Sanskrit, it seems a little difficult when facing invisible enemies.

  Although Zuo Qianhu is highly skilled in martial arts, he doesn't know the slightest magic.

  Therefore, when encountering an enemy who can master spells, it will appear somewhat powerless.

  Fortunately, he had listened to Lin Feng's advice just now, and while he still had a chance, he grabbed a handful of dust from the ground and threw it around. .

Chapter 480

  Maybe it was because he was in a hurry, so when Zuo Qianhu swayed the dust for the first time, he did not succeed in getting a real person onto the enemy, so he did not find the enemy's location.

  Not only that, but it also gave the enemy a chance to counterattack.


  Zuo Qianhu was hit in the chest, but fortunately he dodged in time, so he did not let the other party cause fatal damage.

  However, it also felt the horror of the enemy.

  In fact, if it is purely about martial arts, Zuo Qianhu will definitely not lose to them. The martial arts high-strength system of these Dharma protectors has not yet reached such a high level.

  But when combined with spells, the situation is reversed.

  Fortunately, after the first experience, Zuo Qianhu immediately adjusted his state and did not choose to sway the dust in advance from the beginning.

  When the enemy took the initiative to attack, Zuo Qianhu tried his best to resist, but he also suffered a lot of injuries.

  Although it was just some ordinary scratches or scratches, it also caused Zuo Qianhu to be restrained a lot.

  Zuo Qianhu frowned, shouted angrily, then saw the opportunity, slashed directly, and successfully hit the enemy.

  A streak of fresh blood suddenly appeared from the sky, which meant that people were in this place.

  Although the opponent tried his best to dodge back, Zuo Qianhu was not stupid enough to just chase after him, but instead threw his big move and successfully hit the enemy.

  After killing one of them, Zuo Qianhu immediately took out the second broadsword from his back.

  With the first experience, Zuo Qianhu became less confused and had a clearer goal.

  This time, he wasn't in a hurry to do anything, just listened to the dynamics around him attentively.

  This is indeed a good method. Although the enemy is successfully invisible, its body still exists.

  When passing some ground, there will inevitably be some noises.Zuo Qianhu can use this to determine the orientation of the festival, and when he feels that the opponent is about to rush over, he quickly raises the dust on the ground and successfully hits the enemy.

  And because of the dust, it is easy to reveal the enemy's location.

  In this way, Zuo Qianhu can better judge the enemy.

  Moreover, in order to prevent the dust from swaying, Zuo Qianhu was particularly cruel, and cut his arm directly, with a lot of effort, and stained the enemy with blood.

  In this way, even if the dust is swept away, the blood cannot be completely wiped away.

  I have to say that Zuo Qianhu is also a ruthless man, and he is ruthless to himself!

  On the other hand, Lin Feng's situation is much better.

  Because he could directly judge the opponent's position through the evil energy, no matter what kind of offensive methods these hair care agents used, Lin Feng was able to dodge it smoothly, and then he could fight back.

  The other party still had some doubts as to why Lin Feng could judge their location so accurately.

  But after thinking about it for a long time, nothing came of it.

  For this reason, these guardians could only temporarily change the direction of the attack, and they all aimed at Zuo Qianhu behind him.

  After Lin Feng noticed that there was something wrong with the flow of evil energy around him, he immediately reminded Zuo Qianhu: "Be careful, they all ran over to you!"

  Zuo Qianhu's reaction was fast enough, and it was also a roar: "Hurry up!"

  Lin Feng reacted quickly, jumped and left his original position.

  I saw Zuo Qianhu open his robe, and then many darts were thrown directly from the medical insurance.




  Zuo Qianhu's move is well used, throwing fast darts directly on the line in a large area, just need to determine an approximate position to hit the enemy.

  Although it cannot directly kill the enemy, it can also successfully restrain the enemy and consume the opponent.

  Taking advantage of this time, Lin Feng made a decisive move and killed the two protectors who had hit just now.

  This time, the other party was finally quiet and no longer took the initiative to attack easily.

  But even so, the other party still cannot escape the fate of being killed.

  If others don't take the initiative to attack, then Lin Feng will come!

  After finding the approximate location of the opponent, take advantage of the opponent's inattentiveness, stab the sword directly, and penetrate the enemy's chest.

  The other party hadn't even reacted yet. They thought that as long as they stayed put, Lin Feng and others would not know where they were.

  But it turns out they were wrong.

  As long as they still exude evil spirits, as long as they are discovered by Lin Feng, they will surely die.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  After killing these guardians, I originally wanted to continue to take Fu Tianqiu and others out of here, but I didn't expect that at this moment, Pudu Cihang appeared in front of everyone.

  As he shouted angrily, he continued to pretend to be an eminent monk and said to everyone, "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot!"

  After saying these words, Purdue Cihang began to recite the mantra to ask for the life of the Sanskrit!

  This time, the power emitted by this time was stronger than the last time, so Zuo Qianhu suddenly couldn't stand it, but his body that could move freely began to gradually become uncontrollable, and he was still walking in the direction of Pudu Cihang. go.

  "Zuo Qianhu come back soon, you are not his opponent, don't make unnecessary sacrifices!"


  Zhiqiu Yiye could clearly see what Zuo Qianhu wanted to do from the rear, but he couldn't immediately step forward to stop him, he could only remind him in words.

  It's just that Zuo Qianhu at this time has been affected by Suoming Sanskrit, lost his consciousness, and continued to walk towards Purdue Cihang.

  Lin Feng quickly stepped forward to hold the opponent, and then tapped the opponent's acupuncture point.

  Although the influence of Suoming Sanskrit on Zuo Qianhu could not be immediately lifted, it could allow his body to be directly fixed in place.

  When Purdue Cihang saw such a situation, he instantly felt a little surprised.

  He didn't expect that Lin Feng could still use such a method.

  "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot! Stop doing unnecessary actions, admit your sins, and the Buddha will forgive you!"

  Purdue Cihang also wanted to use rhetoric to confuse Lin Feng, but he didn't know that this trick didn't work for Lin Feng at all.

  Lin Feng is like a normal person, no matter what the other party says, he has never been affected.

  "Purdue Cihang, your life-threatening Sanskrit is useless to me at all. If you have any other tricks, just use them, and don't regret saying that I didn't give you a chance!"

  Now that everyone has been rescued, and Nie Xiaoqian is not in the opponent's hands, Lin Feng can deal with the enemy with peace of mind.

  Purdue Cihang snorted coldly and said, "If you speak madly, you have to pay for your actions!"

  After the other party finished speaking, he directly waved a palm, and the golden light came out immediately and rushed towards this side.begging.

Chapter 481

  "Xiaoqian, protect everyone!"

  After speaking, Lin Feng rushed out.

  Although Nie Xiaoqian's strength is not very deep, in this case, it is not a problem to protect Zhiqiu Yiye and others.

  When the golden light from Pudu Cihang came, Lin Feng didn't even need to dodge, and let the opponent hit him directly.

  But even so, Pudu Cihang's attack did not cause much damage to Lin Feng at all.

  With his own sorcery physique, Lin Feng did not hesitate to use the soul-sucking technique on the opponent!


  A strong wind blew past, and all of them were absorbed by Lin Feng.

  Purdue Cihang did not stand firm, and his soul was almost absorbed.

  Fortunately, he immediately held his breath, adjusted his state, and formed a confrontation with Lin Feng.

  The two sides competed with each other to see who was stronger.

  Lin Feng directly used all his skills this time, and wanted to take down Purdue Cihang in one fell swoop.

  However, the situation did not seem to be as smooth as expected. Although Purdue Cihang's actions were successfully limited, it did not mean that his strength was weak.

  If you want to calculate accurately, the strength of Purdue Cihang should be around the mid-term of Tianshi.

  So in the face of the soul-sucking Dafa, it is not that there is no way to deal with it.

  Although he couldn't move freely, Purdue Cihang held his breath and fixed his soul, and at the same time emitted a golden light to protect himself, so that he could avoid being sucked away by the soul-sucking method.

  But also because of this, it makes Purdue Cihang unable to move its position at will, otherwise, it is very likely that all previous efforts will be forfeited and will be taken away directly by the soul-sucking method.

  Therefore, Purdue Cihang and Lin Feng formed two opposing forms, and both sides were restrained by the other side. As long as either side was a little inattentive, it was very likely that the other side would kill them.

  The power emitted by that golden light is not small, if you get closer, it is very likely that it will be swallowed up by the golden light.

  So at this time, Nie Xiaoqian, whose kilometers are not very deep, can't help too much. He can only be anxious while protecting Zhiqiu Yiye.

  This attitude of the two sides lasted for a long time, and they have never seen a difference.

  Now it depends on who has the stronger consumption ability, and the weaker side will definitely be killed.

  Lin Feng knew that he couldn't continue to consume like this, otherwise he might be afraid of accidents.

  Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Lin Feng decided to take the risk, exuding his own evil energy while using the Soul Absorption Dafa.

  Purdue Cihang can also see that at this time, because today is the relationship between Tiangu eating the moon, not only his own strength has been strengthened, but also Lin Feng has become stronger than the last time he met.

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