However, just as the two of them stepped out of the room with half a foot, they called out again.

  "and many more!"

  "Master, is there anything else?"

  "It's okay, let's go, I'll take you two up."

  Stepping forward, he ripped off the talisman paper on Ah Qiang's back and turned to look at Lin Feng and Lin Jiu: "You drink first, I'll come when I go."


Chapter 100

  After half a stick of incense, Ma Ma Di came back.

  "Lin Jiu, Lin Feng, it's true that I screwed up this matter. However, the matter has come to this point. The most important thing is to quickly find a solution, right?"

  Lin Feng was here, and Ma Ma Di was also a bachelor, and directly admitted his mistake.

  "Just now, didn't you say that Nintendo was surrendered by you, you see, or we will send Nintendo back tomorrow night."

  "Send it back? He's turned into a black skeleton. Will sending it back hurt anyone?"

  Lin Jiu glared at him numbly, but he got angry just looking at this guy.

  "We can bury him first, and then dig him up and dispose of him at night." He rolled his eyes and thought of a way.

  In the original plot, he played like this, but in the end he almost killed himself.

  "For a big family like the Ren family, the cemetery must have been carefully selected. The old man was buried in it, not to eat dry food, but to suppress the luck of the family. After you turned the corpse into Nintendo, you buried it. Immediately, it will ruin the luck of other people's families."

  Lin Jiu shook his head, it was because they were wrong, they lost the old man, and the old man turned into a corpse.

  If you know your mistakes and make mistakes, and continue to pit the family, is it not doing the right thing.

  At least, Lin Jiu couldn't do such a thing, nor would he allow Ma Ma to do such a thing.

  "This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, so what are you talking about?" Ma Ma was very irritable.

  "I said how to do it, Ma Ma Di, this is what you did, okay? If you are not good at learning, don't mess with it. Now let's make something happen."

  The two are really at odds with each other, and neither of them can get used to the other. In the blink of an eye, they quarreled again.

  "Tomorrow night, send Nintendo back to deal with it first, goodbye to the machine, let the Ren family change the cemetery, everyone work hard, find a suitable land around to build a tomb, and then find a way to steal the beam and replace the column, and bury the empty coffin inside. "

  Lin Feng opened his mouth and said the most suitable method he could think of.

  The matter has come to this point, we can only find a way to remedy it as much as possible, so the only way to do this is.

  Because he was reluctant to extract Nintendo's corpse qi and resentment and turn it into a corpse again.

  After all, this Nintendo is a serious zombie king seed.

  "That's the only way." Lin Jiu nodded: "Fortunately, Lin Feng was proficient in corpse control and restrained the Nintendo in time. Otherwise, the Nintendo would really become a climate. We Maoshan this time, we don't know how to carry it on our backs. What a great cause.

  No, that Nintendo has already become a climate, numbly, you have to really thank Lin Feng, if it weren't for his great ability, this matter would have really been a big deal. "

  "Lin Jiu, why do I get confused by what you said? Isn't it just black and stiff, with such an evil voice?"

  Ma Ma was a little confused, this Nintendo was only lost tonight, and in less than a night, it has turned into a blackhead. This thing is already evil enough.

  Now, listening to Lin Jiu's tone, it seems that there is an inside story behind this matter.

  "Do you know what Lin Feng's cultivation is now?" Lin Jiu sold off.

  "Didn't someone in the division say that he is already an archmage? What, Lin Feng, is it possible that you have become an archmage?"

  He frowned numbly and looked at Lin Feng.


  Lin Feng grinned, and a trace of the aura that belonged to the archmage emanated from himself.


  Ma Ma sucked in a breath of cold air, with a ghostly expression: "That is to say, there are rumors in the teacher's school that you are practicing sorcery, is it true?"

  "Well, there's no way. If you can't practice Mao Shanshu, you have to find another way out." Lin Feng shrugged needlessly.

  "You stinky boy, what kind of sorcery is it that allows you to cultivate from an ordinary person to an archmage in less than two months?"

  His eyes reflected lightly, thinking that he had been cultivating all his life, and now he is just a mage.

  Originally, there was a junior junior brother who couldn't cultivate at the bottom, but now it is good, the junior junior disciple also ran in front of him all at once.

  "Why, do you have an idea too?"

  A strange color flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, but he noticed that Ma Madi also seemed to be interested in sorcery.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

  Ma Ma nodded: "Look at me, I have been practicing hard for most of my life, and I am only a little mage. If you want me to think about it, I am afraid that Maoshan art is not suitable for me. If I go the other way, I may be able to mix it up in my life. Archmage."

  "You're just lazy." Lin Jiu said mercilessly: "People are lazy, no matter if you practice Maoshan art or so-called sorcery, it won't work. Besides, Lin Feng is being hunted by his master, so do you? try?"

  "I...let's forget it. My old arms and legs are no better than young people. I can't stand the toss." He waved his hands numbly.

  "Lin Feng is an archmage who is proficient in corpse refinement. He has abolished the power of nine bulls and two tigers, and only then won the Nintendo. You said, if there is no Lin Feng this time, will this matter become a big problem? "

...... 0

  "This...a black head...the Archmage shot, it's still not easy to catch."

  Ma Madi still has a lot of accomplishments in the corpse-hunting technique, and naturally he knows that those who are proficient in corpse refining have much more means to deal with zombies than corpse-driving carpenters.

  "Then Nintendo has mutated, and most of the magic techniques and instruments that are specially used to target zombies, such as the Great General Talisman, Bagua Mirror, and Peach Wood Sword, are ineffective against him.

  Moreover, he has become refined, and his intelligence is not low. Otherwise, if he is an ordinary black stiff, if I make a move, I will naturally be able to suppress it by turning my hand. "

  Lin Feng explained.

  "I'm not afraid of spells and instruments, and I'm fine."

  Ma Ma couldn't help taking a deep breath.

  He knew that it was impossible for Lin Feng and there was no need to deceive himself on this kind of thing.

  This time, as Lin Jiu said, if there is no Lin Feng, things will be troublesome.

  "Fortunately, I discovered it early, then Nintendo has not yet become a climate, otherwise, if it is repaired and jumped, I may not be able to win.

  Well, let's not mention this for the time being. It's not so easy for our brothers and sisters to get together now. Come, come, drink. "


  The three of them drank freely until the rooster crowed, and then went back to the house to sleep.

  The next day, at noon, a bat flew into the house and woke up Lin Feng.Mountain.

Chapter 101


  When Lin Feng woke up, he heard the bat whispering in his ear.

  But it was the Queen Mother in the forest outside the town, who was using bats to spread the word.

  The main idea is to ask how to arrange the next step, about how long they will stay here, and if they stay for a long time, can they go into the town to buy some daily necessities.

  "Oh, it's too pitiful to stay in the mountains and forests all the year round and dare not show up. However, with their current attire, if they enter the town directly, I'm afraid it will cause panic."

  Lin Feng thought about it for a while, but he had an idea.

  He sent the bats back, and asked Wang Po and the others to find a water source that could be used for washing, while he got up to wash and went out, found a ready-to-wear store, and was going to buy Wang Po and the others clothes to put on, so that they could change their faces.

  "Guest officer, what would you like?"

  As soon as he entered the store, someone greeted him, but Lin Feng's eyes were suddenly attracted by a beautiful figure in front of him.

  The upper body is a rare white shirt in this era to accompany the small vest, the lower body is a black floral skirt, and there are two braids on the head. It wasn't Ren Zhuzhu who robbed him of the pocket watch last night.

  "I'll take a look first."

  So fateful!

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up, he waved to the clerk beside him, and walked straight up.

  Ren Zhuzhu came to the store to customize clothes. After measuring the size and explaining some details to the tailor, she was preparing to go home.

  As soon as she turned around, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but glance at a man who had just entered the store.

  The man's height is estimated to be about [-] meters. He looks thin and looks good.

  However, Ren Zhuzhu has a lot of knowledge in the provincial capital. What kind of young talent has never been seen before? If this man is only based on his body and appearance, he is considered the top among the people she has met, but he is still not enough. To the point of admiration for her.

  What really attracted her was Lin Feng's temperament. That figure, which obviously didn't look strong on the outside, gave her a wild feeling.

  At the same time, the faint smile on his face naturally carried an evil spirit, which made her heartbeat speed up inexplicably.

  Moreover, this person gave her a familiar feeling, as if she had seen it somewhere.

  However, she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

  Just as she was stunned, the man had already walked in front of her.

  "Girl, do you smell something strange?" Lin Feng came to Ren Zhuzhu's side, took a deep breath, and frowned.

  "No, what does it taste like?"

  Seeing that Lin Feng had something to do with it, Ren Zhuzhu was a little stunned. Could it be that there is something wrong with him?

  No, when I woke up, I obviously took a shower.

  "After seeing you, the air seems to be sweeter."

  Lin Feng was intoxicated, as if the surrounding air was really honey.


  "You are so funny." Ren Zhuzhu laughed.

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