When Bai Suzhen noticed that Xiaoqing was following, she directly scolded the other party.

  But no matter what Bai Suzhen said, Xiaoqing followed him resolutely, and said, "Sister, when the two of us came to the world together, then we must be together. Even if we return to the Zizhu Forest, we can't just I am one!"

  While talking, Xiaoqing brought Bai Suzhen's accessories to her.

  Xiaoqing also had a handful on himself, and also brought a handful to Lin Feng.

  After Bai Suzhen heard these words, she was instantly moved, and she said very firmly: "Okay! Let's go to Kunlun Mountain together!"

  Needless to say, these two are sisters.

  Being able to meet in this life is also a kind of fate.

  The three of them rushed towards Kunlun Mountain together. Lin Feng didn't know the route very well, so two sisters led the way.

  During the flight, Lin Feng said to the two sisters: "After we reach Kunlun Mountain, the three of us will act separately. Xiaoqing, you will deal with the cranes, and your sister will be responsible for fetching the fairy grass. When the Antarctic Fairy Weng appeared!"

  Now that everything has been arranged, the two sisters naturally have no problems.

  At the same time, Fahai, who was walking around the world, suddenly felt that someone was doing something in the sky.

  And he could feel that the person who did it was flying very anxiously, something must have happened.

  So, regardless of the other people around, he stepped on a wooden barrel and jumped into the air.


  Waving the whisk in his hand and spinning a few times in the air, Fa Hai's whole body stretched directly into the air.

  When the ordinary people around saw this scene, they were insanely surprised, and they all thought that Fa Hai was a god.

  After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, only gods can do this.

  When Lin Feng was flying, he suddenly felt that someone was chasing him behind him, so he said to the two sisters: "Be careful, there is a cloud of hair chasing us behind us."

  "Then let's hurry up!"

  The three nodded silently, speeding up their flight...  

  After continuing to fly for a while, Xiaoqing couldn't help but ask: "Have you reached Kunlun Mountain yet? The man behind has been chasing him, and he will be coming soon!"

  Bai Suzhen responded, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon, bypass the mountain in front!"

  It was not far from Kunlun Mountain, so a moment after they finished speaking, the three of them finally arrived at Kunlun Mountain, where Ganoderma lucidum grows.

  Three people stayed near here.

  Lin Feng said to the two sisters, "Remember, you must never fight. We are here to get Ganoderma lucidum, not to fight!"

  If you remind him at this time, if you keep fighting with the opponent with Xiaoqing's violent temper, you will definitely suffer.

  At that time, it is impossible not to save her, and I am afraid that the three of them will not be able to leave.

  When talking about this, Lin Feng thought of something else, and asked Bai Suzhen, "Did you find a string of Buddhist beads when you were in the bamboo forest before?"

  "How do you know?" Bai Suzhen was puzzled.

  She has never told anyone about this, only Xiaoqing knows.

  This string of beads originally belonged to the spider spirit. At that time, after the spider spirit was collected by Fahai, the beads were picked up by Fahai. Later, Fahai was trapped by the inner demon and placed the beads on the spiritual stone to pray.

  It was finally picked up by Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

   "Give this string of beads to Xiaoqing, it will help her."

  Xiaoqing's strength is the weakest among the three, so if you give her this prayer beads, maybe it will save her life.

  At this time, before the three of them could take action, Xianhe had noticed something was wrong, and had already discovered the whereabouts of the three, and flew over directly.

  Xiaoqing rushed directly in front of Xianhe, and then led him away.

  Bai Suzhen quickly came to the place where Ganoderma lucidum grows.

  As for Lin Feng, he originally wanted to check to see if there were any Antarctic immortals around, but now he probably won't have the chance.

  Cheng Yaojin rushed out halfway before, and he had to deal with him first.

  The cloud of Fa behind him dissipated, and Fa Hai appeared directly in front of Lin Feng.

  I didn't expect it to be him! .

Chapter 497

  If it's someone else, that's fine.

  The person I appear now is Fa Hai, and his strength is unfathomable, so I am afraid it will not be so smooth in the future.

  Bai Suzhen was the most relaxed, because Xiaoqing led the crane away and Lin Feng stopped Fahai, so she got the Ganoderma lucidum grass smoothly.

  But if Xiaoqing were to deal with the cranes alone, her cultivation might not be enough.

  Seeing that the other person Lin Feng was dealing with was actually Fa Hai, he instantly became nervous.

  Originally, Xianhe was already very difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect that the person who was chasing after him was actually Fa Hai, which made people feel a little big for a while.

  Seeing that Bai Suzhen hesitated, Xiaoqing hurriedly shouted at him: "Sister, we have our greetings here, you go back first and save people quickly, but don't delay!"

  Bai Suzhen hesitated, she didn't want Lin Feng and Xiaoqing to face such a difficult problem.

  "Go quickly, it's important to save people. We can handle it here!"

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, Bai Suzhen finally gritted her teeth and made up her mind to leave first 24 lines.Before leaving, I did not forget to remind the two to be more careful.

  After seeing Bai Suzhen leaving safely, Lin Feng and Xiaoqing finally felt relieved.

  But in the blink of an eye, they had to deal with Xianhe and Fahai again, and for a while they felt a little difficult to deal with.

  Xianhe doesn't care about other things. Since Xiaoqing wants to stop it directly, he rushes directly to Xiaoqing.

  In terms of strength, Xiaoqing is not a successive opponent, so after entanglement for a few times, he is finally defeated by Xianhe.

  It didn't take long for Xiaoqing, who was already at a disadvantage, to be killed by the cranes, and immediately remembered the previous Buddha beads and hung them in front of her eyes.

  Xianhe did not know this Buddha bead, but felt that it contained a lot of spiritual energy.

  However, Fa Hai on the side was different. He immediately recognized that the string of beads was the spider spirit.

  So when the crane hadn't attacked successfully, he interrupted the crane by casting a spell, and then said to it: "Xianhe, you go back and report to the Antarctic fairy, the Ganoderma lucidum matter will naturally be sent to me after I have dealt with the matter here. He explained."

  The crane responded a few times, and then flew away directly.

  It seems that Fahai and Antarctica Xianweng know each other, otherwise Xianhe will not listen to him.

  But this is not important anymore. Fortunately, Xianhe has already left, and Fa Hai is the only one to deal with next.

  Taking advantage of the gap between Fahai and Xianhe talking, Lin Feng hurriedly came to Xiaoqing and said to her: "Give me the Buddha beads, you go back first, you are not Fahai's opponent, leave it to me here."

  Xiaoqing responded, handed the Buddha beads to Lin Feng, and then left.

  When he came to the stone in the lake, Lin Feng saw Fa Hai appear in front of him.

  At this moment, Fahai was particularly angry, and asked, "Why did you steal the ganoderma lucidum? You, a human being, have evil spirits, yet you actually help the snake demon!"

  The evil spirit on Lin Feng's body was hidden very well, and he couldn't see it at all under normal circumstances.

  If it weren't for your extremely unfathomable cultivation, Fahai, you would never have been able to see the problem with Lin Feng.

  "We came here to steal Ganoderma lucidum to save people!"

  Fa Hai, who originally wanted to do it, stopped immediately after hearing this.

  "But even so, this is not the reason for you to steal the ganoderma lucidum! If you really want to save people, why don't you tell the Antarctic fairy directly?"

  Fahai is still the same Fahai from the beginning, and when faced with this kind of thing, he is always dead-headed.

  "That's because the situation is urgent, and we only have three days to save people!"

  This sentence is true. Xu Xian, who was so frightened, had only one breath left, but if he didn't deal with it, he wouldn't be able to last long in this state.

  What's more, he is just a mortal, without any cultivation and martial arts, and is still a weak scholar, it is a miracle to be able to last for three days.

  "Hmph, no matter what, stealing the Immortal Grass is wrong!"

  Lin Fengke never expected to be able to convince Fa Hai through words, otherwise he would not have caught so many good demons and was trapped by inner demons.

  Previously, the spider spirits could send news, but until now, Fahai has not come out of his inner demon, and has been troubled by it.

  "It doesn't matter if you can, let alone our original intentions are not bad, what does it matter? Could it be that you are perfect and not trapped by your inner demons?"

  Lin Feng directly pointed out Fahai's biggest problem.

  Hearing this, the latter frowned instantly.

  "Why do you know?"

  "You've already made it so obvious yourself. Could it be that I still can't see it? I'm not blind."

  Fa Hai could feel that Lin Feng's cultivation was not weak. As a person, it was rare to be able to achieve such a cultivation.

  Therefore, it is not impossible for the other party to be able to see his own demons.

  At this time, Fa Hai fell into silence. Just now, Lin Feng directly pointed out his question, which really left him unable to refute.

  But he couldn't just watch the immortal grass being stolen and do nothing.

  Seeing Fa Hai like this, Lin Feng simply said, "Why don't we make a bet, maybe we can help you in your cultivation!"

  Lin Feng's remarks aroused Fa Hai's interest and asked, "What do you mean?"

  "If I can make you lose your concentration, this matter will be over, how?"

  When Fahai heard this, he was about to get angry, but after thinking about it, it might be a test for himself.

  If you can maintain your concentration today, you might be able to get rid of your inner demons.

  Thinking of this, Fahai agreed, but he also had a question: "How are you going to disturb my concentration? You are not a woman!"

  Lin Feng sneered and responded: "You don't need to worry about it, I'm free to plan the rest."

  Now that Fahai has agreed, it will be much easier for them to come down.

  In fact, Lin Feng wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and add one more condition, that is, let Fa Hai join the corpse chasing faction.

  However, the matter of stealing immortal grass is already very serious. If there is another condition attached, I am afraid that Fan will not agree, so I will just let it go and wait for other opportunities in the future.

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