"That's not true. I learned it by chance. It's not very useful, it's just coaxing people."

  If it is really as the other party said, then everything can be explained.

  After all, even he himself didn't know much about it, so Lin Feng didn't even want to figure it out.

  After leaving the Taoist temple and following behind Wang Shunsheng, the two returned to the palace together.

  Only at this time did I realize that Wang Shunsheng did not go through the door, but went out and back through the window. It was really difficult for him.

  After helping him hang the whisk, Wang Shunsheng gave the medicine to his wife.

  Not long after, Madam Wang slowly opened her eyes and got up from the bed.

  "Ghost! There are ghosts!"

  As soon as they came together, Mrs. Wang began to shout.

  It seems that the scene she saw before was not a small blow to her.

  Fortunately, Wang Shunsheng quickly reassured her: "Don't worry, that female ghost won't come over again."

  After hearing what Wang Shunsheng said, Madam Wang calmed down.

  Otherwise, in the state just now, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

  "Who is this?" Mrs. Hong noticed Lin Feng who was beside her.

  Wang Shunsheng quickly introduced: "This is Duke Ran! He was the one who accompanied me to the Taoist temple to seek help."

  "It turned out to be so, thank you so much!"

  Just when everyone thought there was nothing to do, You Feng suddenly appeared at the door, but because of the whisking, there was no way for him to come in directly from the door.

  But she found the entrance from the window, and then appeared in the house. .

Chapter 513

  The moment they saw You Feng, Wang Shunsheng and Mrs. Wang were instantly startled, and hurriedly huddled together, not daring to move at all.

  Only Wang Shunsheng was a little more daring, and shouted at You Feng: "How can you still come in? Hurry up and leave, we have no grievances or enmity with you, so you don't want to harm us again. The Taoist priest already knows about you, and soon they will come to deal with you."

  Wang Shunsheng wanted to use the two Taoist priests as shields so that You Feng could leave here quickly.

  But you must know that at the beginning, Wang Shunsheng personally brought the other party to the house, but now he wants the other party to leave.

  After seeing Lin Feng who was also at the scene, You Feng quickly said to a few people, "You have misunderstood. I will not harm you. I just came here to clarify the situation with you."

  "If you have something to say, hurry up and leave immediately!" Wang Shunsheng was still very afraid of the other party.

  Afterwards, You Feng recounted his own experience.

  You Feng was originally a singer, but he did not expect that after his death, he was caught by the Yin-Yang Dharma King in the Yin-Yang Realm, and there was no way to return to the underworld to transcend reincarnation.

  Originally, I wanted to escape and seek help last time, but I didn't expect to meet Wang Shunsheng and was brought back by him.

  However, You Feng will not stay here, because the Yin-Yang Dharma King will come over after a while, and it will definitely implicate Wang Shunsheng and Mrs. Wang at that time.

  So after saying these things, You Feng is now being left from the palace.

  However, Lin Feng left with You Feng at this time, and the two went to the Taoist temple together.

  But when I came here again, the sky was already dark.

  Not long after arriving at the entrance of the Taoist Temple, the appearance of You Feng made Taoist Yuqing and his senior brother notice the situation here, so the two rushed out.

  It was simply that after You Feng and Lin Feng, they calmed down.

  "Two Taoist priests, she is the girl You Fengyou brought home by Wang Shunsheng. I brought him here this time, and I have to seek the help of the two Taoist priests~々."

  Afterwards, before the two priests asked what was going on, Lin Feng had already told them about the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

  After the two of them learned about this, their brows were instantly furrowed, and their faces were embarrassed.

  This Yin-Yang Dharma King is a ghost who has been cultivating for thousands of years. If you want to deal with him, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

  However, since as monks, it is their duty to subdue demons and eliminate demons, so the two of them did not refuse, and finally agreed.

  You Feng can live in the Taoist temple for some time next, so everyone can study together how to deal with the Yin-Yang Dharma King.

  The Dharma King of Yin and Yang is in the realm of yin and yang. This place belongs to the interactive zone between the yang world and the underworld, and it has always been in a state of no one's jurisdiction.

  The Yin-Yang Dharma King, relying on his own strength, proclaimed himself the king here.

  In fact, these two Taoist priests knew the existence of the Yin-Yang Dharma King, and they had thought about dealing with him before.

  However, the cultivation of the two people is not enough, and even the subordinates of the Yin-Yang Dharma King are not opponents, so there is definitely no way to deal with the Yin-Yang Dharma King by relying on these two people.

  The only person who can help You Feng, I am afraid, can only find an expert!

  In the deep mountains and forests, there lived a Master Taiyi. His strength was high and his mana was unfathomable. If he was the one who came out, he would definitely be able to deal with the Dharma King of Yin and Yang.

  So after discussion, this person decided to go to find this Master Taiyi together.

  It's just that everything is still unknown now, and it can only be resigned to the fate of being able to find this Master Taiyi.

  Lin Feng didn't know how to go to the Yin-Yang Realm. Although he wanted to ask these two people directly, he was afraid that they would not let him go alone, so he decided to follow them to find Master Taiyi first.

  And if there is one more person, there will be more assurance.

  After all, in the entire Yin-Yang Realm, the Dharma King of Yin-Yang calls himself the King, and there are many evil ghosts with high mana under his hands.

  If these evil ghosts all go together, Lin Feng may not be able to travel alone in the world of yin and yang.

  A few people packed up and then chose to set off the next day.

  Continue to walk into the deep mountain, the further you go, the more desolate you are. After two or three days of searching, I finally saw fireworks ahead.

  When I walked over, I saw that this was a house in the mountains.

  Although it doesn't look very luxurious, it can be regarded as leisurely and elegant.

  As soon as I came here, a fat old man appeared in front of everyone.

  The other party asked: "Everyone, I don't know what it means to come here?"

  The two Taoist priests wanted to explain things directly without wasting time.

  It was just at this time that Lin Feng suddenly stepped forward, clasped his hands, and said to the old man in front of him: "¨~ I'm sorry, we were on our way. Take a rest, is it convenient?"

  "No problem, please come in!"

  This chubby old man is also kind, facing the four strangers in front of him, and let them in without hesitation.

  After everyone entered, the fat old man asked by the way, "Where are you going?"

  Lin Feng replied: "We are looking for a master to save people. The Taoist master once said that in this deep mountain, there is a master Taiyi. It is said that his strength is unfathomable, so I think To find him, I hope to be able to get help."

  In fact, when they saw a family here, the group of four already knew that the chubby old man in front of them was Venerable Taiyi.

  It's just that Lin Feng suddenly took over the words, hoping not to speak too clearly, otherwise the other party is likely to refuse.

  After all (Zhao Nuohao) in this deep mountain and old forest, far away from all things.

  The people who would like to live here tend to be unpredictable and eccentric people.

  Asking them to help is really not necessarily successful.

  Often dealing with such people, just need some small tricks.

  Otherwise, it is almost impossible to get the help of an expert.

  Sure enough, not long after Lin Feng finished, the old man turned around to make tea, and said at the same time, "I have heard of such a person, but as far as I know, he doesn't seem to like to care about others. It's no use. So even if you find this person, it's of no use."

  The four of them waited for a while without saying anything.

  And after hearing what the other party said, You Feng seemed a little sad, and his state was not very good.

  And this old man also noticed the change in everyone's expressions. .

Chapter 514

  After noticing the changes in the expressions of the four, the old man hurriedly asked, "Why did you come to the old forest in the deep mountains when you were looking for this Master Taiyi?"

  At this time, the elder brother of Taoist Yuqing hurried forward and said, "This Venerable Taiyi is a great hermit. If we don't look for it in the wilderness, should we go to Fireworks and Willow Lane to look for it?"

  In fact, when Master Taiqing said that he didn't want to meddle in his own business, Daoist Yuqing's senior brother was already a little angry.

  After all, this is a life-saving thing, and the Yin-Yang Dharma King does nothing in the yin-yang world, and now it has been maintained in the human world. As a person of justice, I absolutely do not want to see such a scene.

  If you continue to let the Yin-Yang Dharma King do things like this, it is very likely that the entire world will become a slaughterhouse for the Yin-Yang Dharma King before long.

  Seeing his senior brother look so angry, Taoist Yuqing quickly stepped forward to stop him.

  "Senior brother. Don't be in such a hurry."

  After finishing speaking, he continued to say to the fat old man in front of him: "Please don't mind, my senior brother is too anxious to speak so weakly."

  The fat old man smiled and recalled: "Actually, I think your senior brother is right, as the saying goes, the big one is hidden in the city, and the small one is hidden in the wild. If you want to find the Master Taiyi, in my opinion, you might as well go to the fireworks. Look in Liuxiang, maybe you can find it."

  After hearing what the other party said, Daoist Yuqing and his senior brother became a little anxious.

  In fact, I have already said it so clearly just now, but the old man in front of him still decided not to reveal his identity and help. He really didn't know what to do.

  When the two of them wanted to expose each other directly and seek help, they were blocked by Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng said to the old man, "If that's the case, let's go look for it."

  After speaking, Lin Feng quickly left here with the other three.

  Daoist Yuqing and his senior brother felt a little strange. They had already found someone, so why did they go back.

  "This fellow Daoist, the one just now was obviously Master Taiyi, why didn't you let us speak out?" Daoist Yuqing asked.

  However, Lin Feng responded calmly: "No matter what you do, don't be too anxious, don't be in a hurry for quick success. Since the other party has already said it so clearly, there is no need for us to continue entanglement. It is better to think about other things. may be able to get his help.”

  "He has already made it so clear, what else can we do?"

  Daoist Yuqing's senior brother has a quick temper, so when encountering such a thing, it is inevitable that he will appear a little anxious.

  But at this moment, the corner of Lin Feng's mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile.

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