It seems that Xu Xian is really afraid of those monks. The matter has passed, and he can't leave them for three or two sentences.

  Lin Feng quickly shook his head and responded, "You can rest assured. After joining my sect, not only will you be protected, but we will not ask you to do anything you don't want to do. My sect is very free, no So many rules and regulations, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

  "Okay, since you have already said so, then I will definitely join! As long as I join your sect, you will protect me in the future, right!"

  "Of course, even if I'm not here, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing will protect you, and there will be other capable people in the sect."

  I didn't expect Xu Xian's reason to join the sect to be so simple and rude, but that's fine.

  I originally thought that I would tell Xu Xian a lot of big truths, so that he would agree to join the sect.

  But things are much simpler than imagined, it is just a matter of saying words.

  Now that Xu Xian has already done it, he just needs to wait.

  When there is a good opportunity, Lin Feng can go to find Fa Hai and persuade him to join the corpse sect.

  But before that, there is one small thing that needs to be done.

  That is to pay attention to observe the situation of Jinshan Temple anytime and anywhere.

  Although Fa Hai already thought that he had no way to return to the temple, this was just his own wishful thinking.

  What the monks in Jinshan Temple thought in their hearts, it is still unknown until now.

  It is best to make them feel that they cannot let Fahai go back, so that after Fahai is cornered, it will be easier to persuade him to join the sect.

  When he came to Jinshan Temple, Lin Feng changed his body and turned into a thin beggar with a wooden stick and a worn bowl in his hand.

  When I came to the gate of Jinshan Temple, I saw many monks gathered here, as if they were discussing something important.

  These monks have serious expressions and are particularly sensitive to what is happening around them.

  So when Lin Feng appeared near them, the class noticed him.

  One of the monks came to Lin Feng and asked, "What are you doing here?"

  Lin Feng quickly took out the broken bowl in his hand and said to the other party, "I'm from Qiantang, and I want to come here to ask for something to eat."

  "Qiantang is not very close to our Jinshan Temple. Why don't you beg for food in the front hall? Why do you come to our Jinshan City?"

  At this time, it was Lin Feng's turn to perform.

  "Hey, it's not because of the flood in the past two days. Our Qiantang has been affected a lot, and many people have no grains of food. Now let alone people like us, even ordinary people may not be able to eat it. full."

  Lin Feng said this on purpose, and his purpose was to draw the topic in this direction.

  After hearing this situation, the monk instantly looked embarrassed, but he didn't say anything bad, just said to Lin Feng, "Wait a moment, I'll go get you some food."

  Then, the other party turned and left, returning to the group of monks just now.

  After telling each other about the situation, the monk who was talking to Lin Feng returned to the temple.

  It didn't take long for the monk Daming to come out again, and there was more food in his hand, not a lot, and it was not a big fish or a big meat, just a very ordinary white flour steamed bun.

  After Lin Feng took the food, he thanked the other party and continued: "Thank you so much, I haven't eaten well in the past two or three days."

  At this time, the other party couldn't help but ask: "I haven't eaten for so long? Could it be that the food shortage in Qiantang has reached this point?".

Chapter 505

  Seeing the dubious look of the other party, Lin Feng quickly frowned and responded, "That's not true, otherwise I wouldn't have traveled so far to come to Jinshan Temple to beg for food!"

  "I didn't expect you to be so serious in the past together. It has indeed exceeded our expectations. We must let everyone know about this matter as soon as possible and come up with a solution."

  After the other party finished talking to himself, he quickly returned to the temple.

  Fortunately, Lin Feng had already made all the preparations before he came. While Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were in charge of finding the address for the establishment of the sect, they also asked them to hide a lot of food, causing food shortages in Qiantang. of this illusion.

  Except for Fa Hai, none of the monks in Jinshan Temple really were the opponents of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing.

  So even if they found out, it wouldn't help, let alone not discover it.

  Seeing that the monk just now believed what he said, Lin Feng had no reason to stay any longer, otherwise he would probably reveal his flaws.

  After returning to Qiantang, Lin Feng continued to add fire.

  Tell the beggars in the city that there is food there at Jinshan Temple, so that they can go there and beg for food.

  As a result, all the beggars in Qiantang turned their attention to the side of Jinshan Temple.

  In just one day, dozens of beggars came to Jinshan Temple to beg.

  Lin Feng was just observing the situation secretly on the side to confirm the current situation of Jinshan Temple.

  However, it should not have been greatly affected. Fahai still protected the Jinshan Temple very well before.

  Lin Feng also bribed a beggar to ask him about Fahai's situation from time to time when he asked Jinshan Temple for help.

  Master Fahai is a very famous person within a few dozen miles of this radius, and because he is a disciple of Buddhism and the abbot of Jinshan Temple, it is not surprising that many people know him.

  What's more, Fahai is not bad for innocent civilians in peacetime.

  Only after asking about Fahai's situation, the monk at Jinshan Temple did not give a clear answer, but said that the abbot had something to do and could not show up for the time being.

  I don't know if what the other party said is true or not, but Lin Feng decided to go in and check the situation.

  Just before entering, Lin Feng had already noticed that there was no one in the entire temple who could compare to him when he was at the door, which meant that Fa Hai was not actually here.

  Suddenly, one or two monks passed by, and while walking, they were discussing the matter of Fahai.

  Through the dialogue between the two of them, Lin Feng can know that Fa Hai really can't go back this time!

  Now the whole Jinshan Temple is in a state of panic. First, because there is no abbot's guard, and second, because even they can't find Fa Hai himself.

  All these accumulations made Fahai's image in the hearts of many monks plummet.

  Seeing such a situation, Lin Feng left very satisfied.

  Now all the preparations have been made, and the next step is only the last.

  On Fa Hai's side, since Lin Feng pointed out all the problems last time, the whole person has always been restless, and it feels as if someone is staring at him all the time, which is extremely uncomfortable.

  Although he was accompanied by spider spirits, the spider spirit's cultivation was completely different from his, so Fahai didn't think that these confused spider spirits could be solved for him, but just let him silently accompany him to practice together That's it.

  After these few days of meditation, Fa Hai's heart finally calmed down a little, but the doubts in his heart have never been answered, so he still feels a little confused.

  Spider Jing received a message from Lin Feng and asked him to remind Fahai to go back to Jinshan Temple to take a look.

  "Master, if you really feel that there is no way to solve the doubts in your heart, you might as well ask the Buddha. During the time when I just started practicing two hundred years ago, there were many questions in my heart that could not be answered, so I could only ask the Buddha. Although some questions can only be answered by themselves in the end, but more or less can get the Buddha's guidance."

  After hearing what the spider spirit said, Fahai slowly opened his eyes, feeling that it was quite reasonable, so he nodded.

  Fahai did not tell the other monks in Jinshan Temple that the spider spirit followed Fahai, so in order to avoid suspicion, the spider spirit could only wait outside Jinshan Temple.

  Fahai finally returned to Jinshan Temple, and many monks felt a little surprised when they saw him.

  When he came to the hall of Jinshan Temple, Fahai suddenly realized that he was no longer the abbot of Jinshan Temple, and Xueer was replaced by another monk.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  And everyone seems not too happy about Fahai's arrival.

  But think about it, from the perspective of an ordinary person, you will definitely feel a little awkward when you encounter such a thing.

  "Fahai, you broke the Buddhist precepts and almost killed someone. From now on, you are no longer the abbot of our Jinshan Temple. We Jinshan have no one like you!"

  Such a sentence directly made Fahai completely die.

  It seems that Jinshan Temple can no longer accommodate Fahai now.

  When he came out of the temple, Fahai instantly felt homeless and didn't know where to go. He could only go back to the place where he meditated before.

  But just returned here, but suddenly saw a familiar figure with his back to him.

...... 0

  When I came to the front to see this, I didn't expect it to be Lin Feng!

  "Why are you here? What are you doing here?

  Lin Feng responded, of course, he came to discuss things with you. "

  He could feel that there was no other special aura in Lin Feng's body, so Fahai asked, "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

  "I know you're homeless now, but there's a place you can come over. If you want to come, I'd be happy to have you join."

  Later, Lin Feng talked about the corpse sect.

  It was just that when Fahai heard the name of this sect for the first time, he instantly felt something was wrong.

  "This sect in your group really matches the evil spirit revealed by you. As soon as you hear it, you know it's not a good sect!"

  After hearing what the other party said, Lin Feng replied without hesitation: "The name of Jinshan Temple is quite good, but it's not all human affairs!"

  This time, Fa Hai was choked up again.

  "Anyway, I have already told you the situation. As for whether to join my sect, you can make your own decision. No one can force you!"

  "Could it be that you want me to join your door and help you do those dirty things?"

  "You must pay attention to evidence when you are a person and do things. When have you seen me hurt someone? You are slandering me!"

  Indeed, Fahai had never seen Lin Feng hurt anyone.begging.

Chapter 506

  This time, Lin Feng did not choose to press hard, but let Fa Hai think slowly and make a decision.

  Things have been paved for so long, and the preparatory work in the early stage has been sufficient, so there is no need to say anything more.

  If he is still pressing step by step at this time and does not give Fahai any chance to breathe, it is likely to have the opposite effect.

  Instead of this, it is better to be more patient, and the other party thinks about it clearly.

  I have been waiting for so long before, and it will not be too much time to wait for a while.

  What's more, what Lin Feng lacked most now was time.

  "If you've figured it out, you can come to me. By the way, Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing, and Xu Xian have all joined my corpse sect."

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