However, Lin Feng's face was full of ecstasy. That look was even happier than breaking through directly.

  "What's the matter, happy to be like this?"

  Lin Jiu, who had already released the paper crane, came up with a strange expression on his face. In his eyes, his little junior brother had been very mature since he was a child.

  However, at this moment, he was as happy as a little kid who got candy. It stands to reason that even if he conquered a zombie with unlimited potential, it should not be like this.

  After all, he already has two zombies under his command, and the front two, although the potential is a little less, can definitely be called a peerless corpse. Not to mention the future zombie king, at least flying stiff, that is absolutely no problem.

  "Senior brother, you use the immobilization technique to immobilize me!"

  Lin Feng looked at Lin Jiu with a look of anticipation on his face.

  "Fixing technique?" Lin Jiu was a little puzzled, but immediately followed suit, took out a talisman paper from his arms and slapped it on Lin Feng.


  It stands to reason that by doing this, the talisman paper will be adsorbed on Lin Feng's body due to the mana, and it will be immobilized.

  Although, Lin Feng is also an archmage, so it is impossible to stay for a long time, but it can be fixed for a few breaths of time.

  But at this moment, the talisman paper carefully crafted by Lin Jiu fell on Lin Feng, but it couldn't absorb it at all, and fell directly with the wind.

  "Doesn't the law stick to the body?"

  A look of doubt appeared on Lin Jiu's face. Unbelieving in evil, he took a yellow paper umbrella from the side and opened it, inserted it on the ground, and then took out the gossip mirror from his sleeve, and swayed it in front of Lin Feng's eyes in response to the moonlight.

  Then put away the gossip mirror and quickly cast the spell.

  This is the control technique in the plot. In the original plot, the three master and apprentice Mamadi were about to be shot at the execution ground. Lin Jiu came and used this trick to restrain the soldiers of the security team.

  But now, falling on Lin Feng's body, there was no response at all.

  "You boy, did you use mana?"

  Lin Jiu accepted the spell with a shocked expression, and approached in confusion.

  "Am I so boring?" Lin Feng was speechless, but his heart was already happy.

  When he subdued Grandpa Ren and the royal zombies, the power that was fed back only enhanced his mana, and did not give him any special special effects.

  But now, Nintendo has given him a surprise.

  "In other words, you conquered Nintendo, and then you gained his invincible ability?"

  Lin Jiu was short of breath and had some red eyes.

  Invincible, so miraculous, even a celestial master can't have it.

  If such an ability were to spread out, it would definitely shock the world.

  "It should be, but it's not really invincible. I estimate that the magic of the geographer is still effective for me, but the effect must be discounted."

  "This matter, you must be rotten in your heart. Before you become a Celestial Master, don't mention it to anyone, including other senior brothers, you know?" Lin Jiu said solemnly with a solemn expression.

  The ability not to invade the law, not to touch the body, this kind of ability is really too heaven-defying.

  Just now, even in his heart, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​slaughtering Lin Feng, stealing his body, reviving his body, and rebuilding his life.

  You know, he is Lin Feng's closest brother, and he has always treated Lin Feng like a brother.

  One can imagine how great the temptation is.

  It is no exaggeration to say that if this matter really spreads out, there will definitely be many old monsters who have a near-life span and who have not been able to retreat all year round with malicious intentions and go out to find people.

  The pursuit of Mao Shan alone has already exhausted Lin Feng's life. If he is targeted by the old monsters all over the world, he will be really dangerous.

  "Senior brother, why are you so nervous, don't worry, it's alright, I'm stupid, I don't reveal the money, I still understand the truth."

  Lin Feng nodded, moved, but from Lin Jiu, he felt his worries about his future.

  "It's good that you know the severity." Lin Jiu nodded, not in a good mood, but he couldn't calm down for a long time, and even more sorrow in his heart.

  My little junior brother is getting more and more against the sky. Once he really grows up, it is very possible that he will become the number one person in the world.

  In the beginning, what he cultivated was not the Maoshan Right Way, but the Maoshan Technique.

   Don't look at him now that everything is normal, and there is no sign of blackening, but what if something goes wrong in his cultivation in the future and he is blackened?

  Then this world, I am afraid that it will suffer.

  "I have to practice hard. If Lin Feng really gets to that point in the future, I'll take him along with me."

  Lin Jiu thought about it, but there was a sense of urgency, that is, he couldn't be thrown too far by Lin Feng, otherwise, if Lin Feng really made a mistake in the future, he would have no way to stop it.

  "Master, tone... music." At this moment, Nintendo's voice sounded aside.

  "Yes, pick it up, be careful, this thing can't stand your tossing."

  He got huge benefits from Nintendo, so Lin Feng naturally wouldn't treat Nintendo badly, and handed over his pocket watch directly.

  Nintendo took the pocket watch carefully, opened it and put it to his ear, and immediately entered the sage mode again.

  "like to listen to music?"

  Aside, Lin Jiu's attention was suddenly attracted.

  This Nintendo is really different.

  "Come on, I'll let them settle down on the mountain, and let's go to town to find a place to rest."

  "it is good."


  At this time, Renjiazhen, who had just found an inn and settled down, suddenly moved in his heart, opened the window, and saw Zhihe flying in with his wings flapping, and stopped in front of him. .

Chapter 98

  "Huh? Lin Jiu?"

  He frowned numbly, but it was on the paper crane that he sensed Lin Jiu's breath.

  "When you can't be busy, let you help you. You can't come. Now that the work is done, are you here again?"

  Ma Ma was dissatisfied, and if Zhi He could find him, it would naturally prove that Lin Jiu was nearby.

  He didn't want to talk to Lin Jiu. After all, now that things are over, he no longer has anything to ask for.

  However, when he thought about the years of his apprentice brothers, and when he heard the roars of zombies on the mountain road just now, he changed his mind again.

  A mana punched into Zhihe, and Zhihe suddenly said, "Mumidi, where are you?"

  "Renjia Town, Yuelai Inn!"

  After he finished speaking, another burst of mana sent out, Zhi He immediately turned around, returned the same way, and went to look for his master.

  Outside the town, Lin Feng and Lin Jiu stood in front of the archway at the entrance of the town.

  "This Renjia Town is a lot more imposing than our Renjia Town."

  Lin Jiu looked at the towering archway with envy.

  "Isn't it just an extra archway? If Senior Brother likes it, next time I come back, let Master Ren also get one at the head of the town. I promise to be even more stylish than this."

  "You really don't treat yourself as an outsider."


  The two brothers and sisters walked in while talking. In the darkness, Zhihe turned around.

  "Hey, I really found Ma Ma Di."

  The mana on the paper crane is limited. If the target cannot be found before the mana dissipates, the paper crane will drop.

  Now that the paper crane turns around, it means that the target has been found, that is to say, he has not been killed by the zombies.

  Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, took the paper crane, and suddenly, a numb voice came from inside.

  "Yuelai Inn, here!"

  Lin Feng had just come here once, and he was barely familiar with the road. He led Lin Jiu through a few streets and found a place to stay.

  "Two guest officers..."

  There was a second child waiting in the inn all night, and they were about to welcome them in.

  Lin Feng had a lot of money, so he asked for a small courtyard at the back, ordered a large table of meals, and finally asked about Ma Ma Di's room.

  dong dong dong-

  "Who is it~?"

  There was a rustling sound in the room, and soon, the door was pushed open.


  Lin Feng stood outside the door with a smile on his face.

  "Kid Feng..." His face changed numbly, and then he instantly showed ecstasy: "Did you come with Lin Jiu?"

  "Well, I knew that Senior Brother Lin was coming to look for you, so I followed by the way." Lin Feng nodded.

  He also has a good relationship with Mamadi, although, Mamadi has never taught him anything seriously, because he... does not know much.

  However, when he was on the mountain, when Mama went down to the mountain for a tooth sacrifice, he would never forget him.

  Even if Lin Feng was busy practicing and couldn't follow him, Ma Ma would pack it for him and bring it back.

  Lin Feng never forgot the friendship among them.

  "You kid, I heard you got into trouble?"

  Don't look at the fact that Ma Ma Di doesn't usually fall off, and is not popular among the brothers and sisters, but in the end, he is also an old fried dough stick in Maoshan, and he naturally has news channels.

  "What trouble, those guys are jealous of my talent."

  "Haha, you kid." Mamadi is also a carefree person, so he didn't mention it immediately, and stretched his head to look behind Lin Feng: "Hey, where is Lin Jiu, where did he die?"

  "We live in the small courtyard at the back, and Senior Brother Lin is preparing food and drinks below. The three of us Senior Brothers haven't seen each other for so long, so we shouldn't have a good drink."

  "I can't afford to go to the house, but I have to spend a lot of money to build a small courtyard. Lin Jiu is so full to support." Ma Ma Di looked unhappy, but he was dissatisfied with the movements of his feet, and he was about to lift his legs. go down.


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