Lin Feng was speechless, but he also knew that the two senior brothers would not deal with each other.

  "Hey, the two nephews, let's get together."

  "Yes, they haven't seen your little uncle, they have to get to know you."


  Soon, Lin Jiu took Ma Ma Di, A Qiang, and A Hao downstairs to the small courtyard behind.

  The higher price is beneficial, the environment is better, and in addition, it is spacious and convenient. At the moment, there are some cold dishes in the store, which can be eaten when they are served. Therefore, a full table is ready at this time.

  "Uncle Master."

  "Uncle Master."

  Both A Qiang and A Hao had seen Lin Jiu, so they quickly stepped forward to say hello.

  "Well, sit down." Lin Jiu nodded, raised his hand to signal, and didn't care about the numbness.

  "Humph! I didn't come when I was working, and now that I'm done, why are you still here?" Seeing Lin Jiu ignoring him, he suddenly became angry.

  "If you don't have the skills, don't pick up customers like this. Help. I'm fine all day, so I'll help you every day?"

  "Cut... if you don't come to help, my customers haven't been sent back completely."

  Seeing that the two of them were arguing as soon as they met, Lin Feng quickly pulled him down and sat down: "'Come on, come on, fix one first."

  Everyone raised their glasses and drank one, and the atmosphere at the scene eased a little.

  However, when Lin Jiu asked the question in his heart, the current atmosphere became solemn again.

  "Mumidi, among your customers this time, is there a customer named Nintendo?"

  He always remembered what Lin Feng mentioned just now, that is, Nintendo is the old man of the Ren family in this town.

  The Ren family hangs white lanterns, waiting for Nintendo to return.

  As soon as Lin Jiu finished speaking, Ah Hao, who was drinking tea, changed his face.

  "What are you doing?" Seeing Ah Hao like this, Ma Ma immediately got angry.

  But he felt that Ah Hao's appearance made him very embarrassed.

  "Cough cough cough... choked on the tea... Master, the two uncles, I'll go out and clean up first." Ah Hao is also a clever ghost. Knowing that the situation is not right, he quickly finds a way to get away.

  "Go, oh, wait, take two drumsticks back to eat."

  Naturally, Lin Feng knew what Ahao's abacus was playing, and he also knew that he stayed here. He was afraid that he would be beaten when he waited for a while.

  After all, when I came here, I drank a sip of wine and didn't catch any dishes, which is not to blame.

  "Xie Shishu, Xie Shishuzhuang."

  Ah Hao was instantly grateful, and hurried away with the drumstick in his hand.

  "Uncle, you even know the names of our customers. You are truly amazing." Ah Qiang complimented Lin Jiu by the side.

  On the side, Ma Madi became more and more unhappy: "Lin Jiu, you..."

  "There really is one called Nintendo." Lin Jiu raised his eyebrows and interrupted Ma Madi's words, "Then Nintendo, is it the old man of the Ren family in the whole town?"

  "Master, you are truly divine!"

  Ah Qiang was stunned, but he didn't expect that Lin Jiu could even figure it out.

  "Lin Jiu, how do you know this?"

  Ma Ma on the side was also stunned.

  These things, although not secret, but not everyone knows. .

Chapter 99

  Lin Feng really got it right.

  Lin Jiuyi raised his eyebrows: "Mumidi, you have made a big disaster, do you know?"

  "Cause trouble?" Ma Ma didn't know why, "What trouble did you make?"

  "Yes, Uncle Shi, what's going on?" Ah Qiang was also confused.

  "Did you hear the low roar of the zombies in the mountains in the middle of the night?" Lin Jiu said with a stern face.

  "I heard it, it seems that there are more than one, but what does this Yamanaka Ye Zong fight have to do with me?"

  Ma Ma was shocked. He originally wanted to let Lin Jiu come to deal with the wild zombie in the mountains. At this moment, he didn't mention it, but Lin Jiu mentioned it first, which made him feel a little flustered for no reason.

  "What does it have to do with you? Ma Ma Di, let me tell you, this matter has a lot to do with you. That zombie killing people in the mountains is Nintendo."

  Lin Jiu looked at Ma Ma Di with an expression of hating iron. He was ignorant and careless for a day, his customers ran away, and he became a zombie and harmed everyone without knowing it.

  Such a bastard is simply embarrassing to Mao Shan. If it weren't for his own senior brother, he would definitely have turned his face long ago.

  "How is it possible, that Nintendo, obviously in the middle of the night, was sent back to Ren's house by Ah Hao." Ma Ma was unhappy: "Also, the zombies in the mountains, I can tell from the sound, at least they are jumping stiffly. Bar."

  "Are you sure, Ah Hao sent Nintendo back to Ren's house?"

  Lin Jiu sneered, if it wasn't for Nintendo remembering his name, and Lin Feng went to Ren's house and retrieved Nintendo's beloved thing, he wouldn't believe that a mere walking corpse could be seen in just one night. In time, it will turn into a black zombie whose combat strength is comparable to that of a jumping zombie.

  "Naturally, I know this kid Ah Hao..."

  This is an important matter, and of course Ma Ma instinctively chose to trust his apprentice.

  "Senior brother, we just overcame a black zombie in the mountains. That black zombie is indeed the old man of Renfu in this town, Nintendo."

  Lin Feng interjected.

  The truth of the matter is where it is, and I should say it early, so that the two brothers will not continue to quarrel and hurt the peace.

  "I just said, why did that guy run away?" Ma Ma Di's face suddenly became cold, he could not believe Lin Jiu, but he would not disbelieve Lin Feng.

  Immediately, his face was ashen, and he looked at Aqiang: "Go, call that guy Ahao to me."


  Upstairs, Ah Hao nestled on the bedside, nibbling on chicken legs.

  However, because there is something in my heart, the usual delicious food is tasteless at this moment.

  The Nintendo thing seems to be exposed.

  When the matter reaches Master's ears, if it is usually beaten, it is absolutely unavoidable.

  I just hope that this time Master can lift it up and put it down gently for the sake of the two uncles.

  "Ahao, your kid is finished." Aqiang pushed the door in, gloating over the misfortune, "Let's go, Master invites you to come over."

  "I..." Ah Hao hesitated.

  "Hey, don't think about running, the two uncles are here. If you dare to run this time, the master will definitely break your legs."

  A Qiang warned that in the past, when they got into trouble, they would sneak out and hide for a while, and then come back when the anger subsided.

  However, they also know Mamadi and have a good face. Now that there are two uncles here, if Ah Hao dares to run away, it means that he has no way to follow Mamadi.

  If this is the case, let alone breaking the leg, I am afraid that it is possible to directly clear the portal.

  "If you don't run, don't run, if you do something wrong, you will stand at attention and be beaten. I still have this awareness."

  With a bitter face, Ah Hao reached out and patted Ah Qiang on the back, and unknowingly, he pasted a avatar on it.



  After dawdling, Ah Hao walked into the courtyard again with a bitter face.

  Without waiting for Ma Ma to speak, he knelt down with a plop, revealing Ma Ma's supreme authority.

  Seeing that Ahao, who can't be lost on weekdays, is so knowledgeable, the anger in Ma Ma Di's heart decreased slightly: "Tell me, what's going on with Nintendo?"

  "Master, when I sent that Nintendo, on the way, I fell into the trap of a hunter, fell on a tree, and fainted. When I woke up, the Nintendo was gone."

  Ah Hao was crying, his first chance to be on his own was messed up like this, and he was also very painful.

  "You stinky brat, you didn't tell me that it was stolen, and you dared to come back and lie to me that it had been delivered."

  Anxious, he picked up the stool and tried to smash. Of course, he did this entirely for Lin Jiu and Lin Feng to see.

  Although these two apprentices are not good at craftsmanship, they are not very successful, but they are willing to do any work. On weekdays, he also uses them smoothly, so naturally it is impossible to kill them.

  Otherwise, if it breaks down, you will have to pay medical bills and delay your work. Isn't this looking for trouble for yourself?

  At this time, Lin Feng also understood Ma Ma Di's intentions very well, and grabbed Ma Ma Di: "Senior brother, forget it!"

  On the other hand, Ah Hao saw this posture and fell down very cooperatively. However, this fake action was done a little earlier, and as a result, the person fell down, but the chair did not fall.

  And with Ah Hao's fall, outside the door, afraid of being hit by a pond fish, he didn't dare to come in. Ah Qiang, who was standing outside eavesdropping, was caught off guard and fell directly in.

  Immediately, the atmosphere in the room froze.

  "This kid, he dares to play such tricks at such a time, so he really should be taught a lesson."

  On the side, Lin Feng, who is familiar with the plot, can see at a glance that this is the trick used by this kid Ah Hao.

  However, he remained silent.

  Because, it seems that he doesn't need to do anything for the time being, just watch the play quietly.


  Ahao's face changed slightly, he quickly stepped forward and helped Aqiang: "Senior brother, why are you so careless?"

  "I... I don't know what's going on, it seems that someone pushed me..." Ah Qiang scratched his head, his face confused.

  "You two stinky brats, you can't get rid of it all day long, okay, get out of here, I'll discuss with you two uncles, how to deal with this."

  He waved his hands numbly and sent the two away.

  Ah Hao was relieved.

  But I know that this hurdle should be over.

  Immediately, he dragged Ah Qiang and walked out.

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