"Why are you so sure?" Zhiqiu Yiye was a little puzzled.

  Lin Feng said calmly: "Because his evil spirit is still very strong, he has not gone far. I am afraid he is waiting for the opportunity to attack us!"

  "This old monster actually dares to play yin!" Zhiqiu Yiye roared, "Then do you know where he is?"

  Lin Feng shook his head, this question stumped him a bit.

  It's not because of incompetence, but because this centipede is too cunning and can take advantage of the terrain.

  After the centipede spirit sneaks into the bottom, as long as he doesn't leave and keeps circling around, the evil qi emanating from his body will also indirectly border the earth, thus allowing the evil qi to merge with the earth.

  In this way, it can prevent Lin Feng from finding him through evil spirits.

  It seems that through the previous fights, Purdue Cihang knew that Lin Feng could feel the evil spirit in him.

  That's why he didn't run away in a hurry, otherwise the flow of evil energy would definitely attract Lin Feng's attention.

  And if it takes too long, Purdue Cihang recovers, and he can see his own evil spirits hidden.

  At that time, if you want to find him, it will become more difficult.

  "Everyone, be careful and pay attention to your feet."

  Lin Feng can only remind everyone like this.

  Everyone immediately became alert, the monsters hadn't been eliminated, and it was really difficult for everyone to feel at ease.

  In order to prevent being destroyed by the group, two or three of the crowd fought together separately.

  At this time, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly said to Lin Feng, "Eunuch, let me go down and have a look!"

  Lin Feng nodded, and then Nie Xiaoqian went underground.

  I am afraid that only Nie Xiaoqian can help you find out, but it is still unknown whether the centipede can be found.

  When everyone was concentrating, Yan Chixia felt a little self-blame.

  "I didn't expect that after I stayed in Lanruo Temple for so long, there were so many monsters and monsters outside. If I had come out earlier, it wouldn't have killed so many people~々."

  "That's not what I said. Fortunately, Hero Yan is in Lanruo Temple, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find you!"

  I didn't expect that Ning Caichen could actually comfort people.

  After Zhiqiu Yiye heard what Yan Chixia said, she instantly felt that she had a chance, and immediately said to Yan Chixia and Lin Feng: "Then just don't go back. The three of us will travel all over the world together to eliminate violence and An Liang, Be the best partner!"

  Unexpectedly, Yan Chixia quickly refused when she heard it: "I'm used to idle clouds and wild cranes, and I don't like people to follow me! Last time I killed Grandma Huaishu with Brother Xiahou, it was already very hard, and now I'm here to kill all the centipede spirits with you. , I almost lost my life. I'll come and save you when you're about to die in the future."

  Being rejected by Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye was a little disappointed, but she turned her attention to Lin Feng again.

  Lin Feng quickly shook his head: "Don't call me this kind of thing, just do it yourself."

  Being rejected by two people one after another, Zhiqiu Yiye instantly became frustrated.

  It was the Fu family's father and daughter who couldn't help laughing after hearing the conversation of several people.

  At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly came back from the ground.

  "How is it, have you found the centipede spirit?"

  Nie Xiaoqian shook her head: "No, I can only feel the centipede spirit constantly moving under the ground, but his speed is too fast, I can't keep up."

  Originally, it would take Nie Xiaoqian's skill to walk under the ground, and it would be a bit embarrassing to let him have the speed of a centipede.


  When everyone was at a loss, the centipede spirit suddenly appeared behind Zhiqiu Yiye, grabbed Zhiqiu Yiye with his clip, and then swallowed him.

  Unexpectedly, what Yan Chixia said before will come true now. Could this be the legendary crow's mouth?

  Seeing such a situation, Yan Chixia quickly stepped forward to help.

  It's just that he was still a little late. He saw Zhiqiu Yiye's belly being swallowed by a centipede essence with his own eyes, but he didn't expect to follow him in the next second.

  Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, so how could he kill the centipede from the outside?

  Once this is done, the two people in the centipede's stomach will be implicated.

  There is no way, and it is impossible to just watch the two people die here, and Lin Feng can only follow.

  Just before the past, I did not forget to remind others to stay away from this centipede spirit and not let him get close.

  Lin Feng and the other two entered in a different way, but turned into a mass of evil energy and invaded the body of the centipede spirit.

  After entering the belly of the centipede spirit, a lot of mucus was everywhere, and it looked disgusting, a bit like the feeling that the sewer was left for too long without cleaning, and even the smell was disgusting.

  Lin Feng couldn't help covering his mouth and nose. If he continued to ask about this smell, he would probably vomit.

  And the centipede's stomach not only has mucus, but also a lot of stomach acid, which is used to digest food.

  Continuing to walk forward, I suddenly saw that there were two trapped people in front of me. They should be Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye.

  The two of them came in directly in the form of flesh, so the mucus in the centipede's stomach would definitely be actively contaminated, trapping the two of them.

  Now they can't move, their bodies are trapped.

  In this case, if there is no Lin Feng, the only way for the two of them to escape is to use the method of leaving the body.

  However, this method also has certain dangers, especially Zhiqiu Yiye.

  He was already injured, and if he was not strong enough, if he forced his Primordial Spirit out of his body, he might not be able to come back.

  "¨~ Brother Xiahou, you also followed up, why aren't you trapped?"

  "Let's wait until you get out."

  After finishing speaking, Lin Feng pulled out the Xiahou sword and cut off the sticky object that stuck to the two, which allowed the two to escape.

  "Hurry up and adjust your state, we will break it directly from the inside!"

  Yan Chixia and Zhi (Zhao Li's) Qiu Yiye both understood what Lin Feng meant, so the three of them conjured up a large number of sword shadows and kept expanding outward.




  Numerous sword shadows centered on the three of them, constantly piercing the inner wall of the centipede spirit.

  When all the sword shadows were consumed, only a loud noise was heard, the centipede spirit exploded directly, and the three finally escaped from the centipede spirit's body.

  The centipede essence was blown to pieces, and this time it was finally fixed.

  In order to prevent this centipede spirit from having any regeneration ability, Lin Feng confirmed it again and again, and finally he was relieved.

  Ning Caichen, Nie Xiaoqian, the Fu family's father and daughter hurried over to check the situation of the three, and everyone gathered again.

  "Are you all okay?"

  "Eunuch, are you injured?"

  After the three women made caring voices, they saw that everyone was at peace and no one died. .

Chapter 484

  "The centipede spirit has been eliminated, so let's get out of here quickly."

  After Lin Feng finished speaking, everyone quickly returned to the nearby village.

  A good night's rest.

  the next morning.

  After a night's rest, everyone finally returned to the best state.

  After what happened yesterday, Yan Chixia decided not to go back to Lanruo Temple. She wanted to walk in the world, subdue demons and eliminate demons, so as to avoid more demons and ghosts coming out to harm the world.

  Zhiqiu Yiye himself did this, but before that, he still wanted to go back to Kunlun.

  As for Ning Caichen, he still thought that the real Zhuge Wolong was still in prison, and wanted to see what happened to him.

  I also took this opportunity to let everyone understand that the real Zhuge Wolong did not escape, but Lin Feng and Ning Caichen did meet him.

  After knowing the truth of this matter, everyone was not angry, but could understand why Lin Feng and Ning Caichen did this.

  What's more, it was they who mistook Ning Caichen for Zhuge Wolong at first.

  Fu Tianqiu, his two daughters, and Zuo Qianhu will definitely make a trip to the capital. Then tell the emperor what happened here, and the true identity of the protector of the country.

  Only in this way can the emperor truly wake up and know the interests of the matter.

  After the group informed each other, they went their separate ways.

  After Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye left, Lin Feng said to Fu Tianqiu, "Master Fu, there is something I have to tell you."

  "If you have anything, please invite Xiahou, but it doesn't matter."

  "Actually, your daughter Fu Qingfeng doesn't want to marry Ma Gongzi at all, so please don't force her."

  When Fu Tianqiu heard this, he suddenly realized, and asked Fu Qingfeng directly, "Daughter, do you really think so?"

  "Father, I really don't want to marry Young Master Ma, I've never met her before!"

  "Then why didn't you tell me before?"

  "I was afraid that my father would be angry, so I..."

  The father and daughter looked at each other with emotion, and Fu Tianqiu didn't know what to do for a while.

  At this time, Lin Feng said to them: "It's better than this, you should go to see the emperor first, and after you have dealt with the matter here, then discuss the marriage. Miss Qingfeng, please respect your heart for this kind of thing. If you don't want to, don't force yourself."

  "I see, thank you, Young Master Xiahou."

   After speaking, Zuo Qianhu took the Fu family's father and daughter to leave first.

  "Master Xiahou, please take me back to see Mr. Zhuge Wolong." Suddenly, Ning Caichen appeared in front of Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng was puzzled and asked, "When did I say I would take you back? Wouldn't you go by yourself?"

  Ning Caichen smiled and said, "Brother Xiahou, you are so considerate, and you often help people, and you have already helped me so many times, so you don't care about this time."

  I didn't expect that Ning Caichen would have such a rogue day, which made people feel a little surprised.

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