"Our chance has come!"

  Everyone looked in the direction Lin Feng pointed, and there was a peach forest in front of him. Although it was not yet the season of peach blossoms, a peach forest on such a large scale would still look spectacular to that person.

  The surrounding fog was too thick, so there was no way to judge how big this peach forest was.

  Everyone stepped forward to take a look, but found that something was wrong.

  Although the scale of this peach forest is relatively large, for some reason, all the branches of the peach trees have traces of damage, and they seem to be man-made.

  After seeing such a situation, Lin Feng hurriedly said to the other three: "I am afraid that this is the test that Master Taiyi has put on us. Let's quickly protect this peach blossom forest, and he should help us by then! "

  After speaking, everyone finally understood.

  It turned out that Master Taiyi had ulterior motives just now. He didn't want to help everyone at all, but since he had already decided to go into seclusion, he would definitely not take it lightly.

  What he wants to see is actually the determination of the people.

  If he can be tempted, Master Taiyi will still decide to help.

  Although it seems difficult to protect this peach blossom forest, after all, there are so many peach blossom trees here, but if you think of the right way, it is relatively simple.

  This piece of peach blossom forest is very serious, so if you want to protect it, you must avoid these peach trees being polluted by the qi.

  To this end, everyone prepared some yellow talismans, and put one on each peach blossom tree. In this way, although this barrier qi could not be removed, it could well protect these peach blossom trees.

  After all these were done, everyone went back the same way and returned to the place where Master Taiyi lived just now.

  After coming here again, Master Taiyi saw everyone and hurriedly asked: "Why are you back? I wonder if there is anything else you can help?"

  At this time, Lin Feng bowed with both hands and said to the other party: "Senior, we passed through a bamboo forest just now and encountered a lot of obstacles, so we used all the yellow charms on our bodies to protect the peach blossom forest, and there is no way to leave here for the time being."

  "If that's the case, then I'll send you out of here. You don't know the way here. It's easy to get lost in this deep mountain and old forest."

  Hearing what the other party said, Daoist Yuqing's senior brother couldn't bear it any longer, and said directly to the other party: "The younger generation is not cultivated enough. He has eyes and does not know Mount Tai, and did not recognize Master Taiyi before, please forgive me. But we This time, I really need help with something.”

  Immediately afterwards, the servant told You Feng's previous story, and also told Venerable Taiyi about the Yin-Yang Dharma King's wrongdoing.

  Originally thought that the above-mentioned people could help, but everyone didn't think about it, even if the words had been said so clearly, and they recognized him directly by name.

  But Venerable Taiyi refused to admit it.He was unwilling to offer any help, and drove everyone away.

  Seeing such a situation, everyone can only beg.

  After Lin Feng saw Venerable Taiyi, his brows furrowed instantly, and he thought that this old man was stubborn. He had already met the demon who defended the world, but he was still unwilling to help.

  In this way, it is useless for them to beg here all the time, it is just a waste of time.

  Instead of this, it's better to go back and think of other ways.

  Maybe they can find other ways to deal with the Yin-Yang Dharma King and rescue You Feng from it.

  And in the yin and yang world, not only girl You is under the control of the yin and yang king, there are many people who want to leave, but they are forced by the strength of the yin and yang king, so there is no way.

  Therefore, Lin Feng first said to everyone: "Since the seniors are unwilling to help, then we will not force it, let's get out of here first.".

Chapter 515

  Others also wanted to enter your request to Master Taiyi, but Lin Feng took everyone out of the place directly.

  Others could follow, and Taoist Yuqing asked, "Fellow Daoist, why don't you continue to ask Master Taiyi? Maybe if we persist for a while, he will agree!"

  Lin Feng maintained a different point of view.

  "If he really wanted to help us, he wouldn't keep hiding his identity like this. What's more, we've already made things so clear, but he still decided not to say anything, so he didn't continue talking. If necessary, it is better to rely on us!"

  If it is said that Lin Feng is alone to deal with the Yin-Yang Dharma King, he is still very sure.

  So even if he did not come to help in the end as a businessman, Lin Feng, you already have a general idea.

  On the other hand, You Feng, at this time, became a lot more open.

  "Forget it, since Master Taiyi doesn't want to help me, don't force it too much. Everyone has their own destiny, so I'll just leave it to my fate!"

  "Miss You, in fact, you don't need to be so pessimistic. I still have a way to help you get out of the world of yin and yang, and escape from the control of Yin and Yang ~ Dharma King."


  When Miss You heard what Lin Feng said, her eyes lit up instantly, as if she had found hope.

  Lam Fung said his own way - again.

  "Actually, there are two ways. The first way is that we defeat the Dharma King of Yin and Yang, and the second way may be to grieve Miss You and directly separate his soul and body, but in this way, Miss You will no longer be able to reincarnate FaLun. ."

  After hearing these two methods, everyone instantly felt very headache.

  Either one sounds particularly difficult.

  Although the separation of soul and body is relatively simple, but Miss You's wish is to be able to get rid of control, but also to enter reincarnation and reincarnate as a human being.

  If he really wants to follow this method, then he will never be able to reincarnate again.

  Miss You herself is very clear that in the current situation, the easiest way is definitely to separate the soul and body, so as not to trouble everyone.

  But from the perspective of her heart, she still hopes to enter reincarnation.

  While wanting to be reincarnated, and at the same time not wanting to trouble everyone, at this moment, You Feng suddenly became in a dilemma, not knowing what to choose.

  Seeing that the other party was so entangled, Lin Feng also quickly said: "Actually, Miss You doesn't need to think so much now, nothing is absolute, not to mention that we still have a chance to deal with the Yin-Yang Dharma King."

  Seeing that You Feng is not very willing to trouble other people is so pitiful, it makes people feel a little distressed.

  "Okay, let's figure out how to deal with Dharma King Yin-Yang. Although my senior brother and I couldn't deal with him before, but now that there are more friends Ran Dao, the three of us might be fine together."

  After Daoist Yuqing finished speaking, he quickly asked everyone to return to the Taoist Temple to think of a solution.


  When passing through a wilderness, I suddenly saw that there were several officials from the government coming here, which made everyone alert.

  Under normal circumstances, how could people from the government come to this wilderness?

  What's more, with so much happening, it's clear that something big is about to happen.

  The other party also noticed this, so he quickly stepped forward and asked, "Stop, who is Zhang Daoling among you?"

  At this time, Daoist Yuqing stepped forward and took the initiative to admit his identity: "I'm just here, I don't know what orders the messenger has?"

  I originally thought that I was going to invite him to catch the monsters, ghosts, and monsters. After all, the name of the people in Qingdao is still quite loud.

  But I didn't expect the other party to say that Daoist Yuqing used magic tricks to abduct the population and wanted to take him away.

  And as soon as the words fell, two more people rushed up directly and surrounded Taoist Yuqing.

  This Yuqing Taoist is also clever and knows the world, so he turned clean and said to the two: "Everyone, please wait a moment, I understand what the situation is, we have something to say, I have something here to honor you."

  After speaking, don't put down your burden, and then prepare to take out a piece of silver from it and show it in front of everyone.

  "This is a little bit of my care, ready to honor all the officials."

  All the others rushed up to check the situation, but one of the people in the lead frowned and was very disgusted.

  "Just this amount of money is not enough for us to buy a bottle of vinegar! Don't talk nonsense, take it away from me!"

  After finishing speaking, the people around agreed, and the two people who came up before grabbed Daoist Yuqing and wanted to take him away.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Seeing that the person was about to be taken away, Lin Feng hurried forward and said to the Taoist Yuqing: "Daoist, give them all the three hundred taels of silver we brought, isn't that all right? And this is what we should do. made!"

  After hearing this sentence, everyone's eyes instantly lit up.

  This is three hundred taels of silver, which is already a considerable amount of savings.

  At this time, the two people just now finally let go, and Taoist Yuqing also understood what Lin Feng meant, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

  However, in the next second, a few people fought violently, directly beating the two officials to the ground.

  When the leader saw such a situation, they hurriedly shouted: "It's just the opposite! Come on me and arrest them all!"


  As soon as these words came out, everyone rushed up.

  A group of people got into a scuffle.

  It's just that a group of rogues came up. How could these people be Lin Feng's opponents?

  Three hits five and two, basically beat all these minions to the ground.

  Just when Lin Feng was about to take action directly on the headed official, a figure suddenly appeared, jumped down from the mountain, and directly helped Lin Feng and others to solve the headed official.

  After everyone saw this scene, they quickly stepped forward to check the situation.

  At this time, the leading official has fallen into a pool of blood.

  And the man who killed him was wearing a purple robe and holding a whisk in his hand.

  Taoist Yuqing quickly stepped forward to apologize: "The real life-saving grace, we will repay it in the future!"

  "People have died here, you should leave as soon as possible, and I will handle the rest."

  At this time, Lin Feng noticed the powerful power emanating from the other party, and the other party also noticed the evil spirit leaking out of Lin Feng.

  It's just that neither of the two sides has these breaches.

  Lin Feng said to the other party at this time: "Since the real person saved us, it is better to do it to the end than good people, we have something to ask for!"

  But before Lin Feng finished speaking, Daoist Ziyi said: "I'm sorry, I can't do anything about you. Crossing the hillside in front, you can see a big temple. Master Taiyi is in the temple. He may be able to help. to you." Beg.

Chapter 516

  After hearing Daoist Zipao say this, Daoist Yuqing quickly stepped forward and asked, "Do you know Master Taiyi?"

  "I once had a relationship with Master Taiyi. You can mention Daoist Ziyi to him. This is my sword. If you show him, it can be regarded as a proof."

  After he finished speaking, he only ran to the person and handed the dagger that he had just killed the official messenger to the Taoist Yuqing.

  Daoist Yuqing was quite moved, and just wanted to thank the other party, but was interrupted.

  "Needless to say, you have more important things to do, hurry up!"

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