If it weren't for this, these two children would have already died in Huangquan along with the blind Taoist priest.

  "I'll give you two a stick of incense to think about it, and make a decision after one stick of incense. If you haven't made a decision by that time and haven't left here, I'll be rude to you!"

  This is already Lin Feng's greatest kindness to these two children, and it is impossible to continue to make concessions.

  These two children have been by the master's side since they were young. No matter what they do, they obey the master. Now they are suddenly asked to think about the future, which is indeed a bit difficult for these two children.

  But things have developed to this point, the two of them must make a choice.

  Lin Feng continued to eat, ignoring the two children.

  The time for a stick of incense quickly passed, Lin Feng put down the chopsticks in his hand, and then asked: "I will ask for the last time, have you two considered it?".

Chapter 495

  Perhaps because they were frightened, the two children could only nod their heads quickly.

  But that's fine. After all, the blind Taoist priests are dead. They have no father or mother, so they don't know where to go, and they have to run around for life in the future.

  How can two children survive alone in this chaotic world, in a world where monsters and ghosts are rampant?

  Joined the corpse sect, at least you can live without worry.

  Regardless, you can still learn a lot of skills and kill two birds with one stone.

  "Okay, since you've made up your mind, from now on you two will be the disciples of my corpse sect. After all, this blind Taoist priest was once your master. I'll give you a sum of money to bury him well, and come back later. Find me!"

  After that, Lin Feng took out a sum of money and gave it to the two children.

  It is also because these two children are clever, otherwise Lin Feng would not look down on them at all, and their fate would be the same as the blind Taoist priest.

  Clever, sometimes ~ can save lives!

  After the two children were sent away, Lin Feng let Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing come out of the room.

  "The people have already left, you can rest assured!" Lin Feng said while disposing of the wine he had not finished drinking just now.

  After Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen confirmed that they were correct, they came to Lin Feng one after another and said to him, "Thank you for helping us just now, the son. If it wasn't for the son, I'm afraid our sisters would be out of luck."

  "It's okay, I promised you before, so don't worry about it. If there is no problem, let's finish the meal first."

  After finishing speaking, the three of them continued the previous dinner.

  After that night, Lin Feng got the favor of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, and the two sisters completely changed their views on him.

  After all, Lin Feng could have killed the two of them at this time, but his dignified manner had to be admired.

  Moreover, Lin Feng did not kill the two children, but gave them a chance.Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing saw all this, but they didn't express it directly, but they knew it in their hearts.

  "Young Master Qin, although the Taoist priest has been killed by you and the crisis has been resolved, there are other dangers if the security is not complete. Why don't you stay tonight." Bai Suzhen took the initiative.

  "no problem!"

  Lin Feng is also welcome. Since the other party has already said so, he will stay.

  That night, Lin Feng and Bai Suzhen both lived together, and their emotions were heated up.

  After the Dragon Boat Festival, Xu Xian seemed to be lost, as if he was fascinated by something.

  Although it is not about Lin Feng, but considering that Xu Xian is an important person, he finally decided to take a look and see what happened.

  After the school was over, Xu Xian did not go home directly, but walked out of the city.

  While a little puzzled, Lin Feng followed.

  Unexpectedly, Xu Xian was actually in a relationship with a woman in the bamboo forest.

  Xu Xian, who usually looks stupid, can actually have such a thing.

  It seems that even without Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian can't escape the inevitable confusion of monsters.

  Lin Feng took a closer look and found that the woman was a flower demon, who would use pollen to confuse people. Xu Xian must have been caught by her pollen, and that's why she couldn't let go for the past few days.

  This flower demon is different from Bai Suzhen.

  Bai Suzhen wanted to repay her kindness, but this flower demon wanted to simply suck Xu Xian's yang energy.

  In this case, Lin Feng found out, so he can't ignore it!

  While the two were still lingering and without any preparations, Lin Feng shot directly and sprinkled the sulphur powder on the flower demon!


  The flower demon screamed, although she stepped back.

  Xu Xian reacted and saw that it was Qin Song, and was instantly furious, and scolded directly: "Why are you following, what are you doing?"

  "You are confused by this flower demon, don't you know!"

  Lin Feng woke up Xu Xian with a single word.

  The two of them set their eyes on the woman just now, but at this time, because they were contaminated with sulfur powder, part of the woman's body turned into a flower demon.

  At the scene, seeing with his own eyes a woman who was close to him turned into a monster, Xu Xian's little heart couldn't bear it at all, and was immediately paralyzed on the ground, unconscious.

  Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head, just this courage, this ability to bear, it is too weak!

  "You guy, you actually ruined my good deeds, I fought with you!"

  At this time, the flower demon became very angry because he saw the duck flying in his hand, and directly controlled the vine whip and rushed towards Lin Feng.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  It's just that this flower demon's cultivation is too low, so it's not Lin Feng's opponent at all.

  Even if he manipulated a lot of rattan weaving, he was directly resolved by Lin Feng one by one.Moreover, Lin Feng didn't show mercy at all this time. Since this monster was causing harm to the world, he felt that he couldn't let her go.

  Today is Xu Xian, and I don't know who it will be tomorrow.

  Lin Feng directly used the escaping technique, and the flower demon wanted to directly penetrate the rattan into the ground, but before she could find Lin Feng, the latter appeared directly behind her.

  With a single knife, all the rattan weaves of the flower demon were cut off. Not only that, but even the roots were directly destroyed.


  Lin Feng waved his arm and immediately understood the flower demon.

  Returning to Xu Xian's side again, he carefully checked his situation, which was really surprising.

  Unexpectedly, this Xu Xian was so timid, and the scene just now scared him to the core!

  To say that he was still in a trance and blurred state before, then he was directly scared to death, and only his last breath was left hanging there.

  In this situation, if he wants to continue to save him, Lin Feng can't do it himself.

  Lin Feng practiced sorcery, and there was no way to save people and heal wounds.

  As for Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, although the two of them have a high level of cultivation and are both capable of healing, they will not be able to pull a half-dead person back from the gate of hell.

  Xu Xian was already scared to death. If he didn't save him, there would only be one word of death!

  Now there is only one way to save Xu Xian, and that is the ganoderma lucidum in Kunlun Mountains!

  Ganoderma lucidum absorbs the aura of Kunlun Mountain, and has a very powerful effect. It can save a half-dead person without any problem.

  But this Ganoderma lucidum is not very people can find.

  This Ganoderma lucidum is guarded by the crane of the Antarctic Immortal Weng. This crane has high magic power. Although it cannot be transformed into a human form, it has extremely high wisdom and cultivation, at least it is also the most advanced kind of geographer.

  If you want to get this Ganoderma lucidum grass, you may not be able to do it alone.

  Even if he could deal with the cranes of the Antarctic Fairy Weng, he would definitely not be able to pull away to get the Ganoderma lucidum.begging.

Chapter 496

  Lin Feng wanted to go to Kunlun Mountain to get Ganoderma lucidum by himself. Although it was not unsure, it was extremely difficult.

  Thinking of this, Lin Feng suddenly knew who to turn to for help.

  He quickly brought Xu Xian to Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing's side.

  The two became particularly shocked when they saw Xu Xian's appearance.

  Especially Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian's previous life was his benefactor, so he became nervous and quickly asked: "Master Qin, what happened to Xu Xian? Why did he become like this?"

  Lin Feng told the story of Xu Xian being confused by the flower demon in the bamboo forest before, and the two sisters came to understand.

  Xiaoqing has a violent temper. After knowing this situation, she said angrily: "Let me kill this trick!"

  "No need, that flower demon has already been killed by me."

  After stopping Xiaoqing, Lin Feng continued to say to the two sisters, "If you want to save Xu Xian, there is only one way to get the ganoderma lucidum in Kunlun Mountains!"

  It's not that the two sisters don't know the difficulty of going to Ganoderma lucidum, so Xiaoqing hesitated at this time.

  After all, for him, Xu Xian was just a mere mortal, a passer-by in his life, and it was not enough.

  But for Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian's identity became extraordinarily special.

  If it weren't for Xu Xian's previous life, Bai Suzhen would not have the cultivation level of the thousand years she is today, and the reason why she came to the world at first was to find Xu Xian to repay her kindness.

  So at this moment Xu Xian had a problem and his life was in danger, and Bai Suzhen would never sit idly by.

  Even though Bai Suzhen has given herself to Lin Feng now, she must never forget the life-saving grace, she knows how to be grateful and repay her kindness.

  Because of Bai Suzhen's insistence, Xiaoqing had no choice in the end.

  But seeing that Xiaoqing was not very willing to take this risk, Bai Suzhen did not force her to go with her, but said, "Xiaoqing, you stay here to take care of Xu Xian. If we don't come back within three days, you will Help us bury him."

  "Sister, why are you doing this? There are so many men in the world, why do you have to save him? His past life is your savior!"

  "You don't need to worry about it. I have made up my mind, so I don't need to say more."

  After speaking, Bai Suzhenbian and Lin Feng went to Kunlun Mountain together.

  However, not long after the two set off, they suddenly saw Xiaoqing following.

  "Sister, wait for me!"

  "What did you just come here for, hurry up and go back to me!"

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