Before Lin Feng could react, Ning Caichen had already started planning the route on his own.

  "That's all..."

  Lin Feng said helplessly, and Nie Xiaoqian next to him also smiled slightly.

  It's not too far from prison anyway.

  While Zhuge Wolong in prison was resting, he suddenly saw several familiar voices appear in front of him, namely Ning Caichen, Nie Xiaoqian and Lin Feng.

  In addition to the accident, but also the world is full of emotion.

  Lin Feng and Zhuge Wolong had nothing to say, basically Ning Caichen said more.

  The two chatted for a while, and soon they would go to the inn to rest.

  Ning Caichen was interested in books written by Zhuge Wolong, so he felt that he would be here for a few more days.

  Lin Feng originally wanted to leave directly, but because so many things happened before, it would be a good choice to rest here for a few days, so he also stayed here with Ning Caichen.

  A few days later, the two were ready to pack their things and parted ways.

  Ning Caichen still had his own things to do, and Lin Feng would not stay here any longer.

  At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside, and when I opened the window, I didn't expect it to be Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi!

  The two girls were particularly conspicuous in their dress, and at first glance they looked like the makeup of a wealthy family.

  But it's also true.

  I have heard that in the past few days, Zuo Qianhu brought Fu Tianqiu to see the emperor. After the two told the emperor the real situation, the emperor immediately woke up and conferred two people.

  This time, when I see Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi again, I should call them eldest lady.

  "You are really still here, it seems that we are not too late."

  Fu Yuechi rushed forward and saw that Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian were both there.

  Lin Feng asked: "You guys come here at this time, you can't just come out to play, right? What's the matter with the two eldest misses?"

  "Master Xiahou, I listened to your words and followed my heart. I promised you that I will be with you in the future, and this time I am here to find you."

  After Fu Qingfeng finished speaking, her younger sister Fu Yuechi continued, "Yes, my elder sister is here to find you. I am with my elder sister, and I will be with you in the future."

  Fu Yuechi naturally knew what her sister meant, but her personality was like this, and what she said would be a little different.

  Lin Feng did not expect that Fu Yuechi would also follow.

  But this is also good. With one more person, you can also have more fun on the road.

  Ning Caichen had to go to his hometown, not on the same road, so Bian and a few parted ways.

  After Lin Feng has settled the two monsters, he must consider how to open up the wasteland here.

  I have walked several places before, but so far I still feel that the village I passed by on the way is more suitable.

  Establishing a sect is naturally a good choice in this world of the weak.

  After the establishment of the sect, the Fu family sisters and Nie Xiaoqian naturally became important figures in the sect.

  "In today's world, which school is the most powerful?" Lin Feng asked.

  "It should be the Kunlun faction where Zhiqiu Yiye is located. Their spells are so powerful that no other faction can compare." Fu Qingfeng responded, "I don't know why you asked this question?"

  "Of course, if you want to go to the gym, if you want to make the corpse sect the most powerful sect in the world today, you must aim at the first place!"

  Although he couldn't believe it, Lin Feng actually wanted to challenge for the first place.

  But I have seen Lin Feng's strength before, so everyone thinks that he can still have a fight.

  It's just that there is still a lot of distance from here to Kunlun, so we must hurry as soon as possible. .

Chapter 485

  Kunlun has always been a place that many people yearn for.

  Lin Feng Lawang, the Fu family sisters and Nie Xiaoqian stayed behind in the sect, and went alone.

  There are many masters here, Nie Xiaoqian coming here is likely to be mistaken for an evil spirit and has never been eliminated.

  Even Lin Feng himself is likely to be misunderstood because of the evil spirit on his body, so it is better to come alone.Even if he was misunderstood, Lin Feng would not worry about others, he could handle it himself.

  As soon as he entered the Kunlun realm, Lin Feng felt a lot of spiritual energy. Unfortunately, these spiritual energy could not be used by him, and his own evil energy would be affected to a certain extent.

  So you can only temporarily suppress your evil spirits.

  When I arrived at the Kunlun School, as soon as I arrived at the door, I was stopped by two people who were guarding the door.

  "May I ask you to come to my Kunlun to have an expensive job?"

  "Please also let me know. I came to Daoist Zhiqiu Yiye, and said that it was Xiahou who killed the monster with him."

  After the two trail chiefs heard it, they immediately went to report.

  It didn't take long for a familiar figure to appear in front of him in the distance, it was Zhiqiu Yiye.

  Seeing Lin Feng's sudden visit, Zhiqiu Yiye was very excited.

  "I didn't expect it to be Brother Xiahou. I never thought you would come here."

  "This time, I have something I want to ask you to do."

  "After all, as long as I can do it, I will agree."

  Zhiqiu Yiye patted his chest and said with oath.

  "I want you to take me to see the Sect Master!"

  Although he didn't know what Lin Feng wanted to do, it was not a big problem to see the headmaster, so Zhiqiu Yiye agreed immediately.

  Following behind the other party, Lin Feng came to Kunlun's main hall.

  The head of the Kunlun faction and many elders are discussing matters here.

  After Zhiqiu Yiye introduced it, everyone knew Lin Feng's identity.

  Lin Feng also said straight to the point: "Everyone, I came here to discuss with you about the corpse sect."

  Chase the corpse!

  The name alone sounds a little scary, and it doesn't make people think that this is a decent name.

  The elder said: "We have also heard about this corpse sect. This should be a newly established house number. We were also discussing this just now, but we don't know much about this sect. I don't know what your Excellency is talking about?"

  "Actually, I am the founder of the corpse sect!"

  When it comes to this, other people are often very surprised, even Zhiqiu Yiye.

  Everyone in Jianghu has heard that this sect is a bit evil, and it seems that the practitioners are all sorcerers, so the people from the Kunlun faction are discussing whether to check this sect in person.

  But I never imagined that the founder of the sect would actually appear in Kunlun voluntarily.

  When the others were still a little confused, Zhiqiu Yiye didn't doubt Lin Feng.

  Because from the very first time he knew him, he had already sensed a strong evil spirit from Lin Feng, but Lin Feng always acted as an upright person, so he didn't care too much about these issues.

  "I came here this time to say hello to everyone, and I hope you don't have trouble with me chasing the corpse faction. If you have any dissatisfaction, come here today and have a test with everyone. If I lose, I will listen to you. ."

  After listening to this, the head of the Kunlun faction snorted coldly and said, "You really speak madly. You are not too young to dare to say such words!"

  The remarks just now clearly did not take the Kunlun faction seriously, so both the sect master and the elder are very angry now.

  I didn't expect that someone would come directly in front of me and shout, the Kunlun faction had never suffered from this kind of anger.

  "If the corpse sect dares to do anything wicked, my Kunlun sect will never let it go!"

  "The name Chasing Corpse doesn't sound very good. It feels like something that demons can only do."

  "Do you really think that there is no one in our Kunlun faction?"


  Many elders spoke directly, and everyone was very angry.

  It seems that everyone is very dissatisfied with what Lin Feng said just now.

  Zhiqiu Yiye didn't expect that Lin Feng would say such a thing. As a friend who fought side by side with the other party, he didn't want the other party to do such stupid things.

  "Brother Xiahou, you must have drunk too much to speak such nonsense just now. Otherwise, you should go to rest first, and I will explain it to the elders and the head."

  Unexpectedly, Lin Feng shook his head and directly rejected Zhiqiu Yiye's kindness.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "If you have any dissatisfaction, I will accompany you at any time!"

  "Okay! I want to see how powerful you, the head of the corpse sect, is!"

  Not long after Lin Feng finished speaking, the head of the Kunlun faction couldn't sit still.

  The Kunlun faction has never suffered from this kind of anger, and no one feels that the sect is so arrogant and domineering, so he must give the other party some color.

  It's just that it's inconvenient to do anything on this hall, so everyone came to the courtyard.

  This yard is usually the place where the disciples of the Kunlun School practiced, so after everyone was told to get out of the way, the two of them put it aside.

  Many disciples still didn't understand what happened, but when they saw that even the Sect Master had already taken action, they knew that the matter was very serious.

...... 0

  Most of the people have never seen the Sect Master do it, they just heard that the Sect Master is very powerful, even stronger than the elders.

  The strength of the elders is already very powerful for them.

  But this time, the elders simply did not take action, and let the head come directly, so everyone was very curious about the identity of the person in front of them.

  Who is it that can make the head and the elders fight so much?

  Lin Feng did not take the initiative to attack, but was waiting for the opponent to make a move.

  After holding his breath for a moment, the head of the Kunlun faction shouted loudly, and then transformed into countless sword shadows from behind him, and charged directly with the attitude of a thousand swords returning to their ancestors.

  Lin Feng was not afraid of danger, and after seeing the opportunity, he actually avoided the opponent's attack by relying only on his own movement.

  Not only that, but Lin Feng also took out his weapon when he was evading.

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