Looking at the plot, the vicious horse thief was silent in front of him, and Lin Feng couldn't help but stir in his heart.

  "My lord, we passed by the treasure land, no offense, please don't blame me, let me wait for a way out."

  Seeing Lin Feng fall, Wang Po gritted her teeth, took a step forward, and imitated Han people to bow their heads and bow their heads.

  "No offense?" Lin Feng sneered: "Didn't you guys go to Renjia Town in front of you?"

  "Renjia Town?"

  Madam Wang was stunned.

  Along the way, they only care about getting rid of the pursuers and fleeing for their lives, and they no longer know where they are, and how do they know about Renjiazhen.

  "Pretend to be very similar." Lin Feng was speechless. He found that many people in this world seemed to be powerful actors. If they were at Blue Star, they would definitely have the potential to win an Oscar.

  "Sir, we came down from Laoxiongling. For the past six months, we have been fleeing in the uninhabited wilderness, and we have never seen anyone. We really don't know about Renjia Town you mentioned.  …"

  The queen was about to cry.

  Because from Lin Feng's words, she could see that this boss was afraid of admitting the wrong person.

  "Old Bear Ridge?" Lin Feng raised his brows: "You came down from the Miao Village over there."

  "Well, we are all Miao people. Because of some things, I was kicked out of the Miao village and left." Wang Po remembered the regret in her heart, and her voice became even lower.

  "Old Bear Ridge...Miao Village..." Lin Feng suddenly thought of Pingshan.

  "Then there are horse thieves burning and looting around here recently, aren't you?"

  "My lord is wronged. We are avoiding the pursuit of the enemy. We hide in the mountains and forests and dare not show our faces. How dare we burn, kill, loot, and attract attention."

  Tears almost fell from the mother-in-law.

  At this time, she was sure that this big man really recognized the wrong person.

  "Behind these guys, there are still chasing soldiers... Could it be that this matter is really an oolong?" Lin Feng's eyes showed a look of thought.

  In the plot, it was only the horse thieves who suddenly appeared, and then Lin Jiu led people to besiege them, without mentioning the ins and outs of this group of "horse thieves".

  Looking at the situation now, in the plot, Lin Jiu seems to have killed the wrong person.

  However, Lin Feng naturally wouldn't believe the words of these people.

  "If you really weren't the group of horse thieves who burned, killed, and looted around, I wouldn't have wronged you, but I wouldn't believe you just by listening to what you said." It fell on the guy with the weakest strength in terms of breath among this group of people: "So, Xiaoyu, go and ask."


  Dong Xiaoyu waved, and immediately, the weakest unlucky bastard's eyes were blurred...

  On the side, Wang Po and the others watched this scene, but they didn't dare to stop it.

  Because they all know that once they dare to make any changes, they will be drowned by the ghost soldiers on the side in an instant.

  "Say, where did you come from? What did you do along the way?"

  "We are from Old Bear Ridge... We are evading pursuit and killing all the way..."

  "The losers who were seized from power in Laoxiongling Miao Village... are being hunted down by the rulers of Miao Village..." Lin Feng looked strange, but he didn't expect that these guys were really innocent. .

Chapter 82

  "All right."

  The matter was generally understood, Lin Feng signaled Dong Xiaoyu to accept the spell.

  "What happened to me just now?"

  The unlucky bastard was in a daze, but he had no idea what had just happened.

  I don't know, what I just said saved the lives of myself and all my companions.

  He only remembered that Specter's eyes were as deep as a starry sky, and there seemed to be a river of galaxies flowing in it, fascinating the soul.

  "How many people are chasing you, and what are their strengths." Lin Feng looked at Wang Po with pity.

  This girl is indeed a bit pitiful. Judging from the breath on her body, she is not very old, and she is estimated to be twenty-four or five years old.

  But wandering in the forest all the year round, with ruddy hair and blood, and accumulation of dirt on his body, it seems that he is at least ten years old.

  If he didn't show up this time, I'm afraid that he would have crashed into the encirclement in front of him as he was destined to... In the end, he would die without resting his eyes, turned into an evil ghost, and was beaten to pieces.

  "There are about 07 people. The leader is called Gou Xiong, who is an archmage. There are also an archmage and four mages under him. The rest are all warlocks."

  There was a hint of hatred in Wang Po's eyes. When they came down from Laoxiongling, there were more than [-] people, but under the pursuit of the bear, there were only seven people left.

  The hatred in this can only be resolved with blood.

  "More than [-] people... It seems that the real horse thieves are them." Lin Feng nodded, looking directly at Wang Po: "I can help you kill them, and even help you return to Laoxiongling, but you have to pay the price."

  Although he was pitiful for what happened to these guys, Lin Feng naturally wouldn't be soft-hearted, so he let these guys go.

  After all, one archmage, two sorcerers, and four warlocks, this is not a weak force.

  Moreover, the witchcraft on them was also what Lin Feng wanted.

  In addition, Lin Feng has always been yearning for Pingshan behind Laoxiongling.


  Grandma Wang's body trembled.

  Killing the pursuers behind her and avenging her dead brothers had always been her wish.

  It was her dream to return to Laoxiongling and regain everything that belonged to her.

  However, with her own strength, she can't do either of these two things now.

  Even, if she only relies on herself, she will never be able to do these two things in her entire life.

  After all, she knew very well what her strength was.

  Now, here's your chance.

  As long as he pays the price to satisfy this lord, he will not mention the matter of returning to Lao Xiongling for the time being. At least, there is no problem in killing the pursuers behind him.

  And, in deep siege, do they have a choice?

  The answer, of course, is no.

  Immediately, Wang Po thumped and fell to her knees: "Sir, I am willing to serve you as the master and let you drive."



  Seeing the Queen Mother knelt down.

  Behind Wang Po, everyone knelt down.

  "Very good, I heard that you people in Miaojiang are good at witchcraft, show it to me."

  Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction, this girl is quite interesting, and he likes it very much.


  Po Wang trembled, took out a piece of parchment from her bosom and presented it.

  The techniques in this are the secrets of their Miao Village. If it is normal, they can die, but the techniques in them cannot be leaked.

  But now, Lin Feng needs it, but she can only offer it obediently.

  Lin Feng took the parchment and looked at it directly.

  On the parchment, there are twisted symbols one after another, in a mess, and Lin Feng doesn't know any of them.

  However, on the parchment, a mysterious force was projected.

  In a trance, Lin Feng saw the overwhelming bats, the dense cockroaches, the hairy insect whip...

  Within the body, one after another weak mana appeared out of thin air.

  But it was the power on the parchment that automatically stayed in Lin Feng's body and started to operate in a specific way.

  "This parchment is a good thing."

  Lin Feng was shocked, he just glanced at it, but he didn't understand what the words were about.

  And a door of witchcraft, even entered directly.

  If this kind of thing hadn't happened to him, Lin Feng would definitely not believe it.

  At this moment, the sound of the system also sounded after a long absence.

  "Sorcery detected - bat arcana!"

  "Bat Secret Art is automatically maxed out!"

  "Sorcery detected - cockroach mysticism!"

  "The Secret Technique of Cockroaches is automatically maxed out!"

  "Sorcerer detected - Wormlash Secret Art!"

  "Insect Whip Secret Technique is automatically maxed out!"

  "A sorcery detected - Golden Silkworm Gu technique!"

  "Gold Silkworm Gu technique is automatically full level!"

  In an instant, the four spells recorded on the parchment were all full-level.

  The bat secret technique is a spell used by the queen mother to control bats in the plot.

  Cockroach Secret Art is a spell that Wang Po used to control cockroaches in the plot.

  The secret technique of insect whip is the two fluffy whips of the queen mother in the plot.

  And the last Golden Silkworm Gu technique is a method of refining Gu. The refined Golden Silkworm Gu can kill people and control subordinates.

  With the full level of these four magic arts, a mana with a wild aura smashed into Lin Feng's body.

  These four sorcerers are of the same origin, and the mana they have cultivated is entangled together, competing with the mana of ghost shepherding and corpse refining.

  Although the newly cultivated mana is not strong because Lin Feng has not yet refined the Gu puppet, it fell into a disadvantage when confronting the other two mana, but it is also deeply rooted.

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