In an instant, the aura on Lin Feng's body suddenly changed, and the original evil nature became wild and cold-blooded.

  Hundreds of miles away, day and night, Deng Mo, who was on his way even at night, suddenly stopped.

  "what happened?"

  Behind him, two earth division elders looked over suspiciously.

  But he saw that in Deng Mo's hands, the original, which had always been firm, pointed to the pointer to the north, and suddenly turned around incessantly.

  "The evil spirit disappeared... Either he died suddenly, or because of other reasons, the aura on his body suddenly changed drastically. Anyway, he could no longer find the aura and track it."

  Deng Mo's face was a little ugly.

  The sky and the earth are huge, and without the guidance of breath, even if Maoshan's power in this western Hunan is amazing, looking for a hidden ghost general is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

  "This is the end of the matter, and we can only find it slowly in this direction, a ghost general, a group of ghost soldiers, and two zombies, no matter where they hide, there will definitely be traces, as long as we are willing to spend If you have time to look for it, you will definitely find it.”

  An elder stroked his beard.

  "That's right, Xiao Mo, now, it's up to you and Shi Jian to see who has the better luck."

Chapter 83

  "The realm hasn't changed, but my total mana is a lot more than before. When I find the materials, the mana for practicing Gu worms, puppets, and witchcraft will be combined with ghost shepherding, refining The mana of the corpse technique is the same... The most important thing is that my breath has changed, then Senior Brother Deng can no longer pursue me through breath..."

  Feeling the changes in his body, Lin Feng's heart moved, but he knew that this wave of four sorcerers alone would not be a loss.

  Not to mention seven subordinates.

  Although, one archmage, two mages, and four warlocks, this power is dispensable to the current Lin Feng.

  But what Lin Feng saw was not their combat power, but their identities.

  They are from Laoxiongling, and they are local snakes. Through them, Lin Feng can justifiably intervene in Laoxiongling's affairs.

  "The bat secret technique, the cockroach secret technique, the insect whip secret technique, and the breath of the golden silkworm Gu technique, in just a few breaths, he has already cultivated these four secret techniques, and he has also cultivated them. to a higher level.”

  On the side, Wang Po, who was kneeling on the ground, noticed the change in Lin Feng's aura, but it was the expression of an ordinary person who bumped into a ghost.

  This parchment is the treasure of inheritance in Miao Village.There were rumors in the clan that someone who was favored by the ancestors could learn the spells by looking at this parchment.

  Five hundred years ago, the Demon God who commanded the Eighteen Caves of Sanwan in Miao Village was such an existence.

  According to records, when the Demon God ruled Miao Village, not only Laoxiongling, but even the entire Nuqing County, only Miao Village followed.

  Even Pingshan, which was first and now listed as a forbidden area, is the back garden of their Miao people.

  That was the most glorious era of Miao Village.

  It is also the era that many Miao people yearn for.

  And now, what happened to Lin Feng was even more terrifying than what happened to the Demon God in the records.

  With such a glance, they cultivated the ancestral techniques of their clan to a very high level.

  If this matter is reported back to the Miao Village, I am afraid that in the Miao Village, those old guys who sealed themselves in the hanging coffin will wake up.

  "Why is this parchment incomplete~?"

  Lin Feng threw the parchment in front of Wang Po.

  Seeing Wang Po's worried look when she just took out the parchment, he didn't know that this piece of paper was very important to Wang Po.

  Now, since the above spells have been learned, he doesn't have any, so it is better to be more generous.

  "When I left the mountain in the past, I walked too fast and only brought out this small piece."

  Wang Po carefully picked up the parchment, folded it into her arms, and looked at Lin Feng with a little more gratitude.

  After all, when she just donated the parchment, she never thought that Lin Feng would return it to her after meeting it.

  "Very good." Lin Feng nodded: "Get up, I have already sensed the aura of the group of people who are chasing you. Tonight, the moon is dark and the wind is high, the weather is good, but it is suitable for solving the grievances between you."

  Lin Feng's eyes turned to the direction where Tan Jiazhen was located dozens of miles away.

  The four major sorcerers are at full level, and he sensed the direction with the help of his senses, and he also has the breath of witchcraft.

  This place is nearly a thousand miles away from the Miao Village on the other side of Laoxiongling. You don't have to think about it, you know that the breath there is what Wang Po and the others said.


  Wang Po's face showed surprise, but she never thought that happiness would come so suddenly.

  As for how Lin Feng knew that the chasing soldiers were in that direction, she did not ask much, nor did she doubt it at all.

  After all, Lin Feng's strength can only be seen from this group of men.

  There is something wrong with such an existence, knowing a little more.

  "Of course, don't you want them to live a few more days?"

  "No, I wish I could chop off their heads right away."


  Immediately, the gloomy wind swept away in the direction of Tanjia Town.


  Renjia Town.

  A group of security team members and some militiamen recruited temporarily were ambushed in the forest early.

  In the town, Lin Jiu checked the deployment in the town and was about to go to the big woods to meet with everyone.

  Suddenly, there was a sound of rolling thunder in the distance.

  "Ninth Uncle, it seems like it's going to rain over the mountain."

  The militiamen who followed him watched the movement in the distance, but they didn't think anything was wrong.

  It is summer, the weather in the mountains is changeable, thunder and lightning, etc., but it is normal.


  "The devil's energy is soaring to the sky, and the dark thunder explodes. That means a devil was born."

  Lin Jiu shook his head, but he recognized at a glance that it was Lin Feng who was making a fool of himself.

  After all, the familiar smell blown by the mountain wind, among them, the smell of those ghosts that have been suppressed by themselves.

  "It couldn't be the group of horse thieves who bumped into his hands, this kid, he told him to leave it alone..."

  Lin Jiu complained in his heart, but there was a little more smile on his face.

  The people of Maoshan should not be like this.

  This kid seems to be no different from ordinary Maoshan people, except that he does not know the Maoshan technique.

  During this period of time, he had been under a lot of pressure in his heart. After all, the little junior brother entrusted by the master to practice sorcery, and was hunted down by the master, which made him feel very guilty all the time.

  After all, if he hadn't reported the matter to Shi Jian, Lin Feng's practice of sorcery would not have leaked out so quickly.

  And he is also worried that Lin Feng will be bewitched by the power and really embark on the evil way and become the devil who loses himself.

  But now, Lin Jiu clearly felt a lot better in his heart.

  Because, in Lin Feng's heart, there is still a distinction between good and evil.

  "'"The devil is born? Ninth uncle, don't be joking!" The militiamen on the side were stunned.

  "Our town has Ninth Uncle in charge. It can be said that it is impregnable. Even if a devil is born, he will never dare to come to our Renjiazhen to make trouble."

  Another militiaman spoke up.

  This flattery hit Lin Jiu's itch, causing his eyebrows to rise.


  Outside Tanjia Town, in the dense forest, a group of horse thieves hibernated.

  There are twenty-three of these guys in total, but in terms of their appearance, they are no different from Wang Po and the others.

  However, in terms of momentum, they are more fierce than Wang Po and the others.

  The bloodstains on the clothes (the ones with good money) and the dried blood on the swordsmen also showed that these guys were not good people.

  The leader, eight feet tall and three pavilions wide, is exactly the bear in the mouth of Wang Po.

  "The devilish energy is soaring to the sky, and in that direction, there must be a great evil, but you can't get too close."

  Looking at the strangeness in the distance, the bear's face showed a solemn color.

  At this time, two men in ordinary Hanfu came in from outside the forest.

  "Boss, I've found it out. The town next to it is called Tanjia Town. The richest man in the town, Tan Wanwan, has a lot of wealth..."

  "Okay, let's rest for another hour, and then start at the third watch."

  There was a ferocious light in the bear's eyes. The flowery world outside was much more interesting than the boring Old Bear Ridge.

  PS: The hand is disabled, the coding speed is a bit slower, because the magic has changed the plot, and can't follow the plot like most of the other nine uncles, so there are still Carvin from time to time... Well, everyone's update to me, Don't get your hopes up. .

Chapter 84

  Ghosts at night.

  In order to avoid scaring the prey away, Lin Feng deliberately made his subordinates restrain their momentum.

  But no matter how it converges, there is always a trace of air leaking out.

  And the creatures in the mountains and forests are the most sensitive to dangerous qi.

  Therefore, wherever the line passes, all sounds are quiet.

  A distance of more than [-] miles would take at least half a day for ordinary people.

  However, for the ghosts under Lin Feng, it was only half an hour.

  Wang Po and the others used secret techniques to stimulate the horse's potential, but they were barely able to keep up with the ghost soldiers and zombies.

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