Lin Feng frowned, he never thought that Fa Hai would actually do this!

  And it was originally the water that he controlled, but because of Fa Hai's intervention at all costs, it has now started to get out of control.

  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing have raised the water level a lot before, so if the water gets out of control at this time, it is very likely that the entire Qiantang will be directly submerged!

  "Fahai, stop me now!"

  Lin Feng had already scolded the other party, but Fa Hai never stopped and continued to cast spells.

  If this continues, the whole scene will get out of control.

  In order to prevent the people of Qiantang from suffering this unwarranted disaster, Lin Feng could only rush over and interrupt Fahai's spell.

  But it was precisely because of this that Lin Feng was attacked by spells.

  Fortunately, all of this is still bearable, Lin Feng quickly adjusted his state, then took out a few ropes, attached his mana, and directly controlled the ropes to tie Fahai.

  In this way, Fahai's mobility is limited, but he cannot continue to cast spells.

  I thought things would end like this, but I didn't expect this to be just the beginning.

  The water, which was already under control, suddenly became choppy now. It seems that the shot was a little late just now, and it eventually led to loss of control.

  If we could get out earlier, this should have been avoided.

  Seeing that Qiantang was about to be submerged by the flood, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing suddenly appeared in front of them.

  The two of them tried their best and cooperated with each other, and finally managed to control the flood when Qiantang was almost submerged! .

Chapter 503

  The situation just now was really dangerous. If it was a little later, the entire Qiantang would be submerged by the flood.

  At that time, countless innocent people will be implicated and lost in the flood.

  In such a situation, Hai Linfeng was unwilling to see it no matter what happened.

  It may be because he almost made a big mistake just now, so Fahai is still a little scared.

  Lin Feng controlled the water to gradually calm down, and after returning to its original state, he quickly restored the Jinshan Temple, which had been elevated by Fahai, back to its original state.

  After you brought everything safe and sound, Lin Feng, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing came to Fahai.

  This time Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were not afraid of Fahai.

  "I didn't expect that I almost made a big mistake just now, it really shouldn't be, good is good!"

  After speaking, Fahai sat on a stone pillar and tried his best to calm down.

  However, Lin Feng said to Fa Hai, "You not only broke the precepts before, but now you almost killed someone. You can no longer be called a monk!"

  When Fa Hai heard this, his face instantly became embarrassed.

  He wanted to refute, but what Lin Feng said was absolutely correct, and he didn't know what to respond at all.

  At this time, Xiaoqing also made up a knife: "As a monk, if you break the precept and don't say anything, and you don't count what you say, it's just a lie!"

  Bai Suzhen's temper is relatively better, not as violent as Xiaoqing, and more stable, so when she saw that there were two people talking at the scene, she did not continue talking.

  Suddenly being besieged by these three people, Fahai felt a lot of pressure.

  "Don't say it anymore!"

  At this moment, Fa Hai felt that he was being stared at by countless pairs of eyes, and he was always paying attention to his words and deeds, but if he was a little inattentive, he would be stabbed in the spine.

  As the saying goes, people are terrifying. Once you have such a feeling, you will be deeply immersed in it and unable to extricate yourself.

  Fa Hai had already been disturbed by the state of mind before, and the demon caused him. After encountering such a situation, he felt that he was a little weak. As a person who has reached the realm of the unity of Buddha and me, he almost harmed innocent people. , it really shouldn't.

  At this time, I instantly felt that no matter where I ran, I would feel the malice from the people around me.

  Not only did he feel tormented in his heart, but there were three people at the scene who were constantly forcing him. Fahai didn't know what to do for a while.

  "Fahai, do you think you are going back to Jinshan Temple~々?"

  Suddenly, Lin Feng asked a question of his soul, which directly hit Fa Hai's heart.

  Indeed, now everyone in Jinshan Temple already knows that Fa Haicheng has broken the precepts, and now he has made such a move, which is really humiliating to Buddhism.

  No matter what, Fahai is the abbot of Jinshan Temple, but Fa does not blame the public, and everyone still does not want to let him go back, and would rather elect a new abbot.

  "Think about it for yourself. You have made a big mistake. How to make up for it in the future, only you know!"

  After saying this, Lin Feng left here with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

  The White House had been destroyed by Fahai before, so they could only find another place to gather.

  Inside a tea house.

  Lin Feng is quite leisurely and elegant. Although he has just experienced a catastrophe, he is so relaxed now that he actually asks the shop assistant to make a pot of good tea and savor it here.

  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were a little surprised. They never imagined that after what happened just now, Lin Feng would still be able to relax, as if nothing had happened.

  "Master Qin, is Xu Xian safe now?"

  After all, she was her own savior, so Bai Suzhen was still a little worried.

  "Don't worry, I came back to pick you up after I saw that he was safe. And I also put a layer of magic on him, as long as they don't see him with the naked eye, no one can know where he is, even if No matter how accurate the calculation is, Mr.

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, Bai Suzhen was relieved.

  If it was Xiaoqing, there would be no more nervousness than before.

  "Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise my sister and I would have been accepted by that stinky monk! Thank you very much this time."

  "No need to thank you. I have promised to help you solve Fahai. Naturally, it is impossible for you to have an accident with him."

  After speaking, Lin Feng took a sip of tea and savored the flavor.

  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing did the same. They saw that Lin Feng was so unrestrained, and Dian also wanted to follow along and try to be a person as soon as possible.

  Although it's not that they haven't drank tea before, there is still a big difference between snake demons and humans.

  What's more, the two sisters have not studied it specially, so naturally they are not very human-like when they drink tea.

  After a stick of incense, Bai Suzhen asked, "¨~Young Master Qin said before about the corpse-hunting faction, would you be interested in telling us a thing or two?"

  "The corpse sect is a sect that I set up myself. In fact, there are not many people so far, but it's better to be short than to waste. I only recruit people I like. Others may not be able to meet the requirements if they want to join."

  "Then I don't know what to do after this sect is established?"

  "Break up and expand their territory, become the world's largest gang, and obtain useful resources."

  Since it was decided to let Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing join the sect, they must not hide the sect's affairs, not to mention that Lin Feng plans to let the two sisters take the lead in the future, when he is not there. Manage corpses.

  Considering Bai Suzhen's situation, even if he joins the corpse sect, if something unexpected happens to Xu Xian again (of King Zhao), he will most likely still help.

  So Lin Feng simply said to Bai Suzhen: "Xu Xian will also join my corpse sect, then you don't have to worry about his safety, just carry forward the corpse sect well."

  Bai Suzhen didn't think of this, so she felt a little surprised for a while.

  But that's fine. Although he has decided not to seduce Xu Xian, he still has this kind of love that he cannot forget.

  As long as he can see that Xu Xian is safe and sound, all this is enough.

  "Many thanks to Young Master Qin, please rest assured, Young Master Qin, the two of us will do our best to help the corpse sect."

  "It's enough to have your words. I believe that with your strength, you can definitely achieve the end."

  Lin Feng believes in Bai Suzhen very much. After all, a person like her who knows how to repay her kindness will definitely do her best as long as she promises something. .

Chapter 504

  Although Xu Xian hadn't been asked what he meant so far, Lin Feng was absolutely certain that he would agree to join the corpse-hunting faction.

  Now that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing have done it, the next thing will be much simpler.

  As for Fahai's side, Lin Feng actually wanted the other party to join the corpse hunter faction. Although it would be difficult, he also wanted to try it.

  As long as Fahai can really join the corpse sect, the corpse sect will soon become the most powerful gang in the world, and then the disciples of the corpse sect will be able to come to this world.

  It's just that now is not the best time to find Fa Hai, and we still have to wait for the previous things to ferment for a while.

  Anyway, there is a spider spirit by Fahai's side. He can tell Lin Feng the information of Fahai anytime and anywhere, and he will not worry about finding Fahai himself.

  After a short rest, Lin Feng asked Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing to find the address where the sect was established, and also to find a slightly more elegant place.

  After the two sisters left, Lin Feng went to find Xu Xian.

  Although it has been said that a magic barrier has been placed on him before, unless you see it with the naked eye, you don't want to know where he is.

  But you must know that Lin Feng himself had imposed the barrier on himself, so he naturally had the ability to find Xu Xian.

  Because after the previous incidents, Xu Xian no longer messed around. He listened to what Lin Feng said, and after finding a place to hide, he never walked around casually.

  In this way, Lin Feng quickly found him.

  Seeing Qin Feng's first glance, Xu Xian immediately stepped forward and asked, "Qin Feng, has the matter been resolved? Those monks shouldn't come here again!"

  It seems that Xu Xian, who has experienced being held hostage, is now starting to be a little afraid of those monks in Jinguang Temple.

  Qin Feng responded to him very easily: "Don't worry, the matter has been resolved, those monks will not come to trouble you again, and I will also remove the legal obstacles on your body."

  "No, why don't you continue to put a spell on me for a while, otherwise I'm still a little worried."

  After hearing what Xu Xian said, Lin Feng felt a little amused.

  Unexpectedly, Xu Xian is not even afraid of flower demons, but he is afraid of those monks to this point.

  I really don't know if he is bold or timid.

  But since Xu Xian had already said so, in order to make him feel more at ease, Lin Feng did as he said.

  Anyway, it's just a matter of imposing a legal barrier, and it's not that difficult.

  After all this was done, Lin Feng asked about the business.

  "Xu Xian, I have a sect under my command, and I want to invite you to join. I don't know what you think?"

  "Sect? Don't be the same as those monks in Jinshan Temple!"

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