For the next few days, everything was fine.

  Because of his current status, Lin Feng is still a scholar, so he still goes to the school every day.

  I can see Xu Xian every day, and I can feel relieved when I see that there is no abnormality in him.

  Seeing Lin Feng coming back, Xu Xian hurried forward and asked, "Just come back, you haven't returned my umbrella to me yet!"

  At this time, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that he had indeed robbed his umbrella before, and he has not returned it to the other party.

  Xu Xian is just a poor scholar, so an umbrella is quite important to him.

  Lin Feng didn't want to be a rogue either, so he said to the other party, "I accidentally lost your umbrella, but don't worry, I will buy a new one and return it to you in a few days."

  "Then you have to do it as soon as possible. The rainy season will arrive in two days. What can I do without an umbrella."

  Although the umbrella was lost, Xu Xian felt a little sad, but fortunately, Lin Feng said just now that he would be responsible for compensation, so there was no problem.

  Just need to be a little bit anxious at this time.

  Every year in the rainy season, it will rain a lot in Qiantang, so if there is no umbrella, it will be difficult to walk during this time. .

Chapter 492

  According to the situation in memory, although Qin Song's family background is not very good, it is not bad.

  It's just an oil-paper umbrella, it's still very easy.

  After school that day, Lin Feng bought an oil-paper umbrella on the way back, planning to return it directly to Xu Xian the next day.

  After successfully returning the umbrella, Lin Feng is now thinking about how to deal with Fa Hai next.

  That guy can be described as unpredictable mana, in terms of strength, at least they are at the level of Tianshi.

  So if you want to confront each other head-on, it is almost impossible, you still have to find some way.

  At this time, Lin Feng suddenly thought of the spider spirit he had saved earlier.

  Although the strength of the spider spirit is not very strong, it is even a little weak, but if he is asked to inquire about the information, it is still a very good choice.

  So after thinking about it, I finally decided to let him go to inquire about the news.

  After contacting the spider spirit, the other party rushed over immediately.

  "This little brother, I don't know what you are calling this emergency call?"

  "Actually, there is one thing 24 wants you to help with, and that is to help me investigate the latest information about Fahai!"


  When the spider spirit heard it, she instantly expressed her surprise.

  The reason why he was abolished for so many years was because of Fahai.But now that he has to find that person again, it may be difficult for the spider spirit.

  "This..." The spider spirit was a little embarrassed.

  From his own heart, he is not very willing to do this, but he clearly promised Lin Feng, so now he is suddenly in a dilemma.

  Lin Feng knew what the other party was thinking, so he quickly said: "Actually, don't worry, Fahai will not continue to do anything to you, and now he is happy to see you again."

  The spider spirit was a little puzzled and asked, "Why do you say that?"

  "Because Fahai has been feeling bad since he lost your cultivation last time. Last time I accidentally saw him come over to find you again, and wanted to let you out, but you were no longer there at that time."

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, the spider spirit instantly expressed shock.

  Because in his opinion, Fahai would not let him go easily.

  When the two of them met, he had already begged hard and even revealed his identity, but Fahai was not merciful at that time, so he was still put under the pavilion.

  "Little brother, you didn't lie to me, did you?" the spider spirit asked.

  "Of course not, otherwise I won't come to you. If you don't believe me, I can go and have a look with you first. I'll hide not far away, and I can come out to save you if something happens."

  Although the spider spirit was a little reluctant, but the words have already been said for this sake, so he can only reluctantly nod to agree.

  Originally, he was pressed by Fa Hai under the gazebo, and his life was basically ruined. It was Lin Feng who rescued him, otherwise he might not have come out by now.

  So the big deal went back to the original pavilion.

  In fact, Lin Feng also found the spider spirit to approach Fahai because he knew what had happened.

  Because at this time, I am afraid there is no more suitable candidate than the spider spirit.

  Fa Hai was trapped by his inner demon at this time, and he has not come out yet, and his inner demon is related to the spider spirit, so he was thinking of looking for him.

  At this moment, Fahai will attack other monsters and monsters, but he will never attack spider spirits.

  After the two discussed it, they immediately went to find Fahai.

  When I came to the vicinity of Jinshan Temple, I finally saw that Fa Hai was explaining things to a group of monks.

  After he explained the matter, he immediately set off and left Jinshan Temple.

  Usually, if Fa Hai is not staying in the temple, he is going outside to subdue demons and eliminate demons, so it is relatively easy to find him.

  After the other party left the Jinshan Temple, the spider spirit went up.

  But instead of appearing directly in front of the other party, he pretended to hang out around here, and then accidentally met Fahai.

  And when he saw Fa Hai for the first time, he also showed a very scared look and wanted to run away.

  But before he could run twice, Fahai directly caught up with the spider spirit.

  "Don't run!" Fa Hai's voice was still full of anger, and the spider spirit was so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

  "I didn't put you under the gazebo before, how did you get out?"

  "I was released when a child accidentally dug a hole."

  Now all the rhetoric, all Lin Feng has already prepared, the spider spirit just needs to do as he says.

  After Fahai heard what the spider spirit said, he didn't show disbelief, but his expression was a little gloomy.

  "That's fine, it seems that your cultivation has not been paid much."

  "Mage, please forgive me, I really haven't done anything inappropriate." At this time, the spider spirit began to beg for mercy.

  When Fa Hai heard this, he felt a little sighed instantly.

  "Don't worry, I won't arrest you this time. In fact, I wanted to let you go before, but I found out that you are no longer there, and I don't know where you went."

  "Thank you Mage, thank you Mage for your kindness!"

  After hearing what Fahai said, the spider spirit was a little shocked, but also expressed his gratitude.

  He didn't expect that what Lin Feng said was actually true. Since that was the case, there was no need to be afraid.

  Before the spider spirit could speak, Fahai asked him, "There is one thing I still don't understand, maybe you can help me answer it."

  "Also ask the mage to speak directly."

  "Since you said that you cultivated under the Buddha statue, do you know how to overcome the inner demon caused by beauty?"

  Upon hearing this, the spider spirit expressed a little embarrassment.

  "This question is a bit out of line for me. I have never thought about this aspect. But if the mage needs it, I am willing to stay by the mage's side and explore the answer to this question with the mage."

  "Well, let's explore this inscrutable problem together."

  When Fahai heard it, he said there was no problem.

  He himself knew that his inner demon probably appeared because of various karmas that began with the spider spirit, so if the spider spirit accompanied him, the probability of being able to find the answer to this question would increase.

  Buddha said that everything has its own cause and effect.

  The bell still needs to be tied to the bell, so there's nothing wrong with keeping the spider spirit with you.

  All this is under Lin Feng's control. The spider spirit has successfully stayed by Fahai's side, and he can provide him with some convenient news smoothly.

  Prepare to deal with Fahai in the future. .

Chapter 493

  After the spider spirit successfully stayed by Fahai's side, Lin Feng left around the Jinshan Temple.

  Back to Qiantang.

  It has been raining heavily for several days in a row in the past few days, and the heavy rain has never stopped, so the entire Qiantang was almost submerged by water.

  At first, everyone didn't care much. After all, Qiantang belongs to the south of the Yangtze River, and it is normal for it to rain.

  But after a few days, everyone realized that something was wrong.

  It's been raining more than usual these days, and it's surprisingly heavy!

  The entire Qiantang has been affected, and the water level has risen sharply, which has affected people's normal life and travel.

  The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and many people have been submerged. Even the places where people live have been flooded, and people have begun to rescue themselves.

  But human strength is limited after all, even if they only need to take care of themselves, in the face of such heavy rain, they are like ants after all, no matter what they do, it is useless.

  Seeing such a situation, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing decided to properly manage the flood this time.

  However, the two of them have limited abilities after all. With the two of them alone, they may not be able to manage the water quickly, so they found Lin Feng and hoped that he could help.

  Lin Feng doesn't care. This kind of thing can increase the favorability of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and it can also help everyone manage the flood by the way. Why not do it?

  The three of them took off together and came to the clouds in the sky.

  Looking down, the situation in Qiantang is very bad.

  "Sister, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, let's get started!"

  After Xiaoqing finished speaking, the two sisters looked at each other and immediately cast a spell to control the water.

  Lin Feng also hurriedly cast spells beside him, and followed the two sisters to find a way to guide all these water flows to other places first.

  The rain is really too big, and it is impossible to directly disappear, so we can only use this method, first divert a large amount of water away, and solve the current urgent need.

  Just after the three of them had begun to guide the water to other places, a person suddenly appeared from another place. Looking closely, it was Fahai!

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