Therefore, he naturally understood what Lin Feng wanted to do now, so he hurriedly shouted: "If you let yourself out of control, aren't you afraid of accidentally killing your companion?"

  Lin Feng was stunned for a while, but what the other party said was indeed correct.

  Although it is true that releasing all the evil energy in oneself can have a chance to defeat the opponent, it is also very likely that it will make oneself uncontrollable.

  Tengu eclipsed the moon can indeed bring about a wave of strength enhancement, but at the same time, when the strength is too strong to be controlled by oneself, it is also dangerous enough.

  At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly noticed that Pudu Cihang showed a smile.

  This is not a well-meaning WeChat, and it even looks a bit infiltrating.

  This reminded Lin Feng that, according to reason, Purdue Cihang should have no power to control his own power and showed his true body, so he turned his previous body into a body.

  But in terms of the actions just now, the situation of Purdue Cihang does not seem to be that serious.

  Moreover, he has also turned into a human appearance, but he just said that there is no way to completely hide the defects around his body for the time being.

  But since they have been able to hide to this point, could it be that the other party has mastered the method to control the power of the Tengu eclipsed the moon?

  If this is the case, then it would be a little dangerous for Lin Feng to continue.

  Just when Lin Feng felt that something was wrong, there was a sound of hooves from afar. It must be Ning Caichen who brought Yan Chixia back!

  As soon as Yan Chixia appeared, without saying a word, she directly cast a spell on Purdue Cihang, hitting the opponent several times in succession.




  After Pudu Cihang was hit, he lost his body's center of gravity in an instant, and Lin Feng didn't stop using the soul-sucking technique at this moment, so Pudu Cihang was sucked directly...

  With outside interference, and with Yan Chixia's level as a geographer, the two of them together, Purdue Cihang, are definitely not opponents.

  I originally thought that Purdue Cihang could be killed so easily, but I didn't expect that in the next second, Purdue Cihang, in order to protect himself, flashed a golden light, and the scene was billowing with smoke.

  After dispersing with the smoke and dust, what caught everyone's eyes was the golden Buddha they had seen before.

  And it is a little different from the last time. The golden Buddha shape displayed is even bigger and grander than before, and the lotus flower sitting underneath is even more dazzling.

  With the appearance of this golden Buddha, it was also accompanied by bursts of golden light, which made people dazzled.

  Yan Chixia also came to Lin Feng's side, but looking at the golden Buddha at the scene, he was very angry, and roared directly at the golden Buddha: "You dare to fake the Buddha, it's really daring, and What is something you dare not do!"

  At this time, Suo Ming Sanskrit finally ended.

  Zhiqiu Yiye couldn't stand someone pretending to be a Buddha, so he stood up from the ground and shouted, "Don't pretend in front of us, do you really think you can cover the sky with one hand?"

  Ning Caichen and Fu Qingfeng also hurried to the crowd.

  Ning Caichen, who was still a little timid, also broke out at this time.

  "You are really too much. You have lied to the whole world for so long, and you have done so many things that hurt the world. We must tell the world your true colors!"

  In the face of accusations from so many people, I didn't expect this golden Buddha to say: "People in this world like to have objects of worship, why should they follow the people of the world?"

  Yan Chixiacao spat on the other side: "It's because most people are ignorant that you can take advantage of the ignorance to deceive everyone. With us here today, we will never let you go!"

  "Those who dare to disobey me have only one way to die!" This golden Buddha was still obsessed, he thought he could fight against everyone present.

  Seeing that the other party refused to repent, Yan Chixia also decided not to be merciful. .

Chapter 482

  With a loud shout, the sword behind Yan Chixia was unsheathed, and countless sword shadows scattered in the sky, and then reunited, forming a trend of ten thousand arrows.

  When Jin Buddha saw such a situation, he quickly folded his hands together, and then a golden light directly charged towards him, hitting thousands of arrows flying into the sword shadow.

  If you don't do it at this time, Yan Chixia's spell will likely be cracked by the other party.

  Because Zhiqiu Yiye consumed a lot of Yuanshen just now to protect Fu Tianqiu and Fu Yuechi, his condition is not very good now.

  Lin Feng used the Xiahou sword technique to directly block the golden light of the Golden Buddha.

  Not only did it absorb the golden light emitted by the opponent, but also returned all the original amount of the golden light, and successfully hit the golden dot on the golden Buddha's forehead.


  Jin Huo was successfully repelled and disappeared in front of everyone.

  Yan Chixia hurriedly controlled the arrows to fly in unison and chased after them.

  Not only that, but for fear that the Golden Buddha would do something, Lin Feng also summoned many sword shadows, forming a circle around where everyone was standing, thus protecting everyone.

  "I didn't expect to meet 24 and see you here. It seems that we will fight together again today!"

  Suddenly, Yan Chixia felt a little emotional.

  "Stop talking nonsense, or kill the other party first!"

  After Lin Feng finished speaking, everyone gathered in the sword circle, carefully observing the surrounding situation, for fear that the other party would suddenly be caught off guard.

  At a moment when no one thought of it, Zhiqiu Yiye suddenly came to Yan Chixia's side and whispered to him, "Master Yan, I'm your idol, I'm from the Kunlun faction..."

  But before Zhiqiu Yiye finished speaking, Yan Chixia interrupted the other party directly.

  "At this time, don't divide any more sects. At this time, you should still deal with that old goblin wholeheartedly!"

  Lin Feng was a little helpless, but he didn't expect Zhiqiu Yiye to have an idol he liked.

  But even so, it would be unrealistic to say such words at such a time.

  It didn't take long for everyone to find that the ground suddenly shook violently, and the frequency of shaking became more and more frequent.

  Immediately afterwards, I suddenly saw a huge crack in the ground, and the giant phoenix was still approaching here.

  If it wasn't for the fact that Lin Feng's sword circle protected everyone and successfully offset the advance of the crack, I'm afraid everyone would be swallowed up by the crack.

  "This monster is really hateful. I didn't expect him to grab the ground and destroy the sword circle!"

  "Then what should we do now?"

  "Go back first, lead him out of the ground, and let's talk about the rest!"

  After Lin Feng finished saying this, everyone started to spread out and ran in different directions.

  Because the sword ring was destroyed, the cracks on the ground became more and more and bigger.

  No matter how many people run, there is no way they can run faster than the gap in the ground.

  But fortunately, after the cracks opened, the ground did not sag, so everyone was able to cope with it.

  Nie Xiaoqian chose to go underground at this time. After some investigation, she immediately returned to the ground and said to Lin Feng, "Engong, he was originally a centipede, and his body was particularly huge!"

  "I see, you go to protect others first!"

  After Lin Feng knew the true body of the opponent's monster, he immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

  But at this moment, the centipede spirit suddenly rushed out from the ground, and Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye stepped on his back.

  After seeing such a situation, Lin Feng immediately joined the two of them.

  Now that I know the truth about the other side's monster, I don't feel so sleepy if I want to deal with it.

  One person teamed up and directly inserted his sword into the body of the centipede spirit, and a large amount of mucus ran out of the body, directly engulfing all three of them.

  But fortunately, there is nothing special in these years, so at most it is just blocking the line of sight, and it will not cause too much impact.

  This monster is very large, and while dealing with three people, it is also trying to deal with the people on the ground.

  Ning Caichen ran relatively slowly, so she was caught by the monster all of a sudden. If it wasn't because Lin Feng suddenly blocked in front of Ning Caichen and resolved the crisis for him, I am afraid that Ning Caichen would be eaten by the monster. Lose.

  "Be careful, if you want to drag your feet, go away quickly!"

  After Lin Feng finished speaking, Ning Caichen nodded, and then quickly hid behind the hill with Nie Xiaoqian and his party.

  "The Promise of Heaven and Earth, the Sword of Myriad Shadows!"

  On the other side, Yan Chixia roared loudly, and then summoned countless sword energy.

  Zhiqiu Yiye, who was beside him, also made the same action.

  Although Lin Feng used sorcery, the Xiahou swordsmanship could also conjure up countless sword qi.

  The three were connected together, and a large amount of sword energy was like a thousand swords returning to the ancestors, all of which hit the monster.

  But the shell on the opponent's body is too hard, so no matter how many sword qi hits, it will not cause fatal damage.

  After seeing such a situation, everyone suddenly felt a little troubled.

  But fortunately, at this time, Lin Feng and I discovered the shortcomings of the monster, that is, the eyes!

  "Attack his eyes or mouth, it's impossible to cut off his tentacles!"

  After being reminded by Lin Feng, the other two people reacted instantly.

  It's not that this monster is more powerful, but it is also a centipede spirit, so he also has the weaknesses of the centipede.

  Exactly three people confront one place one by one.

  Yan Chixia was in charge of cutting off the monster's tentacles, Zhiqiu Yiye was in charge of breaking his eyes, Lin Feng came under the centipede spirit's body, directly inserted a key into the opponent's abdomen, and then kept running forward. A large incision was made in the centipede's abdomen.

  While running, Lin Feng also dropped a lot of mucus.

  Luckily run fast, otherwise you'll likely be swallowed by the slime.

  While the slime doesn't do any real damage, it's possible to drown it out if it's too much.

  If it is because of such a method of death, it would be too embarrassing.

  Through the joint efforts of the three people, it caused a big blow to the monster.

  After the three of them got together again, they wanted to strike the monster directly for the final blow, but they didn't expect the monster's reaction power to be so fast, and it went underground again all of a sudden.

  Everyone lost the target of the attack, and naturally there was no way to kill the opponent.

  "Damn, he even ran away!"

  "He can't run very far, and he can't run!" Lin Feng said very confidently. .

Chapter 483

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