Lin Feng deliberately disclosed this news to the other party, just to remind the other party of what happened before.

  Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing really didn't hurt anyone else, and they didn't do anything unreasonable. Instead, they saved a lot of people.

  Such two fairies with good intentions have already joined the corpse sect, so it is not a problem for Fahai to join.

  Originally, he was about to leave after saying this, but he didn't expect that the moment he stepped out, Fa Hai actually stopped Lin Feng.

  "Wait a minute, I have a question I want to ask you. Will this sect of yours do things that harm the world and harm innocent people?"

  Lin Feng snorted coldly and responded, "Then when have you seen me do such a thing?"

  There was no direct answer to the other party's question, but this rhetorical question was enough to prove everything.

  So after hearing such an answer, Fahai immediately said to Lin Feng, "Okay! I promise you to join the corpse sect!"

  After hearing what the other party said, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth turned up slightly, showing a smile.

  Now that the few people who want to join the sect have agreed, then there is nothing to worry about.

  Moreover, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing have already selected the address. Although it is an open place, they only need to wait for some time before the sect can be established.

  At the same time, Lin Feng also asked Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing to release the news. After the corpse sect was established, they would recruit talented people all over the world.

  Although this is just a new sect, basically no one has heard of it, but when everyone knows that even the former abbot of Jinshan Temple, Fa Hai, has joined this sect, so all of a sudden, the reputation of the corpse sect is widely known in the world. , has improved a lot.

  As a result, the corpse sect received many requests to join the sect.

  These things are basically left to Xu Xian and the two little boys to handle, and Lin Feng doesn't need to worry about it.

  Although Xu Xian is a little clumsy and looks a little stupid, but fortunately, he is an honest person.

  Moreover, those two children were clever and could help Xu Xian with many things, so that he would not be deceived.

  As a result, the entire corpse-hunting faction has gradually moved towards the right track.

  After staying here for a while longer, Lin Feng decided to leave with confidence after the corpse sect had stabilized.

  The world of Qing Snake has been established to drive away the corpse, and it is even more stable than the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, so there is no need to worry about many things.

  After explaining the rest of the matter, Lin Feng returned to the long river of reincarnation.

  It can be seen that there has been another change in the long river of reincarnation, the light of the green snake world is shining, and it can be easily entered next time.

  After telling the news to Ding Mao, Lin Feng decided to rest for a while before continuing to the next world.

  After returning from the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, I hurriedly entered the world of Qing Snake, and I haven't seen the martial arts in the zombie world.

  Although there are people who usually deal with it, and he is someone Lin Feng trusts, if he has time, Lin Feng will still take the time to come and check the situation.

  Fortunately, with the assistance of Ding Mao, nothing major happened on the side of the sect.

  The people under the hands of the little things will solve it, and you don't need to worry about it.

  On the other hand, Ding Mao was much happier than usual after knowing that Lin Feng would stay here for a few days.

  "Seeing that you are so busy these days, I can't bear to disturb you. Now that you finally have time, come with me to eat something."

  In the world of small cats, eating is a very important part and absolutely essential.

  "No problem, thanks to you during my absence, otherwise the sect would not be able to be so peaceful..."

  Lin Feng also knew that Xiao Dingmao was used to wandering around, so it was really difficult for her to help her in the sect for so long.

  While eating, the little Ding Mao asked, "How often are you going to go to the long river of reincarnation next time?"

  "Let's get a good night's sleep in two days. I've been busy since I went there."

  "Then you see, if there is no problem, I will let the corpse sect people immediately open up the territory and stabilize our power in other worlds."

  "Of course there is no problem. The two worlds I have been to are almost the same. If you go, just keep my Chen Lihao's school." Lin Feng nodded.

  The two smiled at each other.

  After learning that Lin Feng has the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Xiao Dingmao decided to devote a lot of time to helping Lin Feng in the future.

  Lin Feng was originally a person that Xiao Dingmao agreed with, so he didn't have any reluctance.

  After resting in the sect for a few days, Lin Feng could be considered to have obtained a long-lost peace.

  But he also knew that there was a long way to go to open up the territory, not to mention that it was not just about the corpse sect, there were many other sects that were eyeing them, so he absolutely could not relax.

  After a few days of rest, Lin Feng came to the long river of reincarnation again and plunged into it.

  A burst of dizziness, the world spinning.

  A strong white light flashed before his eyes, and then his eyes were completely black.

  Lin Feng fell to the ground.

  After waking up, he actually found himself in the hut.

  He also came to the world of painted skin and became Duke Ran.

  A lot of memories poured into his mind, and Lin Feng found out that Duke Ran was feeling unwell, so he came to the hut to solve his inner urgency.

  But at the moment in the hall, there are many people singing and dancing.

  This includes Wang Shunsheng.

  Back in the hall.

  Lin Feng looked at everyone around him and confirmed where Wang Shunsheng was.

  It's just that after the other party saw him, he put down the piano he was playing and walked over here.

  "Ran Gong, I still have one step ahead, so don't disturb everyone."

  Lin Feng nodded and responded, watching the other party leave here, but quietly followed behind. .

Chapter 507

  Unexpectedly, he just came to this new world and met Wang Shunsheng unexpectedly.

  But this is also good, you can encounter the painting skin faster.

  Following Wang Shunshun's back, he passed several streets.It's just that this big night, I've already passed the [-]rd night, and there is no one on the street for a long time.

  It was dark, and only a few roadside lanterns were lit, illuminating the street ahead.

  It's just this blue moonlight that looks like something is going to happen.

  When passing the next street, I suddenly saw a large group of people walking forward with lanterns. These should be people who went to work early.

  On the side of the road, an old man suddenly called out, "Hot noodles, come get a bowl and eat it while it's hot!"

  But no matter what the old man called, the people who passed by him just didn't pay attention, and it seemed that they had already eaten at home.

  When Wang Shunsheng passed by here, he suddenly heard the call, and walked over to check it out with the lantern in his hand.

  When the old man saw Wang Shunsheng walking towards him, he hurriedly said to him, "Let's have a bowl, nourishing yin and nourishing 24 kidneys, it's very delicious!"

  Wang Shun couldn't resist the temptation, the aroma of the hot noodles came directly to his nostrils.

  In addition, I drank a lot in the house for fun before, and I drank a lot of wine but didn't eat a lot, so I felt empty for a while, so I came to the old man outside.

  "Dog meat noodles, delicious dog meat noodles, son, would you like a bowl?"

  "Then have a bowl!"

  After hearing what Wang Shunsheng said, the old man hurriedly prepared a bowl of hot noodles.

  This is, Wang Shunsheng put down the lantern in his hand and felt a little puzzled.

  "When did you start selling dog meat noodles here? Why haven't I seen you selling dog meat noodles here before?"

  The old man responded with a smile: "I just started selling it not long ago, and I am an old man who doesn't sleep much, so I specially serve people who wake up early and sleep in the dark."

  While speaking, a bowl of hot dog meat noodles was brought directly to Wang Shunsheng.

  It was steaming hot, and the dog meat noodles looked quite fragrant. Wang Shunsheng smelled it and suddenly felt a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

  And his wife was still looking at him at this time.

  Since they have already asked for a bowl of noodles, if they say no to eat in front of the teacher at this time, and say that the taste is strange, they will definitely be called unreasonable.

  Wang Shunsheng has a good face, so he can only bite the bullet twice.

  But when he was about to eat it, Lin Feng returned to the world and appeared in front of him, and even snatched the dog meat noodles from his hand.

  "Ran Gong? Why are you here?" Wang Shunsheng suddenly felt a little strange.

  I just left Ran Gong's house, and they have already walked for a certain distance. I didn't expect to meet him here again.

  "You don't need to worry about it, but you can't eat this bowl of dog meat noodles, this noodles is not for you!"

  Suddenly hearing what Lin Feng said, Wang Shunsheng felt that something was wrong.

  Originally, the bowl of noodles smelled a little weird just now, but now it made him suspicious.

  "Ran Gong, what do you mean?"

  "You can't eat this bowl of noodles anyway! If you're hungry, go home and ask your wife to make it for you!"

  At this time, Lin Feng behaved very seriously, and Wang Shunsheng, who was not allowed to say anything, actually drove him away.

  Huang Shunsheng felt a little strange, but for Duke Ran's face, he could only leave here quickly.

  On the other side, after Lin Feng put down the bowl, he said to the old man selling noodles: "You black dog, you are so dishonest, you have to deal with even innocent people."

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, the old man's expression changed drastically.

  The smiling face turned serious.

  "How do you know that I am a dog? Could it be that you are a mage?"

  "So what? It's not important anymore, the important thing is not to use this method to tease others in the future!"

  Maybe it was because his identity was discovered, so the old man didn't know what to say at once, he could only touch his head and smiled helplessly.

  After crossing into this world and integrating Duke Ran's memory, Lin Feng understood Wang Shunsheng's virtue, so he continued to follow him uneasy.

  Although Wang Shunsheng is a scholar, he is sometimes very dishonest.

  Especially for women.

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