It seems that he also came out to help manage the flood.

  "Good, natural disasters and calamities are the only way to save all sentient beings, but since I met you today, let me help you get rid of the catastrophe~々!"

  After finishing speaking, Fahai began to cast spells together and managed the flood with the other three.

  After the efforts of four people, Qiantang, which was already flooded, has gradually improved.

  It didn't take long for the flood in the entire Qiantang to be treated.

  "This monk's mana is really strong. I wonder how long it will take us to achieve his strength?" Xiao Qing couldn't help sighing after seeing Fa Hai cast the spell.

  But Bai Suzhen, who was beside him, poured a basin of cold water on her directly.

  "Impossible, give it up, Fahai has reached the realm of the unity of Buddha and me."

  Xiaoqing felt a little surprised when he heard it.

  "I didn't expect this monk to be so powerful. If he deals with us in the future, what will we do?"

  At this time, Lin Feng spoke.

  "Then you don't need to worry about it. You promised to deal with him before, so you can just wait and see."

  After dealing with the floods, Fahai meditated on the spot.

  Then he forgot about Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and said, "I put you on a path to survive, it seems that my decision is correct."

  Without Li Fahai saying anything, the three left and returned to Qiantang.

  When Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were sheltering an old woman in the bamboo forest from the wind and rain, they accidentally met Fahai.

  At that time, Fahai wanted to accept the two of them, but seeing that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were doing good deeds, he did not continue to accept them, which is why the sentence just now appeared.

  In a few days, the Dragon Boat Festival will come.

  Every household will drink realgar wine today.

  But for Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, the realgar wine will make them unable to bear it, so they will show their true colors.

  After discussion, the two decided to let Lin Feng come to the White House.

  "I don't know what the two of you called me over today?"

  "Young Master Qin doesn't know anything. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. We were afraid that Fahai or the stinky Taoist priest from before would come to us, so we invited you to stay in the mansion for one night in disguise. What is your son's opinion?"

  After listening to what the other party said, Lin Feng nodded and said that there was no problem, and then stayed here.

  The Dragon Boat Festival will indeed greatly reduce the mana of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. If someone appears at this time and wants to destroy them, it will be much easier than usual.

  Lin Feng, you don't want an accident with these two people.

  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing have high mana, if they can join the corpse sect, it will definitely help the sect in the future.

  What's more, the spider spirits have already been sent out. If something happens to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing at this time, then everything will be in vain.


  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing prepared a lot of delicious food to wait for Lin Feng.

  After all, the two of them have something to ask for tonight, so naturally they will prepare everything.

  Otherwise, walking around in the world, their two five-hundred-year and one-thousand-year-old friends may be abolished, which is really a pity.

  Although the house also prepared wine today, it was not realgar wine, but a different corn wine.

  The three of them had a good talk tonight, especially Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. The two of them told the reason why they came to the world.

  All of a sudden, everyone seemed to open their hearts, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing both began to reveal their hearts.

  But these two are monsters after all, so even if they drink a lot, they won't get drunk.

  But before they finished eating and drinking, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing suddenly felt a burst of pain (Zhao Lihao), someone had sprinkled sulfur powder outside, and they also used realgar wine to sway the smell.

  "¨~ I didn't expect that there would be visitors coming tonight. If that's the case, then you two have a good rest. I'll come and meet each other for a while!"

  After speaking, Lin Feng asked Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing to temporarily hide in the room, and told them not to come out no matter what they heard.

  After everything was arranged, Lin Feng returned to the table and continued to eat, acting as if nothing had happened.

  "I've already figured it out. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the time when Hai Shi will make me kill you!"

  There was a sound, and after a backflip, a figure appeared in the courtyard.

  Taking a closer look, in fact, there is not only one figure, it should be one big or two small.

  It turned out to be the former Blind and his two apprentices. I didn't expect them to be so persistent!word.

Chapter 494

  This blind Taoist priest was very persistent in trying to solve the problem of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, because if he could kill Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen and eat their inner elixir, it would greatly improve the blind Taoist monk's cultivation.

  This Taoist priest did not want to kill Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing because of the so-called subjugation of demons and justice, but for his own selfish interests.

  If it was said that he was chasing and killing him because he wanted to touch him, Lin Feng could still understand it.

  But if it was just for his own selfish desires, Lin Feng would look down on each other at all.

  After giving the other party a lesson last time, I didn't expect that this Taoist priest is still so obsessed. It seems that you need to give the other party a little color today, otherwise this matter will be endless.

  "Two snake demons, your sacrificial day is here!"

  After the blind Taoist finished speaking, he rushed into the house with his two apprentices.

  But he never thought about it. After he rushed into the room, what he saw was not actually two snake monsters, but Lin Feng had appeared before.

  And at this moment, Lin Feng was sitting leisurely at the table to eat, and he didn't care about their arrival at all.

  "How could it be you? What about the two snake demons?"

  "I knew you were coming over just now, so I quickly let them both go, and I'll deal with you!"

  The blind Taoist frowned instantly when he heard this.

  "I warn you not to meddle in your own business, I must deal with those two snake demons!"

  "Just because you still want to warn me, could it be that you forgot the last time you were beaten to death by me? You are just one of my defeated men, yet you dare to be so arrogant, you don't want to leave here alive today. !"

  Lin Feng has decided not to be polite this time. Since the other party has repeatedly come to the door, there is no need to show mercy.

  They had been given opportunities before, but they didn't cherish it, no wonder Lin Fengdong was genuine.

  "Hey, you guy, you ruined my reputation. Since I met you today, I will kill you all!"

  After speaking, the blind Taoist priest rushed in with a long sword.

  "Let you try the power of sulfur!"

  While speaking, the other party suddenly sprinkled a pile of sulfur powder.

  Sulphur powder can indeed resist a lot of monsters, monsters, and snakes, insects, and ants, making them unable to approach, and even causing certain damage to them.

  But the blind Taoist never imagined that the body that Lin Feng was using belonged to an ordinary human being.

  Even if he has evil energy now, the sulfur powder has no effect on him at all.

  "I think you should save some sulphur powder. Your kung fu is so poor, no matter how much you use it is useless!"

  After speaking, Lin Feng got up and came to the Taoist priest's side.

  I don't know where I took out a sword, and then I entangled and competed with this Taoist priest.

  It's just that not long after it started, his two apprentices rushed up directly, and each held a short sword in their hands.

  I didn't expect that the other party would actually do such a lewd thing.

  Even if the two people who rushed over were children, and the two of them were not yet adults, it was still three-on-one in the end.

  If this kind of situation happened in the rivers and lakes, it would definitely be spurned by many people.

  It's no wonder that from the very beginning, the people in Qiantang treated the blind man as a monkey.

  To be able to do such dirty things, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is of no use.

  As a person who uses sorcery, Lin Feng is very dissatisfied with this kind of behavior.

  To deal with three people at once, and two of them are very small, it is indeed difficult to deal with, so Lin Feng distanced himself from the opponent and chose to defeat them one by one.

  Deal with the two little ones first, anyway, the eyes will be blind at that time. As long as these two little ones are killed, it will be much easier to deal with the blind Taoist priest.

  It's just that these two children have suffered so much to follow such a master, which is really embarrassing.

  But in the process of getting through, Lin Feng suddenly thought of something.

  So in the next fight with the opponent, Lin Feng suddenly changed the target of his attack.

  When the other party was not paying attention, he directly pierced the blind Taoist priest's chest with one click.


  The blind Taoist vomited blood, and after the sword in his hand fell to the ground, his body also fell directly to the ground.



  The two apprentices said in unison, and then came to the blind Taoist priest.

  The two children looked at Lin Feng angrily, but when the two of them wanted to continue attacking Lin Feng, they were stopped by some words.

  "You masters can't beat me, just because you two are really my opponents?"

  "If you don't want to die in vain, then don't be stupid."

  "If you want to avenge your master, then stay with me to learn martial arts and spells. When the two of you think you can beat me, challenge me again!"

  These remarks made the two children suddenly realize that Lin Feng could have killed them just now, but he didn't.

  The two children were clever and immediately asked: "You can kill us, why don't you do it?"

  "Because the two of you are still young and don't know how to distinguish right from wrong. It's a misfortune for you two to follow such a master. But now that I have killed him, what should you do next is your own choice. ."

  "Either leave now, and I can spare your life. Or join my corpse sect, and I will train the two of you well!"

  Lin Feng just saw that these two children are very smart and serious, so he thought of making them both super entry-level.

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